Ghost is not dead he did not die in mw2 he will come back soon i refuse to believe he is dead!!
I refuse to believe he is dead he will come back!
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yeah i remember being a kid too
a true warrior
ghost is dead buddy he was a worthless infidel that got what he deserved
pic related
>his right eye was open
> shot was angled
> no gasoline poured on ghost
> fire proof vests mentioned
god i was so convinced that he would come back and was so let down when he didnt
they killed him off
he was the only decent lovable character in the whole fucking universe dude
price and soap were fucking great too
wasn't it confirmed ghost swiched his body with some other guy and the real ghost was evaced?
The Rangers had more personality than Ghost and we never saw them again
What was Cod: Ghosts about? Anything about the character?
I remember arguing with some guy before it came about Ghost being Gaz.
Then arguing with the same guy about Ghost being alive.
Times were simpler.
>they killed him off
>he was the only decent lovable character in the whole fucking universe dude
my bad bro I forgot to post the picture
I meant Sgt Johnson
the marines were the best and had the best massions
the sas missions are just so fucking quite and boring
You must be 18 to post here
Ghost was a shit character and people only liked him because of his edgy mask
just like Bobba Fett
All the babbies who played CoD 4 are now old enough to post so expect people to be defending them from now on
MW3 was hot garbage in a lot of ways but the assault on Makarov's casino and his eventual death was pure kino.
No, nothing about him.
If I remember that abysmal game correctly, the Ghosts were a stealth black-ops team trying to preserve the crumbling remains of the U.S. and there was some satellite doomsday weapon that bombed half the continent.
I'm probably wrong and expect to be called out by another user but, it was bad. Like, even from an "all COD is shit" point of view, Ghosts was awful.
Better he died before 343 could fuck his character though
It's still fresh in my mind and yeah it was bad
I use to pick up these games use like clockwork to zip through the singleplayer. It use to be a consistent event of my life. I stopped right after MW3. That's not to say I didn't try the newer games, I did, but they never hooked me like MW1, MW2 and Black Ops I did. To this day I think the campaign of Blops I is amazing.
>didn't read the comics about Ghost
Can we all agree that Zahkaev did literally nothing wrong?
>wanted to restore his country to it's former glory
>tried to free a Middle Eastern country from western exploitation
>was almost assassinated because he wanted to buy missiles as a deterrent
>only launched said missiles out of grief
>had his legacy ruined by his edgy chauffeur who misinterpreted his will
The entire point of the series is that arrogant fucks like Shepherd and Makarov are the ones who destroy nations.
Same here, but I stopped after blops2.
>plugging a keyboard into my Xbox and playing zork
>kino and five
>gun game
At that point in my life, it was magical.
Man, two nights ago I dreamt of being in that mission where you shoot off his arm. Shit I've been having realistic dreams since friday when I used LSD. Is this shit temporary or I'll be like that forever?
Why fucking everyone likes him so fucking much. I only saw him once while he was burning.
Gaz was better.
They're basically the same character in all but name.
Brazil somehow becomes a world power after a war in the middle east destroys the west´s oil supply, and South and Central America become the new big power block. They make a doomsday device that bombs the fuck out of the states, and then the US makes a black ops team called the ghosts who happen to wear edgy skull masks like ghost to try and stop the latino onslaught.
it's pretty fucking dumb
You're forgetting about that whole nukes in the middle east thing he orchestrated.
Would have never happened if the U.S. had just backed off.
If you could bring back any MW characters form the dead, who would it be?
For me:
Fuck, I forgot about sandman.
MW3 should have been just been Soap and Price hunting Makarov as fugitives using shit-tier tools bought from crime syndicates and going on OSP missions. Yuri was a mistake.
Don't even get me started on how the U.S never actually invades Moscow or how the Russian president actually wants peace when he's a Ultranationalist.
Gaz. Was. Better.
And Wallcroft a shit.
I just want Macullin back
Anyone else have a guilty pleasure for MW2's campaign? It's like an action movie, it's so fun.
I dont know why people like react so condescending to the Modern warfare series.
He's dead. Captain Price is best character though
that's kino
wtf is this grand. pa. what the fuck we want with this shit, fuck it, fuck all this shit get it off, delet this, you fuckin grandstander, nobody but their remembers that shit, fuck you
>That plane boneyard mission when it's every man for themselves
>That rooftop chase in Brazil
>The final mission with Price when you're hunting down Shepard in Afghanistan
>That part where you storm the white house and pop the flare to stop the bombing spree
Remember that time when the bad guys won?
MW1 and 2 are genuinely well written, it's only from MW3 onwards that these games became schlock.
1 talked a lot about the consequences of foreign intervention and told us this by giving us a sympathetic villain and a likeable squad with good banter between them.
2 built upon this by talking about how history can be distorted depending on which lens you look at it through. They show this by making the villain of the last game into a martyr and by having a villain that tries to write history by creating a war so that he can become a hero.
MW3 is a bad fanfic that makes no sense if you even think about it's plot for longer than a second.
>my mask is facepainted on you guys I'm unique like that
What the fuck was wrong with Hesh?
Don't forget how they tried to one up No Russian by showing a child exploding on screen but it wasn't as impactful
>What kind of name is Soap, aye?
