What other games really nailed their sound design?
What other games really nailed their sound design?
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>posting HZD on Sup Forums
Don't you know that's basically illegal?
It really does have amazing sound design, though. The robots sound great.
Final Fantasy XIV
sound design as in women screeching against men?
you clearly haven't played the game.
Silent Hill
No man's sky
Look man, I fucking LOVE HZD, it is without doubt my GOTY, but you cannot discuss it on this board man.
off the top of my head Dawn of War (with some issues), STALKER and Republic Commando
Literally never happens
Persona 5
>Hasn't ever touched the game
You could literally change Aloy to a man and nothing would change in the game.
longleg screams in 5.1 made neighbor ask wtf
I'll get shit for it, but Destiny. The boss theme for Aksis is absolutely epic, and the monsters sound great and Alien. One thing Bungie is still great at really. Shame about the fucking awful dialogue.
Games where I noticed the sound design and thought it was good:
Max Payne 2
RO2 / Rising Storm
Uncharted 4
SMT IV. It has a lot of problems but sound is not one of them
* starts firing blue cannon at purple servitor*
For Honor or pretty much anything made by ubisoft montreal
Blowout soon, fellow Stalker!
[melancholy guitar sounds]
Agree, the sound assets in that game at times made my balls shrink. Atmosphere was delicious.
Thief 1 & 2
Holy fucking shit those games had an absolutely AMAZING sound design that basically stands for half of the game and its immersion.
Doom 3
Maybe it's because it's so fucking dark and you have to rely on sounds at times.
Silent Hill 1-4 definitely.
battlefield 1
Sound design turned a 7/10 game into 9/10
Alien Isolation.
Man I wanna try this, I grew up playing the Freespace 2 demo on the family PC, now I could finally actually run something like this.
>Yfw you discovered the Alien can hear you through your mic.
Nothing is worse than Oryx with pubs
Overwatch has one of the best sound design I've seen
Sorry, didn't see you've already posted that. So I second you with this .
Medal of Honor 2010
You were literally 20 seconds apart, homedawg.
you started moaning to lure it into your position to breed?
Company of Heroes
House of the dying sun
battlefield games
war tapes
Say what you want about the rest of the game but Quantum Breaks sound engineering was basically technical wizardry.
this also Devil Daggers
Dead Space.
It's a real shame Bungie is completely dead. It would be ok if people like Marty and Jaime all got together and formed a studio but Marty and Jaime are working on some shitty VR game, Joseph Staten is at MS, Lehto works at a toy company, and Frankie somehow ended up in a Yamaoka situation where they gave someone who barely affected the previous games a shitton of power for some reason.
Thesounds during the blob section of Inside were somehow both hilarious and disturbing. Most of the game had great audio though.
Playing Zero Dawn with a headset that's got 3D audio is fucking dope.
No, it's just a really nice feature added in that I though was very clever.
Playing the game in VR with a mic and headphones would be the pinnacle of immersion.
Hellblade had great sound design
Dynamic music always gets me and they did it so well. And the world felt alive because of things like jungle sounds or rolling thunder in the difference. It was incredible. I liked the voices too.
oops wrong thread
about time someone mentioned this
It has a bit of a learning curve and early game ships suck but it's fun to get into
Pretty much anything by DICE. They know how to do sounds and explosions
>Being this pathetic
Seriously even if this was actually worth discussion allowing other people to dictate what you talk about is pitiable and pathetic. leave this board idiot
Atelier Ayesha. I never heard a soundtrack work so absolutely perfectly with its setting and atmosphere like that.
Shadow of mordor actually
Dungeon Keeper
any Supergiant game, really
Transistor was probably my least favourite out of the three, but the music makes my dick hard
System Shock 2.
Ocarina of Time.
Oooooh, fuck! Saved.
Akira Yamaoka is a genius.
Truth hurts
dota 2
Game-play complaints aside, EA's Battlefront completely nailed the visual and aural aesthetics of the Star Wars universe. It's the closest I've felt to being in Star Wars since the Jedi Knight games were new.