Can anyone enlighten me as to what the fuck is up with this general?
Can anyone enlighten me as to what the fuck is up with this general?
/vg/ is a strange place. One only goes there for the briefest periods of time, hoping merely to catch a glimpse of the terrible things that lurk in the recesses of the human mind.
Do not linger, lest you also become part of the circle of jerking.
/vg/ is full of fucking retards (Moreso than Sup Forums, probably), but it's still less awful than /vp/.
computerized autism posts like these are a necessary evil to maintain a place on this site where you can have continuous and relatively stable discussions.
you don't want to go back to days where nothing but esports general clogs up the front page of Sup Forums 24/7 don't you?
I don't go there myself, but I heard from other people on Sup Forums that someone is using a bot to repost shit from other threads in order to make that general unusable.
Weaponized Autism.
It's an MMO general
They basically only exist for people to post pictures of their character and ERP
there is like three type of people on /vg/ elitist fags, erp fags, and people that are just asking about the game
>"This thread has botspam, he copies image files and names, identify yourself by using pathoffire in your name and a gw2-related image. Discord recommended!"
That's fucking hilarious
The biggest problem is that, for some goddamn arcane reason, every general will eventually be consumed by horrid, weapons-grade level autism. Every fucking thread. My theory is that they get filled with attentionwhores and people vicariously living out their lives through their MMO characters.
In the event of /vg/ dying, I'm not sure if exposing the avatarfags to Sup Forums would kill them or make them stronger.
>Those SC2 threads that devolve to 3 autistic alcoholic phoneposters posting gibberish
think its someone that spammed post charr images every weekend. got kicked out of [FUN] guild. now just spams the general with shitty bollocks
I love how everyone is sperging out about vg and ignoring what gw2g is. gw2g is populated by bots that take posts from unrelated threads and other generals and spit them out into gw2g. Seriously, go through nearly all the threads and you are going to see nothing but nonsensical conversations. The mods are powerless to stop this
>tfw bastion of MMO generals /tesog/ may be slow but at least its not as bad as the other MMO generals.
Slow generals are more or less immune to the common falling of generals.
I think the word you're looking for is complicit.
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
My favorite flavor is vanilla.
It helps when you can't waifufag in a game because models are ugly.
Unsurprising that majority of Sup Forums doesn't realize it's being completely subverted.
I love dwarf fortress general sometimes
the real nightmare is the starcraft 2 general
/vg/ is the worst of reddit cancer and Sup Forums autism combined. Never go there.
>bioshock general finally died
that was a loooooong time coming
>Katawa Shoujo General #3346
i wouldn't believe it if i wouldn't know it to be true
for WHAT fucking purpose even?
Why don't they just stop making the general then?
They're not done talking about their waifus yet.
90% of the Generals on /vg/ are full of meme spouting redditors / attention whore name/tripfags / Furries
Only a few of them remain clean but they still have autism
what is there even to say, what the fuck?
i """"played"""" this cripple sin, fucked the blind girl and never touched it again
took WAY to fucking long too, had to edge for 4 hours or so
Maybe if these retards didn't feel like they had to continue their community for no reason maybe then they can die.
Also I know who you fucks are. Stop telling flavor of the weeks to go to /vg/ or else you get shit like the clicker game generals.
The actual reason is that the people who actually played the game eventually leaves and stops posting, and the only ones sticking around with the game and the game general end up developing their own weird community as people stop talking about the actual game they start to bring up weird slightly related topics or it devolves into other territories
It's strange but it is the fate of every general, you either get a big bowl of autism or the general dies due to lack of interest
you could say it's because new people come and go from time to time
but this game has been kinda forgotten for quite some time now, there's no way enough new people would go to the general to refresh the content
Some of you are confused and wanna just talk off /vg/, but what is actually going on here?
explain please
Don't remind me. It's fall was so swift that you could almost say it was born that way.
>video games board that doesn't talk about video games hates video games boards that do
>Sup Forumsermin lecturing anyone on board quality
as a frequenter, its one of the worst boards on the site.
For as fucking autistic as it is,t here's very few high end players intelligent and informed enough to have discussion on gameplay. I outright stopped going to /wowg/ after realizing that basically nobody is worth their salt in terms of gameplay, rankings, or progression. when I was pushing parses and really going for ranks, /wowg/ was the absolute last place i went for information.
/tesg/ is distilled autism, but is pretty helpful all in all for modding skyrim.
/skg/ is a comfy general. They've achieved enlightenment and have civil discussions about their 2D waifus.
/vg/ has literally one mod who only plays dota 2 and is literally 3k mmr lmafo
Who are you and why are you being intentionally dumb. Look at this.
a bot took over.
Botted to undeath.
Not all /vg/ threads are created equal, faggot. Your is certainly the one at the bottom of the barrel.
Why do the mods allow it?
maybe the botter is making the generals now
the actual posters should move on to a general under a different name if they already havent and just use different names for everything
They lost count twice.
Senran poster here. I was just commenting on a thing. I already know that /gw2g/ is dead and all the inhabitants have moved to Discord.
