*Ruins your game*
*Ruins your game*
Other urls found in this thread:
i fucking HATE niggers,
they fucking ruin roadhog, and release a "rightclicktokill" "hero"
that's not jeff
*ruins your game*
But shield generator has been out for months now.
>Balanced game
>Jeff decides
>Here lets add junkrat two mines and more speed to his ult
Seriously they pull this bullshit just to mix things up, when hanzo's scatter of all things should be nerfed
*Ruins your genre*
>stronk independent womyn
>getting fisted by a black man
>blizzard makes a new game for a genre
>every single new game in that genre copies blizzard's game
Why does this happen?
>he didn't know this would happen from the start
Blizzard doesn't balance their games, they make people take turns being the dominant force.
The suits only allow proven formulae
>predictable as fuck
>easy target
You're just a faggot for not knowing how he plays and how to counter.
How you want your hitboxes bro?
Have they done anything with Sombra yet or they still going with the "she's alright because she works in super specific scenarios where the entire team has to cater to her" mind set?
That's the same thing people said about Roadhog but people still hated being one-shotted by him. That's why people demanded a nerf to Roadhog for so long. You'd be playing Soldier 76, a Roadhog rounds the corner, and before you know it the tank has assassinated you. There goes one of your team's DPS players. It was the one fucking thing Roadhog did, but it was still outrageously obnoxious sometimes. Hanzo's one-shots are annoying too but he's a sniper with low HP so people are less agitated by him.
So what did they do? Introduce a new one-shot kill, and they made it his entire thing. So now when they nerf it because everyone hates it, he'll be useless.
Make Roadhog scary again.
Make Doomfist punch bounce off barriers.
I swear to fucking god, this is literally THE DPS made for shitters. reaper and genji are a close second
They've given her several buffs. Reduced hack time is the bigges one imo. She's in a really good spot right now, bugging her more is gonna break her. She's a high skill hero, so getting the most out of her is gonna take practice. On the topic of doomfist, I think he's fine as is. He's balanced by his huge hit box, he's actually pretty squishy. And roadhog mains need to get over it already he was broken plain and simple.
>600 hp
>can heal half of that immediately
>insta kill ever 8 seconds
>haha he's a tank guys
That's not Symmetra, a lame cunt who doesn't even have to aim her gun to kill you. They even gave it ridiculous range just to make shitters feel even better about using it.
>he's just now realizing game devs purposefully mix things up so games don't get stale
>complaining about sym
>also complains about "shitters"
Silver pls go
they make extremely polished turds, it's only natural that other devs want to copy that kind of success
Most people can kill her though if you don't panic. And if you have low health, you were going to die anyways.
Are you kidding? Junk rat is shit. He might be viable now.
If you werent borderline retarded it was incredibly easy to kill his tire.
Same with roadhog.
He might have a place now where hes normally a fucking useless faggot who cant do anything the other tanks can accomplish with almost no effort.
The widow buff is fucking retarded.
Shes perfectly fine as is, just people are fucking shit and cant aim.
>people who need buffs
>mercy dmg has fallen off due to others lifesteal/shields/1 hit faggotry etc
Why Reaper? He is the weakest DPS in the game if you don't count defense heroes.
Sym is annoying as hell with uncoordinated teams that don't know how to kill her first. Allow her to charge her beam and then continue to melt your team down and you're gonna have a bad time.
Pro tip: Pick Winston and Pharah and tell people to listen to the loud ass beam of hers, she won't get much work done unless you guys are literally retarded
He didn't say Junkrat wasn't bad, but the buff they gave him was dumb. Junkrat needed faster projectiles, not TWO charges of his braindead 150 damage aoe.
Junkrat will still remain shit, just incredibly more annoying to fight
I have beef with the Roadhog nerf also that I've expressed a couple of times. He's a big, fat target, loud and can be heard a mile away. Has a fucking chain that makes noise, letting you know who it is. Getting snuck up on by one is no fault but the players. Post nerf he's just useless and a way for the other team to build up ults.
What role he is doesn't really matter. Symmetra is not a support. Winston is barely a tank.
>It's defense team picks both Torbjorn and Symmetra on first point then can't do shit when they get picked off one by one episode
It was ruined way before, can't even enjoy QP now because there isn't even a semblance of team building on backfillers due to hog's nerf. 0 fucking tanks
Why Genji? He's not even very good right now? Tracer does everything he does but better and easier.
*Ruins your ass*
*Makes a shit game*
He's situational. Not exactly void of self-respect like the other 2, but Reaper can make anyone look like a GM player when he gets his time to shine
I would rather have faster firing rate than projectile speed.
I still don't understand the hate for Genji.
