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will it be ludo?

Artyom is cute! CUTE!

IT will probably be turned into some open world shitfest.

Zero hype since the trailed didn't manage to capture the mood of neither the books nor the earlier games.

It's not open world in the traditional sense. It still has levels but some of them are huge with branching paths.

I'm excited. Wonder what sort of weird shit well see on the new surface. There were so many throwaway lines in the books and games about shit you never see. Shit like the Tunnel Master, or that squad of Russian soldiers that had a tank and kept in radio contact with the Metro while they tried to survive above ground and how they'd radio in every once in awhile and tell the operator about all the "weird shit" they'd seen, until they eventually just stopped responding to broadcasts.

Looks like it's trying to be an open world game while the previous games were just literally all tunnels sections

not gonna be open world
its going to play like stalker with close areas like in previous metros

Still one of my favorite trailers to this day.


Its going to be a normiefied version of stalker, which isn't bad but exodus trailer reminded me of some gears of war type DUDE HARDCORE SURVIVAL LMAO shit

Please tell me you won't have to craft campfires and shit

do you guys think they will add all the shit the skip from the books in this one?
>pic related corpse-eater from metro 2034

>Savage Cannibals of the Great Worm Cult
please please please please.

yeah i want to see corpse-eaters, FUCK

It's already been confirmed not to be open world. This was known since day 1 of the trailer release.

I hope they get rid of earning moral points form exploration in this game. If they don't the game is probably going to be extremely boring having to thoroughly search the new big levels to get the good ending.

Also worried the new big levels will be too empty and the end points of the paths are just going to be a small loot chests or collectibles.

I like the redux one with Mogwai

>get rid of one of the best game mechanics
epik xd, fuck off if you dont like to explore and get the special ending


Last Light was shit, but the art direction great, it was the only good thing about it, on par with 2033's.
I hope Exodus does the same.


good taste user
2033 was spoopy, LL was muh political shit , muh gay ass pavel
LL dlc were amazing tho