Sup Forums, I'm about to go to college and I'm pretty scared of change in my life. Since I'm borderline autistic and rely on vidya to help me feel comfy (to be fair I'm going somewhere where I don't know many people, so friends are only available phone-wise), what are some games I can get that will help me get over anxiety and occasional homesickness? Bonus points for games that don't make me look like a sperglord in front of my roommates, although apparently they're cool with playing video games. System doesn't really matter either since I'm bringing my PC and consoles are covered across the four of us
Sup Forums, I'm about to go to college and I'm pretty scared of change in my life...
Self-bump with a game that should help
Forget games, take up alcoholism, be social, make new friends.
>scared of change
College is literally high school for 20 year olds.
hey user it's your dorm mate you should really check out fallout 4
I had similar issues when I started at uni, and stardew valley definitely helped a lot
You aren't going to make it if you don't make friends.
>go into college with hopes of not having to deal with the usual bullshit from High school
>it's the same fucking thing but with older people
When do people grow up? I bet the same shit will happen once I get a job.
Popular Fighting games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat should be good enough to socialize a bit, same with stuff like Nintendo platformers, the only games that will make you look like a sperg are weeb games, turn based games and games that might look weird to other people, stuff like Freedom Planet or Shantae.
But honestly, I doubt anyone will give a shit about what you play unless it's some sort of rape simulator, just try to be yourself while keeping some restraints on the weird shit until you get to know these people.
or you could just bust out Gal*Gun VR and become the emperor of awkward weeaboos.
You're going to be surprised to find out that being the quiet, mysterious one is actually a bonus for you... At first. Everyone will think you're the smart one, or the stoic one. Let that develop as you grow more comfortable with yourself, and before they realize you're just an awkward sperg (which might be 3-4 months in) you need to break out of your shell and interact.
>Since I'm borderline autistic
drop that shit
don't regress. use all the time you have to learn to be a normalfag no matter what. get good clothes, be in decent shape and learn how to talk to people
t.31 year old person trying to not be autist.
Becoming a borderline hikki during my Sophomore to Senior year was the biggest mistake of my life. You won't believe how memorable college becomes when you actually hang out with your roommates.
please listen to this man's advice
>Life is Strange
Max is in a new place too, idk that might help you out to be playing someone in a similar situation.
For multiplayer:
>Shaq Fu
I always love the absurdity of the game. Lot of people I meet either know it and laugh about it with me, or dont know it and laugh about it when they learn about it. Could be a niche thing for your dorm.
>Duck Game
Essential for dumb pvp fun
>Mario Kart/Smash/Mario Party
Everybody can play these , everybody (usually) likes these
>Tfw in college right now
>It's a JC
>Still live with my mom
>Don't even have any friends less than 45 minutes away for spontaneous hangout
For fucks sake get training and a degree in a field you want to have a career in.
Fucks who go to college "just cus" are the worst and sully the perception of career training to the general public's detriment.
Also pretend you're not autistic and talk to people, make friends. Fake it until you make it
>Also pretend you're not autistic and talk to people, make friends. Fake it until you make it
Another good piece of advice to add onto this is you'll be chatting away after the initial awkwardness of starting a conversation.
And remember; there will always be someone more awkward than you.
me too user but i've been so sleep deprived lately in an attempt to fix my sleep schedule so i don't give a shit. i would have thought shedding my hikki shell would have been way more stressful but i guess not.
if you find a computer science class or club you're guaranteed to be the least awkward person there.
>tfw everyone is a normalfag and you live alone
uni was a mistake
So this is the true nature of neonazists
>just pretend you are not autistic or socially awkward as fuck
>surely that won't backfire!
fuck those people, but I agree with some of the people who said that you should make friends, try to be friends with your roommates at least, bonding over video games is a pretty good way provided that you try to enjoy the games they play with.
If only /r9k/ listened to this advice
some colleges have the option of picking buildings for freshmen housing that are all centered around a common interest.
When I was a freshmen in college I chose to live in the "connecting arts and society" building. There ended up being a floor of crunchy hippies that would always have screaming arguments with the floor full of pretentious hipsters but everyone was interested in playing music and going outside so making friends was easy and fun even when I didn't even have a facebook back then.
Some schools just have better ideas I guess, and you gotta play the system for your benefit.
Anything that you already like and can pick up whenever for quick short sessions. Stuff like overwatch, splatoon, tetris, GTA online, etc coke to mind.
Alternatively, check if your roommates are into D&D or if there's a bunch of local nerds for that. While not vidya, D&D nights are extremely comfy.
smash was the ultimate college game when I went, I wonder if it still is
>'m about to go to college
lmao fucking baby
>I bet the same shit will happen once I get a job.
It does
Seriously OP get out of your shell before it's to late. If you enter working life later with a "autistic" shitty/ or lack of personality and social graces you will go nowhere and fail from anxiety.
I never realy caref for college. Everyone seemed like a bunch of faggots so i just chilled with my high school bros. Fuck college my degree aint worth the paper its printed on
Or you could turn it into aggressiveness and lack of empathy. It seemed to work for the logistics manager at my job.
This. Basement dwelling in his 30s awaits him if he don't change.
Fucking do drugs if you have to.
