Why does vidya "journalists" pretend to know what they are talking about?
Why does vidya "journalists" pretend to know what they are talking about?
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Because it gets idiots to click their links and watch their videos, they get money for that not the shit they write.
For the clics
>and featuring a soundtrack by metal music mastermind Andrew Hulshult
Because it's easy to trick casuls
When vidya journalism died? Was it when EGM was closed in 2011?
Remember that Shoe refused the Ubisoft money for the review of AssCred and EGM was the only goddamn outlet that was able to sony and microsoft about their shitty consoles back in 2006
>Food analogies
>Now anyone, jew, nog, or paki can be the 'master race' in this context, essentially disgracing the Nazi legacy through the term's reappropriation
>but it's bad because words can be evil
>make a joke about the "superiority" of the pc gaming community
>idiots takes it seriously
>and now even bigger idiots are telling them to stop this in the most serious way instead of laughing at them
It's like we've gone full circle.
He's clearly saying undermensch have no business calling themselves master race, and he's right
which ones of these are fake? the first one definitely, but i don't want to bother checking the other two
All of them are real, just google the titles
Other than being an editorial, he isn't really wrong. Hatred was just an extremely edgy, albeit not as edgy as people thought it would be, shitty game.
It's a shame because it looked like a decent urban top-down shooter.
>linking to kotaku
Fuck off you faggot
>The article is basically "Steam shouldnt allow this game because of muh feels"
what is that picture supposed to mean? that patricia hernandez article IS fake. it's what made me think the other articles that were posted were also fake. but i guess you never know nowadays. except the articles were from 2012-2015 actually, so it was this bad for a while.
Don't have pics, but here are two of my favourites:
>9 Reasons Why No Man's Sky Is Actually Just Way Too Smart for You
>Fallout 4 Is Full of Bugs, But Fixing Them Could Ruin It
The game's going to be fun
this is terrible even by teenager blog standards
as much as I hate pc gamer, they're not wrong here
Give me a Mega link so I can refute you
That food analogy was so bad... I don't even want to eat pizza anymore.