The botter runs through hundreds of IPs apparently and has subverted the Captcha. Mods couldn't stop them if they wanted to.
they don't care
>Screencapping your own post
Discord has already rendered generals irrelevant. You could say IRC had a learning curve for idiots and a lack of pictures, but discord is designed for idiots and has all the reaction images people would want.
Some generals already died (or are dying) as a result of discord and I couldn't be happier. A general-less Sup Forums would be a better Sup Forums.
If this was true the whole of this site would be under constant attack. They mods just don't give a fuck.
Some autist got btfo so hard that he had to nuke every thread since then with a bot.
I don't know if he did or not, but if you're implying the fact that the post is purple means he posted it, then you're new as fuck. Hit the "No." next to a post number.
I wish he would spam all the boards, maybe it would make hiroshimoot ban phoneposting finally.
>What does phoneposting have to so we it it?
Did you have a stroke, user?
Nah, he's using a botnet and/or one of those Indian services where they solve thousands of CAPTCHAs for a few dollars.
Sup Forums could be spammed into utter oblivion and the mods couldn't do anything, it's just that no one wants to do it.
Here's a pic of Sup Forums when bui decided to visit for a couple minutes.
circle jerking and erp
just rangeban the guy. There's a limited amount of proxies and vpns he can use before getting buttfucked. Most of the public free ones are banned already and tor nodes are too.
>General turns into nothing but imported Sup Forums shitposting
Fucking /mhg/
I just visit to check for news on updates for games I play really.
/pdg/ says hi though
No matter how bad it seems and how useless the board is, understand that /vg/ is like a dumpster. Disgusting, trashy, and literally the refuse of society but also absolutely necessary. If /vg/ wasn't there then all the trash would spill out on to the other boards profusely. Be glad there's a dedicated magnet for shitposting.
did some digging in the fireden archive and here's what apparently went down. copypasted btw
>/gw2g/ does what it usually did AKA avatarfags, post your character roster lineups, post pics of x, ERP ERP ERP, post pics of you and your friends, etc etc
>some sylvari main came in and didn't like it
>starts posting obnoxiously and passive aggressively under the pretense that his trolling and screenshot spam was "content," getting banned constantly for his petty nonsense and coming right back to continue stirring shit "to prove a point"
>basically nobody is allowed to have fun, nobody should post identifiably, here's me and my literal slideshow of screenshots running up and down town because this is how hard your 1-3 pictures trigger me
>sylvari poster is ban evading at this point, starts spamming the thread into oblivion
>Charr NEET furry, "Jugg," argues with sylvari poster and becomes the spammer for the charr furry race
>Sylvari poster quits and runs
>Jugg spams future /gw2g/ with stolen screenshots of charr for entire weekends for years
>Y E A R S
>Y E A R S S S S S S S SSSSSS fuicking years
>Every god damn weekend, YEARSSSSSSSS
>250 charr screenshots per thread, every hour, every weekend day, disrupts discussion and eats away at image space
>If a new /gw2g/ thread pops up, he follows and continues the spam
>Bakes a cake to "celebrate" and leaves
>Some assholes continue his legacy of spam
>He notices and comes back
>He spams again for more. god damn. years.
>This time he changes each screenshot name to tumblr-esque names and bypasses any form of moderation as before, just an interrupted stream of pure spam
only now he ramped up his autism by creating a bot that basically steals posts from other generals and posts them in the thread. crazy stuff
>If /vg/ wasn't there then all the trash would spill out on to the other boards profusely
You just described the majority of Sup Forums and the internet at large.
hol up im a retard
>A new spammer or Jugg himself starts spamming text posts stolen from /trash/
>The /trash/ text spam turns into text spam stolen from /vg/
>The text spam transcends past /vg/ and is just general text posts from all over Sup Forums stolen and shoved into /gw2g/
>Just an invincible stream of confusion, text spam replying to text spam replying to text spam replying to irrelevant text spam
>Normal /gw2g/ posters use pictures to differentiate themselves from the spam
>The spammer uses pictures with the text spam posts
>text and picture spam so hard that the Jugg charr screenshot spam doesn't even appear anymore
>to the point where 1,500 /gw2g/ spam threads float to page 10
>the mods literally cannot do ANYTHING to save the general, they delete posts and half an hour later they come back
>/gw2g/ died because someone didn't like funposts
what a wild ride
I'm glad mmos are dead
No they're not. They just aren't as huge as before.
>tfw I'm the sylvari poster
This whole operation was my magnum opus, also sylvari isn't my main.
Dumb plant
go back to /vg/
Why should I? It is dead. And triggering someone so hard that he dedicates time and maybe even money to write a bot to make that one general completely useless is super flattering.
Is there a single human poster in that thread, or is it literally all just bot spam?
there's some people that identify themselves by the name field and posting gw2 related images, but i'd be surprised being able to find and track anyone through all that shit
Holy shit you reek of autism.
and with that this thread is now ruined.
who doesn't
nah. GW2 EU at launch was a comfy club, while US was full of drama and shit. STO /vg/ guild were bro as fuck too, playing neverwinter with other anons and watch them crash the economy with exploits was fun af.
all depends on the game and region.
There are good autists and bad autists. Generals usually only have the latter.