>playing support
>get ohko'd from fucking nowhere
>stop playing support
>be sym player
>at moon station
>enemy zen ults
>Since I cant kill ppl I charge my lasser with him
>once it's over I instakill the whole team
>get player of the game
Feels good
Jesus, I thought the log-sized arrow hitboxes were the worst thing imaginable, but it seems Blizzard have outdone themselves once again. The true pinnacle of competitive gaming, bravo.
gayverwatch was already ruined. it was never good. even from day one. duh duh duh duh.
It actually does. High health pool + high as fuck damage = broken. Doomfist gets away with it cause he's a glass cannon.
>they run symm/mercy and it works perfectly because average QP fucktard can't hunt them down
>you get a symm/mercy but they solo rez and dont even get the teleporter up before they push 30seconds in
Winston is a perfect tank. People's idea of the tank role is fucked.
The real issue is the game doesn't have maps designed around Winston and the other tanks like they are for Reinhardt.
>glass cannon
>passive literally gives him zarya-tier health assuming you're hitting things
>doesnt even have to use 2/3rds of his kit for offense because the M2 has a 4s CD and guarantees a kill or meaty shield as long as your target is on your screen
You mean bruiser?
*goes in 1 vs 5 with precharged right click*
*1-shots your support with unreactable attack*
*escapes easily*
Fucking kikes, I swear, who thought this was acceptable?
>huge as fuck hitbox
>loud turbine whirring signaling one shot
>blind rocket punch is insta death
You're shit user
And this is supposed to be the next step in "e-sports"?
if you're assuming blind rocket punches are even a factor in calling a character a glass cannon then it's you that's shit, user.
No, I mean tank.
>Big target
>Large amount of eHP and that's without ult
>Disrupts teams to where they have to deal with him
>Can occasional save a team member with a small shield
>implying it isn't because of retards in quick play choosing to go double snipes or NO HEALER because "its qp bro chill"
I fucking hate this game's playerbase. Literally every other game I get in Quick Play we have two players going Hanzo/Widow/Ana. Fuck off with this bullshit, they're never any good either.
They are a factor retard, you faggots are bitching about "muh one shot" when there is a loud as fuck audio que warning you. Maybe don't turn the fucking corner when you hear whirring faggot. Most retards won't cancel the punch, they're vulnerable after the fact. Why do I bother with you silvers.
I really do hope they continue to over buff all of the no fun allowed characters like Junk and D.va to the level that people actually stop playing.
Junkrat was shit but lets make him really good so you have to put up with one in every single last one of your games! wooo random explosive spam is so much fun to play around.
I hope you enjoy Mercy mains because heres your Mercy main in every single one of your games.
Damn you must suck OP, he is p easy to kill.
come back when your not shit.
>Still no MercyxDoomfist porn
Hurry the fuck up
>be most characters in the game
>hear whirring faggot around corner
>dont turn corner
>start running back down hallway
>whirring faggot heard my foot steps
>he turns corner
>0.8 seconds of whirring noises
>charges down the entire fucking hallway and 1 shot you
Wow if only I had reacted prematurely in the past running away before I even came to the corner I could of avoided dying
oh i forgot the part where my foot was in the doorway and 99.6% of my body wasnt but I get instakilled anyways because MUH MOONBOX
>game puts in a flank class
>gets nerfed for flanking
Enjoy your strat where your whole team plays as an amorphous blob and hopes to spam for a kill before the other team does. That's why I quit this shitty game; nobody actually fills any roles. If you're not healing, you're spamming skills so you can build ult or try to get a lucky pick.
>healing over 2 seconds while stationary is immediately
>largest hitboxes in the game
>completely fucked for the 8 seconds his hook is on cooldown
When the fuck is zen getting a buff?
It's unacceptable he STILL gets caught in junk's trap. Also, needs more movement speed and maybe some discord scaling so lower health enemies are a bit better off and larger health targets take extra additional damage. A buff to his healing is desperately needed, you can't compete against other heals, in any meaningful way outside your ult.
if u nerf him ur racist
You're such a retard user seriously, you know you can shoot back at the fucker right? What is countering his cooldowns? After the punch there's a 4 second window you can use to wreck his shit. I'm gonna assume you're a dps shitter, that gives you more than enough time to do something. Literally git fucking good my guy.
Nation wreckers.
Planet crashers.
Niggers ruin everything, an the jew injects them into everything on purpose.
>After the punch there's a 4 second window you can use to wreck his shit.
>Miss but evade away with other skills
>Miss but activate ultimate
>Miss but evade skills are off cd again
>main Lucio
>getting hit by rocket punch sends me fucking flying 30 ft into a wall at some weird angle
>people still don't realize after all this time that to kill someone as genji in one pass you have to hit combos
Instead they just assume he's EZ as shit and never play him.
