Who is the best female video game character and why is it samus?

who is the best female video game character and why is it samus?

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Are we seriously giving robots genders now?

Jill Valentine
Claire Redfield
(Original) Lara Croft

Because like the Master Chief she's ruthless, kills aliens, saves the galaxy, and isn't afraid of anything.

>isnt afraid of anything

Because Samus is (from an outside perspective) a man that we can still sexualize, it's just that we choose when to do so. There is no added bullshit with Samus.

In the games Samus is Samus and that's it. Other M tried to create a new character based off of instances with the old character that only lorefigs would know about, most people hated the result so now casuals don't consider it relevant.

There is not a single video game character who can come close to the charm or personality of my Marisa.


He wasn't even using the meme there, but you're an animefag for a reason.

Never mind, user. You made me smile.

Even then Other M was more weird than anything. Samus is a very strong character, she gets to a planet, proceeds to fuck everyone's shut up and then leaves. She has very few moments of weakness. But then Other M came along and was all about taking Samus' strength away from her and make her scared and vulnerable. It's plain contradictory.

Dana Moore did nothing wrong.

Yup. Giving team ninja a project with a female character as protag was a mistale

>the baby

I mean... you're right, but I don't want to get the wrong message across.
Other M made a bad attempt at portraying moments like these without going overboard in a short cinematic story.
It's just that what they came up with was an approach to this sort of thing from the start, so following from the start felt like it was all wrong. Nothing naturally led up to a moment of Samus' struggles.
>pic obviously related

That was all Sakamoto's fault.

>She has very few moments of weakness
Maybe the way you play her. After Crocomire came back to life in Super Metroid I had to keep the cartridge in the freezer for a couple nights.

Samus has no fucking foresight.

>Kill Metroids without thinking their prey would overpopulate
>Doesn't think Federation might want to clone the last Metroid until it's far too late, and after the first time doesn't think about it before it happens AGAIN in Fusion.
>Doesn't bring up the Deleter to the Federation members before more people die
>Doesn't move out of the fucking way when a giant phazon boss is about to fall on her

If Samus is the best woman in video games simply because she has big titties and a powerful suit, then D.Va is the prettiest girl in Overwatch, and if you haven't noticed, D.Va is UGLY.

>I Have not Played Metroid Prime 2, 3, or Metroid Fusion: The Post

So is all the rest of the females in that game.

I hope Prime 4 has multiplayer. Not a focused multiplayer as a main attraction but, not as messy as Prime 2 multiplayer.
Maybe like Hunters, it's somewhat balanced, some good maps and menus, gameplay is completely borrowed from the single player base game. This would be nice. Just like a little bonus for fans that plan on keeping the game forever and have something extra to go back to. c:

Barring Other M, she's a cool female character because she's also a good video game character. Women should not have emotions in video games. They shouldn't even be allowed to talk. Of course I think the exact same thing about men, because I don't play a video game for crying and feelings and other tumblr bait. Those are just distractions used by bad game devs to hide bad gameplay. After all, who would complain about gameplay when they're too busy talking about "muh artistic vision"?

tl;dr my image shows it better.

I thought samus killed all the metroids why is the series still called metroid


How do you feel about Faith Connors of Mirror's Edge? I wouldnt be able to guess your thoughts based off of the pic.

>I think the exact same thing about men, because I don't play a video game for crying and feelings
tfw i loved wolfenTNO for this when bj was being a cry baby. But in saying that, I definitely sexualised him while playing because... I mean... fuck he is an attractive man.

Take away her sex appeal and not a single person will claim to like the gameplay. This is fact.

But that does not apply to Sorceress or 2B.

>metal gear rising
>devil may cry


ACfag, go away.

I feel neutral about her, since it IS an EA game.

seeHave you ever seen a Nier or Dragon's Crown thread that didn't just become a porn dump?

Both are garbage games as well. Too many people shitposting with overused memes, or posting porn of the female characters. People claim to like the games, but every thread is just porn of Mistral. If you want porn, why are you playing video games?

>Women should not have emotions in video games
Samus clearly had emotions in other games though. Zero Mission, Prime 2 and 3, Fusion, and you could even argue Return of Samus.

Shiki is my favorite female character.

People have made porn of every video game character ever.


Samus is tops for sure. Honorable mention to Lara Croft.


Not Samus but her name does start with an "S" so close enough

Anything you could misconstrue there were actions, and we felt emotional as a result. Those aren't really that bad. What i'm talking about is full blown MOM tier crying and breakdowns and hissyfits. Kinda like how zelda broke down into a 5 year old in Breath of the Wild.


All i'm thinking is "get over it you whiny slut. Nobody cares."

But why does the porn have to dominate all discussion?

It dominates discussion on Sup Forums because most of us are turbo spergs who want a 2D waifu. Go anywhere else and discuss Bayo and see the difference.

You have no idea mate.

becuase that's her fucking character.
take away dante's coolass shit and he's boring too.

