Smash players

>Smash players



>Smash community smells like the funk of 40,000 years

Not surprising at all

I don't understand how people don't value basic hygene. Take a goddamn shower every day for fuck sakes. I'd understand if this type of thing happened in 3rd world shit holes, but you're going to fucking malls and venues and you smell like shit? Poor hygiene is worse than any mental illness. Wash your goddamn ass.

>stinky day


>stinky day

>"stinky day"
>these fags need to be told to take a shower before going to an event
gotta love Smashfags and their party game tournaments.

Probably down to the dreaded 'tism

Some people don't need to shower as often, and sometimes showering too often can irritate the skin and cause overdrying.

That said, every other day might work for some.


I developed a mental illness in my mid 20's and my hygiene has gone down the drain. I don't even shower everyday anymore.
Though my social life has finished too, my only outings are to the shop and back.
Using my personal circumstances I can empathize.
At least i'm not a smashfag

>can't even tell them to smell good, the best they can hope for is "neutral"


Several strains of autism come with this "monkey brain" where a person is unable to prioritize their day. So routine, boring activities take a backseat to games and anime because said person is easily distracted.

t. works with autistics

Reminds me of the time I went to GameStop and they were giving away free Axe Bodywash samples.

I remember that, I still have mine.

are they all women or something? why would they need to smell good?

I doubt they're actually autistic. They probably don't use deodorant and end up sweating from being nervous.

>I developed a mental illness in my mid 20's
That's not how mental illness works most of the time.

>go to video game convention and it has a smash bros tournament
>able to smell decayed flesh before even entering the main hall
>smash bros is quarantined in a separate area behind double doors
>end up by the smash area because poor sense of direction and notice the floor has been consumed by the plague
>go to a porn convention
>attendees are mostly presentable and don't smell like a dumpster fire
>pornstars smell of soap and perfume, only know this because some actress put me in a bear hug so face was buried in titties
>ran into richard stallman and noticed he combed his beard to look slightly less hobo

what the holey hell is wrong with "gamers"?

Traumatic events can do the job. Or if you lose your job, can't find another one for a decent amount of time people can develop anxiety issues about being outside.

just off the top of my head schizophrenia, Alzheimers, dementia start after ones teen years. i'm sure there are many more that develop then as well. Things like autism don't develop that late, but mental illness is far bigger than just autism and it's variants

total schizo episode probably, really tragic, that shit can happen once out of the blue to the normalest-seeming people and then theyre fucked for life
not him tho so i dont know

All Nintendo fans are like this.

There's a big difference between fresh sweat caused by exercise/heat/nerves and the week-old stale BO on top of dirty clothes smell that permeates from GameStop/EB stores.

source on that claim?

How do none of these people not take showers? Showers are one of the only times of the day at this point where I can just relax and think about shit.

>go to a porn convention
wait, that's a thing?

yeah, we just had sexpo here in brisbane a few weekends ago. they're pretty neat. my girl and i picked up a small number of bondage items and she got a really nice corset

Except when they do...? PTSD and schizophrenia don't care much about age, and abusing drugs may lead to permanent mental illnesses, for example.


You seriously didn't know about porn conventions?

someone post the Anti twitter post with replies.

The smash scene is disgusting.

/tg/ here, Makes perfect sense that Smash players are the same sort of smelly BO riddled shits that I might encounter at my local TCG outlet

Fair's fair user.

Yeah,and they're genuinely more enjoyable than anime/vidya conventions.

I wonder if this was staged. I can't imagine a porn star having this kind of reaction considering her line of work.

I go to melee tournaments sometimes down here in Florida.
It doesnt smell like shit, it just stinks of weed. Mostly older players, a lot of +25 yrs old. They smell like booze, cigs, or weed, not much stank.

Smash4 tournaments, at the least the few Ive been to, do smell like ASS. But those have more of the smelly shits youd usually imagine when picturing this stuff. Mostly under 23 yrs old.

FGC events usually dont smell like anything since there's barely anybody there compared to smash events and the venues are a lot bigger, whereas smash people are forced into small venues like putrid sardines in a can.

its staged user cmon

Some people just lack the self awareness to realise that things like smelling bad dramatically affects how other perceive them. I'm extremely self conscious about how I smell and I shower twice a day.

