I just finished the first chapter of Blood, so let's have a retro FPS thread

I just finished the first chapter of Blood, so let's have a retro FPS thread.

What are some games you guys can recommend? The more obscure and good, the better.

I'm intending to play Soldier of Fortune since I read it's got a novel gore system.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/download/z8pba9xnxzjjv2s/Powerslave EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.

Who the fuck am I kidding you bitches wouldn't know about one of the best videogame genres even if I slapped your shit


Says the faggot who has to ask for advice on games to play. You sound like a regular fucking Encyclopedia on FPS.

If you played Blood you probably also know about Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior (97), but play them if you haven't. Get Megaton Edition for Duke (you can only pirate it now, was taken down everywhere) and Classic Redux for Shadow Warrior

The recent PC ports of Turok are both great, though Turok 2 drags a bit near the end.


How are you playing it op, just vanilla dos or?

Though the original campaign of Quake is very good, most people only seem to know the game for its multiplayer. So play the original single player campaign if you haven't, it's great.

But if you have, there's an incredible mod called Arcane Dimensions that an absolute must-play, and very recently, an add-on for Arcane Dimensions called the Forgotten Sepulcher was released, an enormous map that an absolute 10/10.

Use the sourceport Quakespasm.

The GoG version, my dude. Although it certainly runs kinda shitty, it's really not the best option. I tried to set it up myself with the dosbox and had much better results but I never got to work the sound effects.

Sorry lads that was a pure attempt of bait to bump the thread :-)


>Can only remember the early obvious secrets now

>Kaiser will never ever finish this shit

unless it ends up an exclusive for the ataribox...

Yea of course I've played those (the remasters, though). Ignore my amateur opinion but so far Shadow Warrior has impressed me the most. Feels really ahead of its time.

If you've not played Doom 64, it's a great game, and through the use of a port called Doom64EX, you can play the whole game on PC with various enhancements.

There is also a GZDoom remake of Doom 64, however, in a graphical enhancement mod called Brutal Doom 64. It boasts some cut content, a GZDoom supported lighting system and other things. Unlike Brutal Doom, this mod does not seek to radically change Doom 64's gameplay.

Just started using this, would reccomend

Seeing as there is no source code, this guy java reverse engineered blood. It's at a pretty much playable stage now looks great.

Pretty fucking great, man. Thanks!

I remember there being a really handy infographic that had all of the must play FPS games. Unreal, Turok, etc. Or am I imagining things?

most of the games have their own dedicated one but I can't recall a big list of separate games having one

BloodGDX is rubbish, they've fucked up the way splash damage works which is a BIG thing in that game.

I have one but it's just a big tier list.

Someone should update this to explain why the World Tour edition is shit and also explain that Megaton is no longer for sale.

The original Dark Forces is great.

If you are a hipster who measures games by their obscurity, then it's useless for you to try anything - your warped perception of reality won't let you enjoy good things.

Still you may try Turok 2, Red Faction, Aliens vs. Predator 2, Unreal Gold and Serious Sam.

Only some rare circumstances, it's not that bad

>Dinosaur hunter in shit tier
>All those forgettable dated titles

That's not it, bro. I wanted to hear about obscure games since I know and have played most of the games already mentioned. Maybe some of you anons have played some hidden gems that I can try,

in my triggered haze i meant this

Yeah it's not a good tier list. Tribes Vengeance is in great tier ffs. That game is garbage.

Would deeply recommend Unreal Gold, shit's fantastic and Unreal never really got recognition for its single player content.

Is Red Faction 1 and Alien vs. Predator 2 single player any good though? I've never really gotten into them.

Disregard that, I suck cocks. It's BloodCM I'm thinking of.

I dunno dude, have you played Powerslave? Redneck Rampage? Blood 2? Hexen 2?

Shit dude, if you want a really obscure game try Kiss: Psycho Carnival on the Dreamcast.

Unreal Gold is such a fantastic, underappreciated gem. I almost feel like it's a shame the game went mostly multiplayer oriented later on, but they're great multiplayer games so I guess it works out.

Kiss is on PC too. But it sucks, it's like a poor man's Serious Sam.

Yikes. Serious Sam is already a poor man's Doom.

Is it just me or is Blood hard as FUCK? I mean a LOT fucking harder than Doom / Duke / Shadow Warrior.

Also the fact that there's no sourceport really fucking sucks. I'd play it a lot more but it just feels so shitty in DOSBox.

Oh, okay, sorry for being rude. I've a case of hipsterophobia.
Both are good IMO, not as varies and colorful as Unreal, but still enjoyable. In RF1 there are vehicle sections and in AvP2 three campaigns with different gameplay styles

git gud

There is a sourceport. It's not perfect, but it exists.

Anyone else here do a run of system shock 2 as Haxor/researcher?
It's so pure

By the way, if you enjoyed Unreal Gold's original campaign, try Return to Na Pali Ultimate edition. It merges RTNP levels with cut Beta ones so resulting campaign is about 2/3 of original's lenght. There are intersections between levels and a lot of cut music which is also very good.

It's for Unreal Tournament, though.

cultists are more effective standard enemies than the ones Duke and SW had


>where are you marshall?

Strife: Quest For the Sigil is an FPS/RPG.
If you ever wanted DOOM to have action-adventure elements, this game is for you.

Is Alien Versus Predator Classic 2000 the first game then? I have that and it seemed alright but I never got into it.

Also what are peoples opinions on Dusk? I'm fairly optimistic but a lot of people here seem to shit on it.


