Why does this game have a 10/10 rating everywhere?
Why does this game have a 10/10 rating everywhere?
The only people that buy virtual novels love virtual novels.
Because retarded waifufaggots praise everything with cute girls in it. This novel is shit """""plot""""wise and characterwise.
babby's first VN
Paid reviews, it's shit
bcause venezuela dev bros really deserved that money
They've put guy from seinfeld with some meme lines in the game because US, FOUR CHENNERS WILL GET IT XDDDD
cause it's an enjoyable game with great music and an interesting atmosphere
They still owe us those lewds.
Weebs are the only ones buying it and weebs are also the same people who will think a game is a 10/10 masterpiece if it has a boner-giving anime girl
Even if that was true it does not justify a 10/10 rating
>cause it's an enjoyable game with great music and an interesting atmosphere
hehe its funny because theres no gameplay but you call it a game
because Sei is the best thing to come out of Vidya lately
making drinks and managing your budget changes the outcomes of dialogue, a couple of events, and endings
yeah I agree. it's a good game but not 10/10. I love it nonetheless
Because fun things are fun.
Also Dorothy best girl.
>good music
>robot loli slut
probably waifufags and people who stick around because they like the aesthetic and music
Its super appealing on a superficial level but once you actually buy and play it you'll see that its all facade, there's no pay off and the story turns into straight up garbage
What's your favorite song from the OST guys?
Even the music didn't really do it for me compared to other indie titles, the bar is pretty high now.
Glad to see no shilling in the thread and hate instead like this game deserves.
Story is decent but the music is fucking great
I want to marry Jill!
Venezuela made the games, but who will make the porns? Apparently Japs has no idead this exists.
it's a cozy game
This. No one would give a fuck about this game if it didn't have waifus and yurishit.
Yeah even then it was kinda mediocre. There's a couple tracks that I loved but even they got old by now since the rest of the soundtrack was pretty unremarkable and the same 6 songs were on repeat the whole game long
Eh, still has the visuals and music to fall back on. But considering it's a VN, those kind of things stand out more than usual as a potential appeal anyways. And even then, most of the cast isn't even yuri tier, it's just the MC and a couple others like Betty and MAYBE Stella at a stretch.
game done with passion, fanservice and good gameplay (for a VN). Is it hard to understand why is good? Maybe you are playing too many shit games and forget the feeling of playing something good.
>and the same 6 songs were on repeat the whole game long
You can buy new songs in-game and make your own playlist.
Yeah and only ~6 songs really stuck with me so I listened to them, pretty much on repeat
>tfw actually BOUGHT the game after pirating it first, then BOUGHT the soundtrack aswell
I feel so fucking stupid now, the game fizzles out so hard and the soundtrack is full of filler aswell.
Did venezuelan goverment throw the devs into jail already?
It's time to mix drinks and change lives.
weebs like it
It's not even Japanese.
same as any other game like it - waifus
it really is that simple
It was made by wannabe weebs for wannabe weebs.
Ironic weeb core.
>wannabe weebs
>wannabe wannabe japanese
I really wanted to like this, but i was so damn disappointed when it suddenly ended on me out of nowhere. I thought the dead girlfriend thing was a side plot, not the main plot. Everything else was so much more interesting.
>Sup Forums
>a bunch of wannabe weebs
Checks out.
Waifus and pixelated artstyle. Game is pure garbage though.
Dude the game was presented in the bitsummit in japan one month ago, and was nominated by suda51 for the game of the event.
>Venezuela made the games, but who will make the porns?
Sad desperate foreigners, Like they always do. You think the Taiwanese do shit but wait to be nuked or invaded?
Game began when you got the letter and ended with Jill's closure on the matter. Honestly, I wouldn't even say the game was ever plot driven so much as character driven.
I actually mute the music and just listen to 2048 instead
>tries moving to Japan for a job
>the authorities refuse to let him leave because he's a cultural content creator
socialism/communism is so good you have to forcibly stop people leaving
I sincerely hope this mean the next comic market will be filled with drawings of a robotic sex doll on Jill.
Yeah, where the hell is the Jill/Dorothy?
not yet.
no news since april though.
It's not a great game but it's a great visual novel. The money managing isn't that complex and the drinks equal the choices you would normally make in a VN.
I'm craving the santa scene.
For what reasons? Just making one game made he that famous?
