what was your favorite dark souls game?
Favorite game
demon's souls is the best souls
DS2 isn't THAT bad.
what was the hardest one?
Personal opinion.
Call it jumping on the bandwagon, memeing, trying to fit in etc... I just didn't like it and throughout the entire thing I couldn't shake the thought of "what the fuck did they do???", the pre-release downgrade that didn't get disclosed before release also helped along with the disappointment.
Depends what you consider hard.
Bloodborne if you're a sword and board/slow and steady player, since it's faster and no shields.
DeS, DaS and DaS2 have vastly OP magic. DaS and DaS2 have OP armour, especially with poise. DeS has mountains of healing grass.
Maybe DaS3? From a purely objective standpoint.
Bloodborne definitely if we're counting all optional content, since the defiled chalice dungeons or FRC dungeons will fuck up most people.
Dark Souls 3. Come at me.
>Dark Souls 3. Come at me.
Nah, you'll just keep rolling away and summoning people.
Demon's Souls
I'd probably say it's the best, simply because it's the most complete out of all of the ones I've played, has perfect pacing and very few low points (5-2 is bad, but you can literally run past everything straight to the shortcut, and then take your time). That, and the jump from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls wasn't really that big. Dark Souls is almost the same game, with some moderate improvements to shit like upgrading.
That said, I still haven't played 3, so I don't know how it stacks up.
top kek
fight me
She's drawing the world of their new game, right?
It felt like someone made a mod of dark souls. Some areas were amazing, while others felt rushed and incomplete. The entire game was incredibly inconsistent. Some npcs were well done while others felt like restored cut content.
Bloodborne is my favourite modern From ARPG
Demon's is my favourite Souls game
I guess 3 is my favourite Dark Souls game
She's drawing the final solution to the Fire vs. Dark meme, which is to fuck off in some painting while the real world is destroyed forever and ever.
Demon's Souls falls short for me mostly due to the poor implementation of tendency, even if it was a good idea. Too many healing items and most of all, item burden.
Also the inability to get forgiven by NPCs could mean an accidental controller fall being the end of your storage for the entire game, which happened to my friend. Easy considering how shitty the DS3 triggers are.
I also prefer being able to level up at a bonfire compared to all the other games requiring you to sit through several loading screens just to level up. World 5-2 is also complete bullshit.
I always found the attempts at roleplaying aspects in Souls quite shit. Bloodborne focused on the strength of Souls, namely level design and combat encounters; and it was all the better for it. The shift from medieval dark fantasy to more neo-gothic enviroments and lovecraft influences also made the game feel more unique.
King's Field. Anyone who says otherwise is a god damned underage newfag not deserving of life who should, after killing themselves, kill their selves and everyone around them in a fucking inferno for being a retarded underaged "human." Fucking retards.
It's the only one I like all the way through. Plus I like Boldwin over all the other blacksmith's in the series.
Is this The Most Sup Forums Post of the Week?
How do you kill yourself after killing yourself?
>king's field
Yeah nah, come back when you've played Eternal Ring
Eternal Ring was a shitty rip off you god damned mongrel. Fuck off and kill those two while you're at it.
>DaS 2
>OP armour
Not really. Poise is weak and all you get is nerfed havel's ring. I think it had a nice balance.
Dark Souls 1
Either Dark Souls 1 or Demon's Souls
Dark Souls 2
>Best Boss
I loved des, ds and bloodborne.
Granted, poise isn't as bad as in DaS1, but the fact that you can upgrade armour like Havels is ridiculous. The amount of protection some of the armour allows is ludicrous.
I always forget about item burden. Yeah, that was definitely a good thing to get rid of.
Tendency doesn't bug me much, though, because once you figure it out it's really simple. Beat demons for white. Die for black. Got it.
Dark souls > Bloodborne > Dark souls 2 = Demon's souls >>>> Dark souls 3
Been playing the series since the european release of demon's souls. Dark souls 3 is the biggest dissappointment I've had with videogames in years.
DaS1 or DeS
When it was new, I liked DaS3 the most but when it comes to pvp and invading, it's the worst fucking Souls game, absolute cancer.
Still played it for 500hrs because the only real fun in online is solo hosting in irithyll with dried finger, while also using a blue covenant for more mayhem.
There are times when it becomes 3vs1 against you but it's fun running around and trying to survive, maybe even manage to kill them all since you do have health and estus advantage. Best case scenario you get 3 invaders and 2 blue summons, it's total chaos.
DaS1 > BB > DeS = DaS3 > DaS2 SoTFS > DaS2
My opinion. I still think Demon's Souls has the best atmosphere though.
I didn't see anything wrong with item burden. An adventurer would only take what's necessary. There isn't a reason for storage to exist anymore past DeS and that bothers me more honestly.
>who should, after killing themselves, kill their selves
Call me a turbo shitter, but I loved DS2 and hated DS3.
DS2 is flawed, and there are things I will never defend in it. But the sheer variety and the fun that weapons can bring you is astounding. I loved the PvP, loved powerstancing, loved boss weapons being good, and loved NG+ and beyond.
Roll Souls 3: Prepare to Summon edition though is garbage, good for one run and no more. The PvP and invasions are atrocious, the world is extremely linear (coupled with virtually no NG+ changes), and they kept nerfing all the fun stuff(motherfuckers nerfed the Spears, I still won't forget it). Literally the only fun the game has now are boss invasions, and that's on a timer till a patch.
Just imagine.
DeS is my favorite because I played it first.
BB is objectively the best.
DkS1 is pleb's choice.
DkS2 is contrarian's choice.
DkS3 is retard's choice.