Sonic Mania Launch thread

Release for Switch when

>He didn't get the PS4 version

Why is he such a fucking faggot and why do people like him?

it's already out for the switch though

and it's awesome

Because he appeals to 13 year olds

Tyson is too good for this world


>still at least 20 minutes until Switch launch
I hate NoA.

>tfw Switch security was so shit it was leaked early on switch
>but also the eShop is so shit it still hasn't properly released on switch
The STATE of Nintendo.

This isn't video games.

okay guys, sonic noob here with a question
when I'm going through the designated fast sections a lot of the time I hold forward and end up losing momentum cause I'll rapidly change directions in a loop or whatever
am I supposed to hold no direction to avoid this?

Nigga, this is the new sonic mania thread how.


11 minutes boyo


>the yellow ball enemy gets progressively sadder as you destroy his orbiting balls
holy fuck this game

Go into a ball as often as you can
If you want to run through a loop, just keep holding the direction you were initially going, the loop ultimately keeps you running in the same direction anyway

>Went too far into the OSTverse because I can't play Mania til tomorrow
>Found myself listening to Crush 40 shit
>Can't deny my huge nostalgia for it
So, for the vocals of the Generations version of Open Your Heart, is that just Johnny Gioeli's voice edited or did he come back to sing new parts just for the remix? It sounds like all-new inflection and he's the only one credited.

>e-celeb thread

no I mean stuff like the blue ramps in chemical plant, where you get bounced in opposite directions really fast


I've never played a Sonic game before
Should I buy Mania?

I get sad when people bust my balls, too.

Another e-celeb thread? Sup Forums is truly dead.

No. Old threads about to die. We're running this Arin thread now. Sonic has taken over. It'll be in user. No manchild e celeb, only sonic.

Because most people aren't broken cynics.

If it's what I think you mean, just stay in ball form

why's he gotta be pissy about it?

guys what if it's supposed to release at 2am pst

E-celeb =/= video games
No matter how much you trick yourself into thinking it.

>Arin decides to double the Sonic hate for some reason the last few weeks
>turns out it was all contrived by SoA to make Mania look even better if Arin liked it.
>Arin will probably say Forces is his favorite game of the last ten years.

It's some tweet by one of your e-celebs. This isn't video games, I've been hurt in the past.

Who could defeat enraged Nintendo Wojack in a fight?

Then I'm going to bed.

Because he's "le grump"

Is it coming out at 3am EST?


arin is the person who runs the sonic the hedgehog twitter

When's the game launching on Switch again?

No he doesn't, but he personally knows the person who does.

Because he said in one Game Grumps episode that 2D Sonic is outdated.

DSP is based tho


12 PM EST more likely, that's when the Eshop usually updates.

supposedly in 5 minutes ???


Holy fuck, Oil Ocean Act 2 was amazing.

Fuck you Tyson is great

If you like 2D platformers, sure. Mania is all the best stuff of the series distilled and refined. And you have the added benefit of having everything being new to you.

>Several perfectly fine Mania threads
>Now all over because some idiot thought it was smart to use a tweet as the opener

you mean pst

The guy who runs the Sonic twitter said the timeframe for the Switch release is 12AM-2AM, and NoA always runs things on PST time.

haha *buurp* *screams* lol lamo I'm so RANDUMB xD

Is Tyson updating Diesel at all? I was interested enough in it reading the first two chapters even if I fucking hate the main girl so far.

I get that he's been busy being rad with Sonic Mania etc... but I gotta keep reading.

It's a sonic Mania thread

Aren't e-celeb threads off-topic?

nice post Sup Forumsrother

>Want to keep playing but have work at 9 and have to leave at 7

Maybe I should call in sick

reminder to go into video settings and switch to the crt sharp filter if you want to orgasm with your eyes

Fuck off with your e-celeb garbage.

Yeah, but this is a Sonic Mania thread.

I thought sonic was sucking arin's dick while arin looks grumpy because of how it was cut off

quit sameposting. talk about the game or fuck off m8

It's a Sonic mania thread

look at this RANDUMB and ECKS DEE dude haha amirite lole :))))

don't do it dude sonic can wait

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

The only people talking about ecelebs are the people calling this an eceleb thread, kill yourselves

this is a new type of cancer

E-celeb containment board when?

Is it actually going up on US eshop now? Should I just try to sleep?

You'll only feel guilty all day. When you actually need to call in sick, you'll lose credibility.

I don't think this autistic child is associated with me.

>poster count doesn't go up

It's up user, downloading now

Yep just bought it

Its up

It's out, guys. Wouldn't wanna get in the way of the eceleb shitposting from both sides, but figured I should inform.

What a fucking phenomenal game
Its like classic sonic but concentrated into pure ecstasy


Fuck yes!

E-celeb threads are not allowed. Fuck off.

It's finally mother fucking out on the switch. See you fucking fags later.

It's up boys. Downloading it rn.

>poster count doesn't go up

You're only making it worse by continuing to not shut the fuck up about it. Stupid faggot.

el oh el this e-celeb said a funy!!!!!!
wow so high lair re us haha duuuurp!

Ahhh!! Yes yes yes yes yes!!!



Stop liking Sonic

What if Sonic Forces ends up being the better sonic game this year

Even fucking arin hanson who hates all sonics likes it

can someone be nice enough to toss me a eshop card to buy this? i need about 1.64 minimum
please i really want this game

>all these gimmick stages
I'm having an okay time.


The drawing should have been Sonic and Arin traced over the scene where spongebob finds out Squidward likes Krabby Patties.

Sent ;)

What if both are good and sell well?

We both know it won't happen

bless you user you are a angel

wait i cant use this code i cant use Z