>There are no emotions only actions

Nigga you are so autistic they'd need to create a new word to describe how far deep you land on the spectrum.

Not this meme again. Team Ninja might be shit but Other M's worst offenses were all Sakamoto. He was basically given a million dollars or so to make his fanfiction a reality.

>Honorable mention to Lara Croft.
I both agree and disagree with you for so many reasons it isn't worth getting into, but the main reason I say I agree is, the personality that has been designed for her is.... Within the fictional world of Tomb Raider in it's relevance to our world and societies/cultures, yeah, she is somewhat admirable in terms of respect towards her character.

But without getting into all the why's and followed reasons, she is just dick bait and shit tier reason of existence in games, especially in terms of character appreciation, regarding the fact that she is a woman.

>i realise that this might be real hard to read and I apologise, I'm an autistic loser and it was stressing me out not saying at least something

Prove me wrong, and give me a link to a pic of her porn

We already knew ACfag was a sperg.

>lets Omega fall on top of her
>gets one of the coolest suits in the series

how are you complaning

>sets house of fire and it burns to ashes
>finds lost family hierloom in the rubble

I claim to like the gameplay. And the music. And also W101

Metroid is the Chozo word for 'ultimate warrior' so Samus is actually the titular Metroid.

I posted and got an even better food analogy

>Eats wild mushrooms
>They taste great and do not cause any medical complications

Basically if a good thing comes out of a stupid decision the stupid decision does not retroactively become smart.


So let me get this straight: games like Bayonetta and Dragon's Crown are good according to you, right? But removing the sex appeal from the characters (while not touching the gameplay) totally and completely ruins them forever, according to what I'm hearing here. So how can the games be good if they're entirely reliant on fap fuel?

The best female character is one with very little character and dialogue and the time they tried to give her more everyone hated it?

>entire hugely popular series with great female characters
>not a single word from grrll power Sarkeesian types

Why? It's not like you see Reimu in a zero suit.

Women are meant to be seen, not heard.

I never said anything about sex appeal lmfao. Some other people in this thread might have.

They are decent games on their own but fap fuel is another layer that makes the experience better.

It's like having the codex's in D44M.

Samus is Metroid in Chozo language, Chozo technology, genetic fusion, species emotional ties, goals and differences.

>L A Y E R S

Because it's not mainstream enough, and grrll power types usually avoid weebshit like the plague.

that's retarded, no one ever looked at the codex in nu-doom

If they're decent on their own, then removing the fap fuel shouldn't make them worse. A videogame should not be reliant on non-videogame factors. It's the same garbage as modern david cage games trying to skirt about criticism by hiding behind "muh artistic vision".

So Samus and Metroid have the same meaning?

That's a shame.

>videogame characters are meant to be seen, not heard.


Huh? Who said that? I said I like bayo, but if you remove the sex appeal you get mgr, which I also love

The discussion Sup Forums usually argues otherwise, especially due to the resurgence of the BRAP-posters.

It's called fartposting. Get it right.

Reminds me of the Transsexual Transformer for some reason, don't even get me started on the Homosexual Transformer.

Because Sup Forums is retarded.

>Robots with genders

This isn't real, right?

Tetra from Wind Waker. Because she's capable like Samus, but feisty and cute

I hope to God this is not real.

you mean shes a cunt and cute

It's very real.

my bad, i didn't mean the word Samus, that's just her name. I meant the character Samus is the Chozo word that describes Samus, 'Metroid' (is the describing word) that the Chozo engineered her to be in order to control the Metroids which the Chozo also helped engineer/alter to control Parasite X, only named X because the Metroid already had the name, which the X parasite had then altered Samus, the Chozo's created 'Metroid' once Samus had eradicated in Metroid II and been altered due to the Metroid DNA infused in Samus in Metroid III (Super).
SO IN A WAY, Metroid is a story about Metroids existance being controlled by a race of ancient beings because they prophesied a form of Metroid (in their terms) destroying all life but the Metroid was then altered to create a new Metroid that went on a mission to destroy the Metroids which led to a Metroid being mothered by a Metroid and the ultimate resulting fusion of Metroids which led to a Metroids return due to parasitical behaviour of feeding on the Metroids but replacing a typical Metroid with a new Metroid. This series of events led to cloning and genetic engineering of Metroids which resulted in Metroids recreating themselves as Metroids and one Metroid recreating itself as a Metroid-Metroid-Metroid ultra beast that sacrificed itself to destroy a Metroid in which the other Metroid (Samus) fused itself with, creating the start of a new breed and alteration of Metroid, destroying the last Metroid.

This is why Metroid Dread would have been an amazing development. The Metroid-Metroid-Metroid-Metroid being the last Metroid, but the different forms of Metroids' DNA is a hazard, as seen in Metroid IV (Fusion). Not only is Samus now an enemy of the GF but they have their own technology to create Metroids and other weapons to destroy the MMMM.
Samus could become this beast or any other endless possibilities that we the player could experience but Nintendo doesn't want to make it.