Its hard to say blizzard characters are good, or that they have any place in my heart, cause they don't.
They are empty, generic knockoffs of better characters from other games and developers.
Genji? Why? I already have raiden, who is more powerful and far cooler.
Roadhog? Nice job blizzard, is the he heavy? Yes, is he as loveable? Fuck no, so why like him?
It's like this with all blizzard product, CHEAP, CHINESE.
>Mei and Symmetra need buffs
Imagine being this retarded
I also thought that zenyatta could use a faster base movement speed considering his hitbox is so easy to shoot
>changing discord
it's been done before yet no one can fucking handle it. 50% debuff vaporized everybody and discord through barrier never even made it out of ptr
He's the first character since launch that's been in a good place right out of the gate. The hitbox is kind of dumb, but if they cut it down too much he's going to be completely useless. He's incredibly easy to kill so I don't see the problem. Also he fucks up d.va which means I hope they never nerf him. Fuck that bitch.
Quick! How would you buff Rein?
He's fun
Maybe you're just shit, sr to confirm my doubts
>roadhog is hailed as "overpowered" by shitters who are completely incapable of avoiding him in any way shape or form because of his supposed one hit kill combo
>gets nerfed so that he's useless, and is now almost never picked in competitive
>doomfist gets added and has a one hit kill combo from the start, that can kill 18 of the 25 heroes in one hit
>hardly any complaints
>dunking roadhog
the layers to this
Overwatch really is ruined now. I cannot have fun with this fucking game anymore because of all the stupid fucking changes to it.
The vast bulk of the cast is considered unusable now and does actually suck compared to a handful of actually good, usable characters, and now that Roadhog was hypocritically nerfed it's just Winston every match with a side order of stupid Korean cunt. Not to mention Doomfist has an even easier oneshot with a faster cooldown than Roadhog did.
Every match is just Winston, D.Va, Doomfist, and either Pharah + Mercy or Ana and some other dive-friendly offense. Defense characters suck ass compared to everyone else and now half the tanks suck too.
A mountain of poor balance changes have led to this shit.
but user he needs to put himself into the team and risk dying :^)
Nah seriously, that is a fucking stupid defence, he's so mobile that he can dive into a team, secure a cheap kill and peace out
If you can't 1v1 him as Torb you're shit
As a Genji player I never had a problem with Roadhog 1HKO because I can at least deflect his hook and use my mobility and it felt like my fault for getting caught. Against Doomfist I have learned to counter play him, but at the same time the times I get hit by those random punches just sucks even worse than anything pre-nerf Roadhog could do. At least after they fixed his hooks.
I'd destroy her ass alright.
>Not wrapping her thong around your balls while you fuck
What fucking pleb made this?
>everyone whining about Doomfist's supposedly broekn hitboxes
>I miss and other people miss me all the time even when we're within three feet of each other
>needs to take the two seconds to fully charge the punch to actually kill anyone who isn't already hurt
>once he blows his cooldowns on a flashy attack/attempt to escape he has no mobility for eight seconds
>hitbox the size of a parked car
>worst ranged attack in the game
>Orisa manhandles him so easily it's hilarious
>other tanks survive long enough to fight back or let their team rape him
Also, to the people whining about his one-shot, he has to be in your face and in your team to do it, putting himself in mortal peril. This is a good balance for it. Much as I hate Hog's nerf he could reel you in from twenty meters and insta-kill you at his feet. Meanwhile Hanzo's 450-damage insta-kill move can be done from any distance at any angle yet Blizzard refuses to even acknowledge this.
>doomfist barely visible
>punch lands in front of and above junkrat
>junkrat dies
Ana is so fucking hot.
t. silver shitter
Geoff seems like such a cuckold. Probably jerks off onto a statue of tracer too
>have a character like doomfist
>shes not cancer
why arent you playing ash?
It's almost as if people here are bad at videogames
>symmetra needs a buff
I guess holding left click and running at everyone is too tough?
More like
>*Ruins your wife's vagina for your pathetic white cock*
Either a stronger shield or a faster charge up on it. Orisa can just reset her shit no problem, and rein has to waste a lot of time waiting around instead of pushing forward. Maybe a damage boost for bullets traveling through his shield? It would actually get teammates to fucking follow behind you at least
Her beauty needs to be preserved.
He doesn't need any buffs, just make his shit work properly
I didn't even use hog much if at all, and my most played are 2 tanks. His nerfs basically spelled certain doom for the game's balance cycle. The fact they haven't reverted it and instead did this shitty E buff is further proof.
Sombra just needs one little tweak and that's narrowing her cone of fire by like, 15 or 20%.
True, she needs to make as many babies as possible.
I thought the Widow buff was just decreasing the cooldown on her grapple.
This ruins it more
>implying overwatch was good to begin with