Just as the title says! Name your favourite TLOZ game!
Mine is just like the pic shows, Majora's Mask
Fond memories: youtu.be
Just as the title says! Name your favourite TLOZ game!
Mine is just like the pic shows, Majora's Mask
Fond memories: youtu.be
OBVIOUSLY majoras mask oh my god all the atmospheric settings and nostalgia i love it so much
I know you're shitposting but MM objectively has the best atmosphere of all Zelda titles.
Majoras Mask for me too, it really created a living world that made you want to work to save the characters of Termina.
>tfw you will always prefer Wind Waker's
Grim and gloomy has been done to death. I've never played a game that tries as hard to put its player in a good mood the way Wind Waker does, and the parts where it does get more depressing really hit home
I like MM the most but I find myself replaying OoT more
Breath of the Wild. It really is better than the games before it
Pure kino.
I think Wind Waker is good too.
There are some good hard hitting parts like when Aryll is kidnapped, and when you go back to get the shield, and when ypu go home and Grandma is near cataconic.
Easily the best Link.
>TFW didn't know you could use a fairy until almost ten years later
I figured that out on my own
Dark and Gloomy was a pretty new theme when Majora's mask came out. It's been done to death now but it was foreign to a series like Zelda.
Ocarina of Time was hardly sunshine and rainbows
It wasn't "done to death" in 2000, Twilight Princess is an example of trying to be grim and gloomy.
But it's not 2000 anymore.
>post your favorite game in the series
fuck that, you said my favorite part. TP isn't my favorite game but I love the prison just because the spinner is so fun
It was a much lighter tone in comparison to Majora's mask despite having the same assets.
If Wind Waker tries so hard to put me in a good mood, why do the earth and wind temple exist?
Why does the triforce hunt exist?
The first half of wind waker was amazing, but it quickly dropped the ball, hard.
The Shadow Temple and Ganon fight are as intense as anything in Majora's Mask
That's because of the game design, but the world itself never becomes any less fun to be in. Even the shitty Triforce Hunt has fun shit like getting your own bachelor pad
Not what I'm getting at. The difference is it never tired to be grim and gloomy for appeal, it just was.
Ocarina of Time didn't have the looming feeling of death and despair like Majora's Mask did. Ocarina of Time's atmosphere wasn't "happy" but it didn't explore those themes like Majora did.
Don't forget this guy, what the actual fuck was his problem? I think he also appeared in MM but I might be remembering wrong.
I wouldn't say MM wasn't trying. It knew what it wanted to be but did it well. TP's problem was forcing it and making dumb decision like using a realisitic arstyle with Wind Waker-esue character designs
He was in MM as a Cucco farmer
People give MM a lot of shit for being overrated but I really do like it.
That's where you get the mask that lets you the Bremen Mask right?
You use the Bremen Mask to get the Bunny Hood from him
But it's just that, they're isolated, Ocarina of Time didn't have the looming threat of the end of the world on your shoulders, getting closer by the minute.
I meant "trying" in an exaggerated way, in a way that influences the color panel.
Dark Souls
Shadow temple and bottom of the well are just dungeons. There isnt much dark about them besides their designs which really dont hit hard with the N64 graphics, and a line or two about their backstory that I'm not even sure if it actually showed up in the game.
Majora's Mask was dark in nearly every aspect of the game. The entire game is about someone dead, dying or about to die.
MM had a new way of doing it, but my point is that dark stuff wasn't foreign to Zelda back then and has been done again since then in TP and BotW. Not to mention game after game in other series have tried to freak out or depress the payer to make an impact (not inherently bad, but something I'm seeing too much of)
Wind Waker is a game whose optimistic tone hasn't really be replicated in anything I've played and it goes beyond just the artstyle. I've never come across a hero as innocently endearing as WW Link. The characters and world are generally friendlier too (your sister sends you her allowance in the mail, you heal your sick grandmother to get soup, sidequests are about stuff like taking pictures of shit, watering trees, and decorating the local town with flowers and statues). The game makes me feel good in a way others don't
It didn't influence the actual visuals but it did influence the concept art (this is not remotely a bash against it but I'm just saying)
MM was ruined for me because the game crashed right after the final dungeon and it was so fucking long that I didn't want to do it again. So I used my friends save file that had every mask and was right at the final boss
God fucking damnit I regret doing that. The victory felt so cheap
Strange! Mine never crashed! Did you play the PAL or American version?
Hidden owl glitch in MM
>What if I told you TP was going to be a big empty world
>What if I told you BotW was going to be a gigantic empty world
lol, well, no more bets :)
I still really love everything about twilight princess and I can't be convinced about it being bad, every reason someone has has a negative is just subjective issues with the atmosphere.
And so what if hyrule field is largely empty, it was always exposition for the world and some small fights, what does hyrule field in oot have that TP doesn't? I know that TP had a fucking excellent horse back right with a dozen goblins and that was easily the most fun I had in a Zelda game.
I agree. The riding in TP was the best so far in the series. BOTW riding was horrible.