Even if it's just the kind of relationship where you're only friends because you're both in the same location and it's convenient. Friends come in handy in college, and you'd be surprised that some people are actually pretty cool. I had a football bro as a classmate and eventually as a lab partner and we're still good friends to this day.
>What kind of games I can get that will help me get over anxiety
Play some shit that pushes on your social anxiety until it gets better. Get your roommates to play EDF with you, for instance. Maybe something like Helldivers or Overcooked. Coming from an overweight manlet with turboautism and a closet filled exclusively with cargo shorts and graphic t-shirts, college wasn't that bad - you just gotta put in a little effort at first.
Are you actually autismo or just really shy. If you are then hust olay what ever pc games your room mates play. If youre not, try to break out of your introverted tendencies and make some friends.
Be aware though college fags are just hs fags 2.0
Just wait until the transition from college to adult life...
College is filled with people who love vidya and whatever nerdy ass shit you like, just be a little social in the first week, find those people and stick with them. It’ll be alright famajam
Heh, you sound like a fag, you gonna get eaten alive at college.
>Finish undergrad
>Put off career for another 5 years by going to graduate school
Fuck yeah 5 more years of being a manchild with minimal responsibilities.
Mmm thing is no one really gives a shit in college just enjoy yourself and ignore the few who still have the gall to judge x
>tfw your older brother couldn't deal with his autistic shyness and turned into an annoying manchild without a stable job
the only thing that keeps me going is the fear of turning into someone like him, shit's pretty motivating in a weird sense
Aren't you that tripfag that everyone hates in the 100% OJ threads?
I was lucky to have two roommates, from two different walks of life, who both played ROBLOX like I did back in their younger years, and that was both a blessing and a curse-- considering I still hung around that site and they didn't.
I figured out soon enough that the circle of friends I gained all liked the more typical CoD, Need for Speed branches of console games while I was the unique one playing Steam RPGs and being a Greenlight trawler. Still, nothing bad came out of people knowing my tastes.
This radical dudester has the right idea.
I also recommend Fallout 3 so you have a better understanding of the lore and setting of 4.
For a real treat, try out Skyrim: Ultimate Game of the Years Edition, especially now that the winter months are soon coming upon us.
You're taking way too long to get out of your shell. This the last chance you'll have in life, after college it's over, there will be no place to develop your social skills properly.
When you get there make some friends, go out and drink with them, develop some hobbies that involves them like a band or something. Some of the people you'll get to know will probably be your friends forever, you know, they'll be at your fucking funeral.
Last chance, don't forget that.
please stop posting these sorts of posts
It's true, though.
>Sup Forums, I'm about to go to college and I'm pretty scared of change in my life.
Congratulations. Don't worry too much about the change in scenery, it's mostly the same as High School. For vidya, try Earthbound for homesickness. For not looking like a sperglord, just don't have shit like Violent Semen Inferno out and you're good.
t. Hiki-NEET
Don't reply to the spic trip, they're a pox on many things here.
that's irrelevant
>tfw socially awkward working machine
>got promoted in 1 year whereas getting to my position usually takes over 2 years for most people
Hey! I just got to college too and I'm very shy and afraid of talking to people too. I think the games you should play to feel more comfy depends of the ones you like more. For example, I really like very "anime" games like Danganronpa and Project Diva, also I like Ace Attorney a lot. I've actually never played Stardew Valley but I think it looks very cozy. One game that 90% of the time will make people happy and feel safe is Animal Crossing. If you don't have any specific games that make you feel good try looking for happy and bright games, not only dark and gruesome ones. If you have one that you like a lot you could search for games of a similar category as those. I wish you the best of lucks! Also, people on Sup Forums tend to be rude and some are saying you should leave games and just socialize in very rude ways, you don't have to stop playing games if that makes you feel good, I feel good playing them too! But also try to make some friends because it can help you cope with college a lot more easily, maybe they even like the same things as you. If you are too shy to directly make friends like me just be nice and be around people, even if you don't talk a lot, people on college are really sociable and if they see you are quiet and nice they'll start talking to you more and you eventually will make some friends. Just remember you don't have to do anything you don't want so don't fall for their peer pressure if they push you to do things, some people in college and high school are like that and you don't have to do anything they say if you don't feel comfortable with it!
>kids on Sup Forums asking for 'going to college' advice
>tfw graduated from college 5 years ago
I wish I could leave this place.
This guy knows what's up. College is a fucking joke, the real shit starts when you leave.
>Also, people on Sup Forums tend to be rude and some are saying you should leave games and just socialize in very rude ways
Fuck off, faglord, we're trying to help.
I started doing my masters University a year ago and it's fucking horrifying. Not socially, but I picked the completely wrong choice of a career path and can't quit now.
As long as you pick the right career choice, you seriously have nothing to worry about. Even the most autistic spergs go to uni and stuff.
There is legit an obese guy who lies on a wall outside of a doorwar and plays on his DS during all his breaks. No one gives a shit. I mean, I sure noticed him cause of memes, but I don't really give a fuck.
OP stop being such a faggot
>starting second attempt at Uni in two weeks
Thanks user. I needed someone to remind me of this.
How do I make friends?
>and it's fucking horrifying
explain further, I probably start my masters in a few weeks