>Really want to play some old vidya like the first Silent Hill game but can't get into it because modern games have spoiled me too much

The combat and movement feels so awkward to work with, is there any tricks to be able to enjoy old games when mdoern vidya feel so much better?

and here's a handy in depth look at it



Chasm: The Rift
Blood 2 looks cool in software mode
Seconding Strife, Quake, Arcane Dimensions

Surprised somebody else posted this. Probably my favourite old fps.

Silent Hill and other old horror games feel like swimming in mayonnaise but DOOM and other well done 90s shooters feel amazing in a way no modern game does

Wow, Trespasser is in Shit Tier? Wasn't it one of the first games to ever use procedural animation?
I may be talking out my ass. Will look it up.

Good vid. I like that guy's videos.

It pioneered a lot of very cool tech that we take for granted today, but it's not a good video game. Look up ResearchIndicates LP of it if you want some history, the game had a very tumultuous dev and launch ycle.

It requires enemy spawn memorization. You're supposed to play it on an easy difficult first and get a hang of it so you can use your speed demon techniques on the harder ones.

Do you use M+KB or some controller when playing games like Quake?

Give it time, older 3D games generally have fairly dated control schemes but you should be able to adjust to them assuming you actually grew up with them and aren't a turbo casual

Also what that other guy said, most older console FPS games control amazingly due to their lack of limitations on the player. Zipping around and gunning down a fuckton of enemies in Doom or leading shots and jumping around in Quake or Unreal feels goddamn amazing.

>tfw a guy that I don't even like gifted me megaton edition for no apparent reason so now I can enjoy a game without gearbox fucking it up

no,NO,no, a thousand fucking times no, don't even think about it user

mouse is optional though

SHOGO: Mobile Armor Division

One of my absolute favorites. Never did get to play the multiplayer though.

Thinking back how the fuck did 7 year old me beat duke nukem on hardest difficulty using control arrows and ctrl to shoot


It seems so. It's also good btw I couldn't get past first level as Marine, it was too scary

And Dusk looks interesting, I never heard of that one

>controller for classic FPS games

Don't do that. Keyboard + mouse is highly recommended.

It's not a retro game, but it's an indie game designed in the style of them.

Unlike Strafe this game might actually be decent.

I remember nam. Especially the predator easter egg.

By the way, guys, do you think there will be a surge of nostalgia for 90s low-poly games, just like there were tons of pixelated indies?

Megaton edition has horrible fucked up input lag though. Shit's unplayable.

In regards to the SH games, some of them (2 onward?) have a movement option that changes the tank controls into the more contemporary movement style that's used in today's third person games. This is particularly helpful with a controller (tank controls are fine on a KB+M imo).

You've probably noticed it before, I only picked up on it the other day starting my first play through of SH3.


I made the original image, I should update it yeah but effort and all that shit

techincally there is an AVP game before that on the Jaguar but none of them are really connected and the story is based on the AVP comics.
Dusk looks alright, certainly better than the AAA so called oldschool games like TNO and the new Doom, they really need to get some hot shit level builders working on it because the first episode doesn't feel particularly creative.

just wait for episode 2 m8.

blood's first episode is the hardest so be aware of that
also use the blood dosbox launcher so you can use shit like bmouse and not have super high sensitivity

So is AVP2 on gog? I honestly don't mind paying for older games.

nah it's not available anywhere because of publisher bullshit, same deal with no on lives forever

Any of you anons played butcher? I like it, though I do wish levels were longer and had quicksaving or checkpoints because I'm a pansy and didn't want to bother pistol starting every time

Man, if fucking only. It's amazing how well received the low-poly aesthetics are yet just a handful of indie games experiment with it.

If it's 2D, it'ss pixel-shit; if it's 3D, use the best looking assets of the engine.

>where are you marshall?
It echoes in my head to this very day

>wanna play blood cause the gameplay looks fucking awesome and it's actually pretty fucking funny
>buy the game on steam
>oh no
>game looks like ass and has weirdass scaling issues and looking up causes nothing but problems
How do I make the game look decent, Sup Forums?

>Postal 2
>okay tier

It's one of the BEST GAMES out there, it should be at least Great tier

Download BloodGDX.

Is this worth getting?

Butcher is pretty alright though the incredibly small sprites get on my nerves and the incredible edginess is extremely offlputting at times.


How are Quake's two expansion packs?

quake was on saturn and n64 m8
pretty good

Isn't this the game where you can jerk off onto piles of gore?

Oh wow, typoed the fuck out of that, meant to say most older PC shooting games control great. Older 3D console games in general control kinda mediocre while older PC FPS games are still the pinnacle of FPS control.

>NOLF only in good tier
>Pic related missing entirely

Your list is shit and so are you.

How is Postal even good? It's great when you're an edgy teenager and oh look I can pee on people and they puke, but it's just a really dull FPS otherwise.

Ground Zero is much less dull than original, but it has some completely bullshit enemies. Still, had much more fun with it.

It's not my list friendo. Someone just asked for it, so there it is. I tend to save every image like this that I see.

>DOS Powerslave
>Not Powerslave EX

mediafire.com/download/z8pba9xnxzjjv2s/Powerslave EX v.1.0.0 + patch v.

The original (And better) version of Powerslave, ported to the PC from the PS1.
It's one of the best Shooters i've played.

dos version is worth checking out though, it's a completely different game

The PS1 version is still the better of the games.

>M&B Bannerlord II Coming out in 2017
C'mon now, don't do that to me

Anyone know the best source port for authentic quake experience? And no I'm not going to buy it.



very underrated