Probably. They made something unique and interesting, and made money, therefore are enemies of the state.
>Make something good
>Forgeiners pay you in dollarydoos for it, which are FAR more valuable and stable than the currency of your decaying economy
>Can't leave because you're bringing money into the country
Must feel preety sad desu.
>next comiket
>implying there will be another comiket
Praise your Gaijin overlords, they're coming to ruin everything you like, just as prophesied.
>implying there will be another comiket
Do you know something I don't?
Thank you for your hot take, I will put it in the trash with the others.
Because it was supported and advertised by shits like Anita and her little "charity", even streaming the game for them a few times. And as we know, if you bow to the SJWs they'll take care of their own.
I agree with Matthewphimosis' or whatever review
wat? source?
I want to get rejected by Jill and have to settle for a night with Dorothy.
What does this supposed to mean? I'm sure even Olympic can't stop dojinshi.
It's just shitposting for now.
They will be closing Tokyo Big Sight for construction due Olympics, so Comiket won't be happening THERE for an estimate of six editions or so (3 years). Anything else aside this would be projection on my part.
It's a somewhat decent VN that somehow broke out and got popular among people who don't usually play VNs. These people enjoy a story, even when it's 90% in writing, and they're as surprised as anyone by this fact. So they attribute their enjoyment to the VN's supposed exceptional quality, instead to the fact they just spent several hours reading about halfway compelling characters.
See also: Pyre, KS.
user, i don't even Anita.
why should i care ?
The twitter is still alive, though I don't know if the devs manage it or someone else
drink petrol
Whew don't scare me like that.
Stop giving her power. By acknowledging her as a gatekeeper, you fuel her. She doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned.
>use huge amounts of a nation's resources getting an education and using the state's infrastructure
>deserve to leave making another nation's rich
WTF did they pay the reviewers in? Bolivars?
>Starving Venezuelan devs working on PC-98's
>Paid reviews
user I...
>OELVN written by fucking ESLs carried by transparent appeals to the sensibilities of young and naive weeaboos
the "people" who made this make me sick
Then that's your fault, not a fault of the game. Stop bitching.
Because of muh dank memes and wacky writing XD
I liked the game, but it was weirdly sexual, like it is supposed to be somewhat believable, but then people come in and ask Jill what's her bust size, call her "flat bartender", even ask her about her fetishes I believe, when they are what, second time customer, it kinda breaks apart. And she is not fucking flat, she has like C at very least, yeah Alma is way bigger, but she is a titty monster.
NO gameplay, no difficulty, no challenge, JUST A BUNCH OF DIALOGUE
these retards played the "We're bad at making games but we acquired good grades in our English classes back in highschool, so let's make a game based only on talking." Card.
And people bought it.
This game makes Ride To Hell: Retribution look like a 5/5 game.
Nigga it's a VN. What were you expecting, and why was it something other than a VN?
it's set in the 2080's my dude
compare sexuality in 2017 to sexuality in the 1950s
Well obviously it's set in a 2080 that isn't a part of BEST TIMELINE where the God Emperor is bringing us back to wholesome Christian morals PRAISE KEK DEUS VULT.
What the hell's a VN? This is GAME thread on a GAME board. If this isn't a game, G This crap TFO this board.
Yet in-game image board still uses the same lingo as Sup Forums. Like, were people REEEEEing back in 2005? I am pretty sure they weren't.
>gameplay is shit
>story is shit
At that point can it even be called a game? All I see from the nu-Sup Forums is muh atmosphere, what the fuck? I get the devs are from a shitty commie hell hole but objectively this fails as a game
Fun characters and a great soundtrack made it a pretty great experience, even if the main storyline itself is lacking.
because anytime that starts playing, the lovable ball of cancer comes out
can I play as a male bartender?
If not, I can't self insert and the whole premise of the game is pointless
It even fails as a VN. The story is shit, the ending is shit.
You know what also has a good soundtrack AND good gameplay and story?
The WipEout series.
It's a 10/10 game.
Fuck off retard
because it's relatively novel by western market standards, it's set in a cyberpunk setting that is a pleasant mixture of dark, familiar and relatable and it approaches it from a comfy angle.
What did he say about it? I'm not listening to his accent for 40 minutes
>Praise Kek and Deus Vult in the same sentence
Are you clinically retarded?
I pretty much hate VNs, especially because retards like the OP think they're games, when they're clearly not.
They're really just a story.