He probably asked her to look like that to make a funny picture. The porn stars at these cons are all really nice.

the thought of a porn convention never crossed my mind for some reason, the only cons I get to see where I live are small internet artists cons, vidya cons or anime cons, so I just assumed cons were an art/nerdy deal, tho I shouldn't be this surprised by porn cons, I mean, furry cons are a thing.

That and everyone there is actually socially aware and competent. Porn conventions are full of people who actually know how to communicate with other humans.

I remember going to a party that one of the guys at a convention was hosting afterwards and it was fun as fuck.

you seriously have to wonder? of course it's a gag pic, dude. no pun intended.

>They probably don't use deodorant and end up sweating from being nervous.
Or just plain old body heat. Venues can get cramped or have poor ventilation.

But porn cons are a nerdy thing to a degree. It's mostly avid porn collectors and sex doll enthusiasts that go.

>tfw you go to FSU
>you attend one of the best schools of music in the country
>your friend attends a top-tier Chemistry program
>you're both into Smash

>this is how people know your town

From personal experience, they share venues a lot.

Lack of sanitation is a sign of mental illness

>please make an effort to at least smell neutral


I would only be unable to shower if I developed some sort of illness. Even at my worst points I would shower.

A few days without showing starts making me feel itchy and uncomfortable.

>Some Magic(tm) tourneyfags try to defend their unholy stench and cheetos-filled hands by saying it's to gain an edge on their opponent.

Weaponized hygiene is a thing and it's terrible.

This. A lot of the people working in adult industries seem to be really nice people for some reason.

maybe, when we went to sexpo there was a lot of educational stuff there, in addition to girls walking around in nothing but panties and bodypaint

This is not unique to Smash. Have you ever been to a local card shop? Not all are bad, but this is a very common issue.

Niche communities bring introverts out of their comfort zone and since they don't get reprimanded in their hovels for smelling of garbage and B.O. they're unaware of it as sensory adaptation has betrayed their own body.

>FGCucks stirring up shit for no reason


Technically there are conventions for everything, it's just that most of the time the hobbies or subjects are so specialized, nobody cares.

It's easy to be nice on the outside when you're dead on the inside.

Comedians do it all the time.

because they are adults, mentaly stable adults.

There was a top european smash player that to this day uses that same tactic.

Melee players do not:

>use soap or shampoo
>use deodorant/antiperspirant
>wear clean clothing
>know what a toilet is
>understand social interaction
>have respect for other games or players

In addition, one of the top Melee players cheats with a faulty controller and refuses to play when he can't use a faulty controller.

>a local card shop?
What the fuck is that shit?
Nintenbabbies are so fucking weird.

I heard jerry seinfeld was the closest to a comedian that wasn't completely dead inside and actually relatively normal

>go one day without shampoo
>hair feels like an italian man's face
curse you italian grandpa


source on that claim?

>stinky day

Went to school in Tallahassee (FSU)
My freshman year I ran into the smash group at the student center. They were there all day, every day, they never would let anyone else outside of their group near any version of smash the school had. All had shitty code names for each other. "Shark" "Hookshoot" I shit you not. Some of the worst people I've ever been around, I would not be surprised if OP's pic is directed at any of them.

No, they do, even if they think otherwise

Most melee players look like normal people. They dont smell like shit, they stink of fucking weed.
I dont know whats worse to be honest.

Console gamers. Not even once.

Nonon best girl

In what bumhole do you live where there are no comic book stores or local game shops that organize card game or board game tournaments?

yo my friend and I went to the student center one time to play. we were just casually playing and some turbo-autist joins in, mains Falco and starts destroying us and saying "man how does it feel to lose?"

the Tally scene is pretty fucking cancerous. Not necessarily the people who come for tournaments there like from the surrounding era, but local Tally people are terrible.

It's not just Smash tourneys but anime conventions, well, at least some of them.

>comic book store
That's probably what you smell like if you've ever been to one of those places, yes.