It wasn't as impactful because the entire London arc was filler. No Russian worked because it was the catalyst for the entire plot.
Dad, you're one of them? A ghost?
Pretty good analysis of both games.
One thing I love about MW2 is the soundtrack too.
They're such underrated games, especially MW2. The people who bash it , i genuinely don't believe they've played the games. MW1 on its own stands as one of the best Fps games in fairly recent memory. I hope they remaster MW2.
> the entire London arc was filler.
How come?
I haven't played the game since its release so I'm a bit rough on the campaign
Stop making me want to replay a CoD campaign of all things fucking hell
Fuck man, I miss MW2 so much, and I'm not ready for the eventual MW2 Remaster that will be butchered and bastardized like COD4 was.
Nohting to be ashamed of desu, MW1 is reaching over a decade old. If you enjoy them, go play them. Recently replayed MW2 campaign and had fun.
London is filler because the gas attacks change nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's just Makarov being evil for the sake of it.
>Cod 4 is almost a decade old
Holy shit I didn't realize that
If only the games weren't so bloody expensive on steam tho
Michael fucking Rooker of course
Posting absolute best faction theme
Most people here were kids when they played it, Nothing condescending about it.
>he didn't sacrifice himself to save Harper
Be honest:
Did you get chills at this part?
I doubt it's the canon choice. Especially since he becomes pretty much a non character after that
Tell me where the fuck the fire proof vest shit came from because I never fucking found shit and ive played that game loads
>We. Will. Kill him.
I still do. shit I lived by this speech for the past few years
Makes sense. I'd say it's an example of an evil dude being evil but then again, we already know how evil Makarov is from the airport scene in MW2.
MW3 felt so cheap to me. The music, the animations, even the graphic design on the menus felt off. Shame the infinity ward devs who worked on COD 4 and MW2 moved on before MW3 came around. Wish them all the best with the Titanfall series but it's not really my thing.
Just pirate it
>Not Rangers
>non character
He's centerpiece in every mission afterwards
you might be right dunno I haven't played the game in a long while but I don't remember much of his dialogue post choice. was the face burn part before or after?
>The mission where Price calls Makarov for help in finding Shepard
So was I, I'm probably the youngest person in this thread but you can't deny that people STILL have a hatred for anything COD related because of MW2's over popularity back in the day. I can't
think of any other reason it could be.
This gives me goosebumps, ngl
Can you Ghost fanboys tell me exactly why you love him so much?
I only like the fact that his balaclava looks cool, that's it.
Harper gets some great lines in the final mission if you spare him:
>I vote kill. Capturing him last time didn't work out so well.
>C'mon bitch! You wanna live forever?!
>post yfw enemy AC-130 above
I firmly believe that "Of Their Own Accord" is one the best CoD missions out there. It feels like a completely unrealistic action movie but also feels emotional as fuck at the same time.
Walking out of that shitty dying bunker and beholding Washington is flames is just something else. The instrumental musical score is damn awesome and there's constant background radio chatter that's actually done well. The final scene in the helicopter with the intense ass music and everyone evacuating and leaving people behind is something I'll never forget.
That happened in MGS V
You're just becoming Gay,angel ;^)
Menendez-Martyr me for cordis die
I think a lot of the hate for MW2 comes from what it's popularity did to the industry.
It's not the game's fault, but it became so popular that everyone tried to copy it, which lead to other genres getting shafted in favour of COD clones.
Shepard betraying you is one of the biggest twists in gaming
It made me think "what would actually happen if the U.S got invaded?" more than Independence Day did.
It's a really good part of the game and one of my favourite missions.
Dont hate the game, it's good. Just hate the industry for being no talent copycats.
I know the word "kino" gets overused here, but the evacuation protocol on the briefing screen up until emerging from that bunker is the textbook definition of it. Everything from Loose Ends to End Game is a masterpiece too.
Did he have a bullet proof head?
>Modern Warfare timeline includes Infinite Warfare
>Thinking he's still alive
>Modern Warfare timeline includes Infinite Warfare
source immediatly
I wouldn't say it's the biggest, but it's definitely well foreshadowed. Team Player exists to hint towards that big twist, not to mention how you can hear the distrust in Price's voice when he talks to Shepherd.
I also have a theory that he gave Makarov the ACS after Cliffhanger, which is why the Russians cracked it so quickly.
>>Modern Warfare timeline includes Infinite Warfare
Not in my cannon it doesn't
Doujins aren't comics
Advanced warfare sequel when?
>people have affinity for the COD story
What timeline is this?
I'm trying to find it, I remember there was something in the story about it.
WaW, Black Ops 1/2 and Big Red One had great stories.
Sup Forums had decent call of duty campaign threads for the past 10 years because everyone was too busy shitting on better games. you either weren't here or were too busy shitting on better games to notice
and yea the campaigns are cool
the real nigga timeline
square up muffuger
God, I remember for like two years after blops 1 came out I thought 5 was genuinely the worst zombies map ever even concieved, but after trying it again later I realized that shit was top tier
MW2 did cinematic storyline the best.
The gameplay wasnt all that great, but you never noticed because it felt like you're in some wacky action movie.