why are most of the rick and mortality episodes so shit. Some are great though.
Why are most of the rick and mortality episodes so shit. Some are great though
into the trash it goes, im not interesed in the CoD of JRPGs. Mediocre series.
I doubt it helps that the 3DS is hacked.
>Sup Forums said
Mortynight Run was probably my favorite.
Whoever says that is in denial. PS4 objectively has the best games and hardware.
>I thought Sup Forums said PS4 games always flop?
Uncharted 4 outsold that squidshit paintball game several times over. Sup Forums just sucks Nintendo dick.
>Sonybros are pickle rick posters too
Dear god
How can one fanbase be this cancerous?
>pay to delay the release of better versions
So this... is... for... the... dare I say it.... players?
Sony has been top dog since psx and you're in denial of you disagree
360 and camecube were the only real competition
What are youvtalking about?
>CoD of JRPGs
Thats more Neptunia than anything else
>paid not to show/delay the release of the Switch version because Japan prefers portables
>paid to delay the release of various multiplat games on the PC
You could at least compare TV animation to TV animation. There's a lot of shitty and cheap TV anime too, DB super comes to mind.
>A low budget shitty reddit cartoon vs something that's obviously a high budget film
God I hate weebs
>inb4 b-but Sup Forums was made for weebs
Yeah but that doesn't mean I have to like you retards with your shit taste and stupid opinions
>movie compared to adult swim cartoon
You mean Monster hunter .
why would sony pay to delay switch version dumb nintenkid when 3ds sold way more than switch
>Monster Hunter
somebody post the berserk anime webms
God I wished I had some of the Dragon Ball Super webm. That garbage show makes Newgrounds look professional.
He was talking about the writing, not the animation aspect you absolute weeb negroid
This has to be a joke. Not even nickelodeon shows spongebob this much.
It's okay when Southpark does it
Uncharted 4 sold twice as much as Splatoon on a console with quadruple the install base....
it's looks good sometime
dont hate on super just read the manga plus ssr goku looks great
PS4 games sell most of their copies right away, games on Nintendo platforms sell more slowly. The 3DS version will easily outsell the PS4 version.
You see there is more than just one game to play on PS4. PS4 has more games released in a single month than a whole year for Switch. Just go look what PS4 got this year, compare with Switch and then weep.
Literally listening to his battle theme right now
If people actually understood the genius of Rick being a pickle they wouldn't shitpost so much about it.
He turns himself into a pickle to avoid going to family therapy because it symbolises the way he uses alcohol to avoid fixing his family relationships. None of you low IQ monkeys can work that out so all you see is "LUL so randumb!" when, in fact, it's actually an incredibly deep and intelligent show. No, you don't have to understand astrophysics to like the show, but a thorough understanding of human nature and enough of an understanding of science and pop culture sure do help to get all the jokes.
the show is kinda lol random and that's why the first few episodes were best because rick was not some ultra badass with superman levels of plot armor