I can't imagine any self respecting pcbro, sonybro or xbro walking into such a degenerate location.

>being a neutral-fag
>not having people recognizing your scent as soon as you enter a room

Oh wait, they do. They get a whiff of shit and they know you're there.

>that one smoker at work that you can't get within 30ft of because his body stinks so bad you can't fucking breathe

Stayed away from gaming/anime clubs all through high school and now during college like the fucking plague. I'm not some super popular jock but I'm friends with enough popular/charismatic people to not sink along with that trash hole of people.

>Comic Books
>Lack of personal hygiene and general stank
The overlap here is pretty obvious I guess.

user im autistic, severe mental issues, partial homebound agoraphobic and one of these shit heads who literally will go months without bathing myself. i know i smell like shit.
but even i if im going out, i take a shower. if i am going to even gamestop i will do some basics self care and put on deodorant even if its in unwashed cloths. i dont get how some of these people cant even do that. if your autistic who never goes out then this should be a big deal and you should have the mindfulness to take the extra effort.

And grisly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom

Probably still smells better than an average smashfag.
Ashtray > Shit and Decaying Flesh

My bumhole's kept clean because I know basic hygiene. Checkmate, consolefag!

They love it if you ask to do jokey pictures like that.
What they don't like much are hoverhander, creepy types.

>lying on an anonymous west kamchatkan fishscale drying board
user we both know it's because anyone who admits to liking video games or anime in public has shit taste

That's more just cons in general

hes a massive high functioning autist whose interest isnt something horrible. not exactally normal but he can pass well

>know a comedian that tells me about his life
>honestly a pretty nasty and selfish person (twice divorced) whose only redeeming quality seems to be patience with stupid people
Not to reflect negatively on all comedians, of course.

The local I go to often doesn't have a problem with hygiene, thankfully enough. One actual problem I have with it is that like we have at least three consistent ragers that throw their controllers around when they lose in bracket. I thought this was only a thing in YouTube videos but I guess it's more widespread than I thought. I would bring it up to the TO but he's one of the ragers as well.

I think it's fucking retarded to fuck up your shit physically like that but it's their eqiupment I guess.

Knowing Smash Tourney fags they will not shower to distract the other player with their stench. And they think its a legit pro-tactic.

Smash fags literally crawl out of the wood work. They seem to do nothing but play Smash. You can be at a completely unrelated LAN party, and as soon as it somehow gets out that someone is bringing a gamecube or WiiU to play Smash on, you'll get a ton of people you've never seen before, who've never even interacted at the club showing up and sitting in a corner playing by themselves.

The only reason I don't want weed legalized is that I know I'm going to be forced to smell it in public everywhere I go. Shit fucking STINKS.

Otherwise I couldn't give a fuck, it's obviously less harmful as a drug than alcohol.

Yeah I know, that's why I never talked about anime and video games with people outside of really mainstream shit.

I stopped going to the Student center after that year. Shame. It's not an awful setup, it be pretty fun to chill out there if it didn't attract the worst people on campus. The one time they did let me my friend and I play, they would put one of us in with three of their members, focus the one of us playing and go back to playing normally after they killed us off. "Shark" would also do this fucking thing where he'd place his hands on the back of your chair and cause it rock back and forth as you played. This was also the guy that would talk to the character he was playing as. If he fucked up he would say some shit like "Oh l o l wolf you're so wild today, that's not what I told you to do"

Can confirm went to a local game store in town to see if they had good deals
>they were more expensive than GameStop and used the excuse that they are a small store and need more support to sell games at $69.99 instead of $59.99 like everyone else.

There happened to be a smash tournament going on in there and oh my god the smell. It was motherfucking horrible I wanted to gag everyone looked like they had autism. It was like 15 Chris chans from the city came together to smell and be autistic all at the same time.

People who get laid frequently are generally pleasant. For my evidence I cite Sup Forums being the opposite of pleasant.

I'm a nasty fuck that regularly goes a few days between showers, but I refuse to go anywhere I'll be around people until I've showered.

the legality of it doesn't stop any of the 420 lmao blaze-it types I know from smelling like fucking skunk