>Itoi advertising a PS4 release
Why would he screw nintendo over like this?
Itoi advertising a PS4 release
>even itoi likes it
just proves how contrarian Sup Forums is
Not a single playstation user knows who he is anyway so it doesn't matter.
Damn, it must feel good to have the guy you were directly inspired by to praise your work. Good for Toby.
But Sup Forums generally does like it
They just hate the fanbase for being obnoxious shitstains
The fucking man himself likes Undertale?
Sup Forums BTFO
>not posting this one
Itoi is a hack.
I would probably cry actual tears of joy if I were in Toby's position tbqh
take it back user
take it back
who is itoy anyway
Because he has no relevance on Playstation, hell I bet you they only know about earthbound through game theory.
Are you seriously a console warring loyalist faggot IRL?
He made a few SNES RPGs, but he's best known for his series of bass fishing games.
>advertising for PS4
Except it was on PC and everyone played it then. This is like when a VHS movie gets a Blu-ray release and they quote a 90s magazine article.
They are PS4 version quotes.
i like to think that sometimes toby sometimes browses this terrible place, just to see what we are up to.
toby, if you see this, good job man, this game was great.
Sup Forums doesn't like this game because Tumblr likes it. Prove me wrong.
Should I just get it for the novelty?
Undertale... in box form.
Nobody is going to prove you wrong because that is an undisputed fact.
Undertale is trash
Japanese want to play Undertale but they only use computers for shitty porn games and phones for mobage garbage so the PS4 is the only way.
i like it
Sup Forums is not one person
I've talked to Toby before, when he was still just a Homestuck guy and I liked that garbage. Seeing him get this massive popularity is a bit bizarre.
Sup Forums always means a majority of Sup Forums
I respect your opinion. I like the game myself.
Right. It just bored me to tears, took forever to get going, the gimmick of not killing things didn't really appeal to me, and the animation isn't anything special.
What the fuck is homestuck? I hear about it all the time but cant be bothered to find out.
Literally what's the difference you dumbass
Its advertising a PS4 game with people who played it on PS4, not a PC game with old quotes.
It's still quotes about the fucking game
God I hate you guys
It was a webcomic that he helped some of the art for really early on. Might not have even been art... maybe just background music for a small part.
You were complaining about the time difference. Do you even understand words?
a webcomic
I don't like this game because it was made by Homestuckfags and reeks of it. The fanbase is just the cherry on top. It's also a ripoff and plays like shit, but that's a given for indies.
Is this game actually good or have I been memed all this time
Animated gif webcomic with flash sequences. Toby did some of the music for the flashes including an earlier version of Megalovania.
MLP before MLP.