Moero Chronicle
1 day left... you're going to buy the lewdest dungeon crawler ever released in English on Steam right?
>Idea Factory already confirmed that they'll release Moero Crystal and Seven Pirate too if it sells well

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, already have it on Vita

You don't want Moero Crystal and Seven Pirate in English?

Buy it again, do it for her.

You mean for Coco, right?

And Panzers.

>own it on Vita
>buying 2 copies to give away
Doing it for Bee

this isnt just another hyperdimension neptunia copy paste, right? gameplay wise i mean.

Hmm, I actually do want Seven Pirates now that you mention it, but I want it on my vita

How much was it, $14?

No, it's a decent dungeon crawler with a lewd mini-games where you molest anime girls.

Blame ESRB, USK and Australia. Releasing only in Europe (beside Germany) doesn't really make senses for IFI.

First person Dungeon Crawler, mechanics are fighting cursed monster girls, rubbing them to remove the curse, and them joining your party. Each girl has a few different pairs of panties (their armor) that changes their stats and skills (allowing some customization in your team), as well as Moe Traits (tiny tits, cute butt, etc) that give various effects.

>only in Europe (beside Germany)
UK too probably, what with their retarded laws

>lewdest dungeon crawler ever released in English on Steam right?
Only until Mary Skelter is released.

It's lewder than Mary Skelter, otherwise it'd have been released on Vita too.

my, i will have to buy this on my vita so i can play this gem on the train

So how do these moe traits work? Is that like the natures in pokemon where you'll catch the same girl multiple times until you get the one you want or is that like the abilities where the "species" of girls determine the trait?

They're preset, each girl has one or two traits, there's only 1 of each girl throughout the game.

And how do you get the girls? In linear fashion as you progress through the game?

Does it mean we get it on the Vita too?

>Willing to lovingly caress his vita in pubic, on a crowded train

Look at this user. You casuals could learn a thing or two


Not likely.

Fuck, I really want Seven Pirate game. I'll buy it.

I'm too much of a babby to have this on my Steam. Surely Valve knows they can increase sales by having a privacy function right? Especially since only more and more lewd games are being released.

>you're going to buy the lewdest dungeon crawler ever released in English on Steam right?
No, it is fucking shit.

>muh persona in front of others
p l e b

Best girl.

Pointless then. They're going to port those anyway.

Is it actually a good dungeon crawler that has lewd elements like Demon's Gaze or Dungeon Travelers 2, or is it just a lewd delivery service with tangential dungeon crawling gameplay?

demon gaze was trash to be honest

It wasn't the best but it was ok, imho. Mediocre, imho.

>you're going to buy the lewdest dungeon crawler ever released in English on Steam right?

But I already own Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar.

Nope. Blame ESRB.

Don't think ESRB will say as much as PEGI or any country with their own ratings.

PEGI is not a problem because the max rating is 18.

You should just create an altaccount for lewd games and lewd friends.

Think you might have misread my reply. They're not likely to release it on Vita in the west because of the ESRB. Steam is their go to platform now unless they don't have to censor, which if they think is likely to happen, they won't bother submitting it.

As a Vita owner, it annoys me a bit, but also I don't care as long as they come out in some capacity to play them.

What the fuck are they doing? Why are they rubbing up and down so fast after undressing the characters ? They're not simulating a masturbation in-game, are they?

Bumping this.
How long the game is, how many different classes/skills it does have, is there any replayability? Is the combat challenging or can you just use anyone you want in party without trying to make it balanced/diverse?

They are doing exatcly what you are seeing, touching anime girls through a touch screen, but hardcore.

No, I don't buy games that use lewd content to sell because they generally use that as cover for the rest of the game being trash.
Might try it out though.

The replayability in dungeon crawlers is going through it again with a different party from start to finish

I'll pirate it. Even though I like Japanese PC releases, I don't want to support localizations. Localizations are for retards.

Poorfags need to be gassed.

Case in point.

I wonder if the guy who said he'd buy 4 extra copies went through with it.

The game is in Japanese though.

But is there an affection system where I can make them my waifu?

This game is cringy as fuck. Why don't you stop being such a loser and go do something productive instead ?

Like shitpost on Sup Forums about things I don't like?

Like posting on Sup Forums?

Kinda? You can gift them items and each pair of their panties you find increases affection with them. They also have different sets of dialog. iirc, some even talk to each other during these.

>don't want to support localization
Game is in both languages with English subs only. I mean, if you're a poorfag then stop making excuse and just say you're poor.

But can I make them my waifu?

Yes, but no, hence the "kinda"

Im playing this while I don't have money to get Moero

will it only be released on steam?
im going to pirate it if it's steam only, fuck steam

GoG hate IFI/CH games so yes.

>implying GOG would allow this game
LOL. Why not ask them specifically? They'll tell you they won't allow it because it "promotes child abuse".


Exploring the 1st floor. I think I'll have an encounter soon

Game was made before HD was a thing


who the fuck would want this kind screen ruining "gameplay"? stupid japs

Fighting some kind of terrestrial starfish. Probably made possible by magic.


I'm just warning you.

Now it makes more sense. I think the magic of this floor allows normally aquatic creatures to move and survive as if the air is water.

already played on vita. I'm just waiting for someone to upload a completed save so I could fap to running girls in hd.

If you're not sure, then the answer is probably 'no'.

>Seven Pirates

I'll buy five copies.

Sell me on this game

I know its a DC but thats it

The fuck is this? Monster girl flavor?


I'm getting it for her

Bio on Kobold for anyone wondering.

I have one serious question before I buy this. Does it have any Lamias?

>that milk part
I want her to smell my sperm!

the fuck is wrong with her lower legs


Shit, wrong pic.

How much is it going to cost?

more than a dollar

I want to molest that cunny kitty!

20 bux. 30% OFF.

As close as you're going to get.


so we're getting nude mods for this right?

I seriously hope it'll be around 20, I truly do not want to spend ~40 for this game

Yes it should be easy too.

$14 opening sale.

Likely. Vita had some nude glitches so that shouldn't be too difficult.

I have this stupid mindset that I only want to play these niche games on my PS4 or Switch, but I won't see these on those platforms.

Got some nude version for Coco or Kobold? I need them for a friend.

This, I'm his friend.

we'd have to get someone to edit the images to make them nude, but other than that it should work right

Castle Panzer is coming to PS4, in Japan at the moment. Maybe it will get ported if IF is nice.

Was tempted, checked out the info
>only features light YurixYuri

Dropped, can't be doing with that fagshit

Unfortunately I personally never encountered this glitch, but someone did do a mod for it. I need the mod to capture it on my Vita TV and I don't know where to get it or how to put it in.

Gameplay-wise, how is it compared to Etrian Odyssey?
Doing a google lead to this.

It's better than EO4 at least.

Easier, auto-mapping, more about the cute monster girls than the overall adventure.

This shit is so fucking pathetic. Seriously, even for permavirgins there should be a line anyone with at least a little bit of dignity shouldnt pass.