>Inb4 autism the post

I hope you're being facetious in the sense "it's real" as in it exists, and not "it's real" as in it's an official licensed comic.

Reminder that Beast Wars is one of the only good pieces of Transformers media

>isnt afraid of anything
she literally got ptsd fighting riddley and lost the ability to control her suit in that one game.

>Chozo engineered samus to control the X parasite


>he considers Other M canon

With Metroid Samus Returns with Samus collecting Metroid DNA to progress and the Fusion Suit being extra, it seems like it's a possibility that at the end of Fusion, Samus could still have strands of Metroid DNA in her. I hope that it's true, it would be a shame to have her have Metroid DNA for one game instead of making it permanent, plus since Samus Returns is supposed to expand on Samus relationship with the Metroid Hatchling it would be disappointing if Metroid 5 did away with the only connection Samus have left with the Metroid Hatchling.

just give me a bit.. I know what I've read it in, it's just the issue of finding the exact series/issue/page/etc.

Metroid Prime 3 and Zero Mission show her being apprehensive about fighting Ridley.


>It's bad/I don't like it, therefore, it is not canon

How much money have you *won* gambling because it's impossible for you to *lose*? Also, name the last five presidents of the USA.


Page 6 of the translation.

I love this series and it's why I fell in love with Metroid when I first got broadband and discovered the existence of video game forums as a kid.

That says she had a DNA transfusion, nothing about the X Parasite

Same material but this is the original translation and has more links to the correct stuff.

I love MDB :D

>Metroid Prime 3 and Zero Mission show her being apprehensive about fighting Ridley.
But she still fought and murdered him now didn't she?

ugh fuck. alright let me look for more.
From what I remember it was more of a series long unveiling of the X but I will see if there is literally anything that specifically says 'samus is for kill x'

ACKSHULLAY the only time she killed Ridley was in Super Metroid, and maybe Fusion.

I know that already, but still.

Still what? In every game Ridley appears even Brawl, Samus fills him with beam energy and missiles.

She never has a complete meltdown like she did in Other M.

I'd say that's probably because of shocked she is to see him supposedly survive Zebes' detonation, not knowing it's a clone.

The funny part is that it takes Anthony's supposed death to snap her out of it. Like fixing a broken leg with a sledgehammer!


This is the closest thing I can find summarizing so I am guessing that I made head cannon as a kid by connecting the dots in my own retarded way.
The Chozo knew of the X long before the events of the first issue with Samus as a kid, they engineered the Metroid's to destroy the X. With all of this knowledge (and the technology to do so correctly), years later genetically altered Samus so that she could survive and enhance herself as a being on the planet which was also home to the X and the Metroid.

Now, concerning the exact statement "Chozo engineered samus to control the X parasite", the Metroid didn't completely clear the X as they were designed to live as a biogenetic life-form that would live from preying off of the X, then die out due to starvation.

But hopefully I don't need to explain the entire plot of every single Metroid game and their relevance to the history of the fiction, because I really don't want to bother explaining how both the X and Metroid survived and spread through the galaxy (nor do I have every answer, so it isn't worth it).

>I really don't want to bother explaining how both the X and Metroid survived and spread through the galaxy (nor do I have every answer, so it isn't worth it).

Space pirates

Thank you. My autistic brain makes it hard to explain things so clearly like that, not to say I blame my autism for such as an excuse of my behaviour and tellings. I just think that at times, it is a relevant note to mention.

Not them but I saw it as the Chozo made two ultimate warriors one to kill the X (Metroid) and one to kill the Metroid (Samus). I believe that the Chozo planned to make Samus the true ultimate warrior by having her have Human/Chozo/Metroid DNA that way she would be able to become the protector of the galaxy.

>I believe that the Chozo planned to make Samus the true ultimate warrior by having her have Human/Chozo/Metroid DNA
That's the way I look at it too, it's just that all the details can make it seem more of a fuzzy result. But the crossing of DNA is why I want Dread damn it.
Because now it's not just those 3, it's also X DNA that has fused with her DNA without being defeated by the Metroid DNA due to the SA-X.


>DNA can destroy each other on a molecular level if not for the SA-X

Now that's just stupid. The fact that the Metroid DNA saved Samus from the X parasite is stupid.

Actually, the Metroid DNA completely destroys the X DNA taking what's left, like Samus's upgrades and Samus's Chozo DNA. Also, don't worry about Dread, we'll be getting it soon, the time for its release is coming.

Wrong wording, she was enhanced due to the SA-X (then defeats boss clone that she couldn't defeat beforehand).
I personally don't know if Metroid DNA is the reason X didn't over take or what ever but I mean... with the Metroid DNA, X parasite created SA-X, so I mean... I guess in a way we got both results as an in-game result. Both Samus and SA-X.
It's the ending that Samus fused with SA-X that interests me.