Wtf i love no mans sky now

wtf i love no mans sky now

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so does the game have any actual goals outside of going to samey looking planets and mining shit?

It's the same game, you mine to survive. I can't even get the ship fixed because can't find heridium any longer and I always spawn to a toxic or cold planet. Talk about evolution. It's still same boring as fuck game. But apparently there's this wonderful storyline to follow but I'm unable to get to it because I keep dying from lack of fucking resources. Don't pay money for it unless you already own it. Pirate it to see it yourself.

more like no females around

git gud fag

>I keep dying from lack of fucking resources.
there is a new mechanic, where if you scan a resource before mining it most will have a secondary element, so plutonium will have thanium too, iron will have green elements and carbon based life may have rare elements. any blue element may have other blue elements so look for them.
plus if in doubt build a scanner and scan for resource nodes

>can't even get the ship fixed
iirc all you need is carlite shields to fix the thrusters to get off the planet, so carbon and iron, which will be plenty on nearly every planet (carbon needs life though)

Did somebody know where can I download the last version of this game for free???

>can't find heridium

How fucking stupid are you?

best mod for survival is lower cost thruster launch because its fucking retarded without it in Survival, its legit not fun being able to launch like fucking once then need to completely refill it.

Is there literally anything to do in this game besides go to planets and mine different-colored dirt? Because Starbound was the exact same way for years and that piece of shit was a travesty.

>try to play again
>get LSD tier sky
>only way to fix this is to roll back with driver version

heridium is on every planet even moons.

There's plenty to do. Check the updates, mang.
X3 is still better, but at least Hello Games is trying to make their shit game good.

Still boring as hell.

delete shadercache in the folder, it fixes thsoe issues for me all the time.

Every time I try to destroy a venom sac my game crashes. So now I avoid venom sacs. Hopefully they're not necessary for something good.

I dunno, I know it's the dank meme that sean lied people died and all that shit but it's kinda entertaining in a chill way and still manages to have more content and be less jank that other early access survival space games

I fucking hate the pop-in and ratty-ass performance though I hope they fix that shit

>Not chilling with your ayylien crew on your own freighter

Get on my level, shitheads.
where the fuck do I find S-Class Freighters and Ships

Tried with a clean installation too,nothing

Is there any way to get the DLC ships? None of the updated torrents include it.

So what the fuck is that black crystal thing? And if anyone's gotten there, what's at the center of the universe?

They're just very slightly better starter ships you'll trade up from in an hour

>Be on the 2nd galaxy
>literally no one elses discoveries or bases to find.

>what's at the center of the universe
Originally, a massive fuck you
But now there's an actual facility that contains an actual ending

Each planet has at least one base. Build your signal thingy.

i bought the game last night and it runs like complete dog shit even on lowest settings. gtx 1060 & i5-3570k oc'd to 4ghz and the game drops to 34 fps any time i shoot the gun.

How do the freighters function? Can you drive them around in the star systems and then use your personal ship to land on planets?

You pay the crew upfront to fly your new freighter, and gives roaming space jews ability to dock on it.

Basically a big mobile base that you can store your ships, hire crew, and build the personal quarters yourself (you can't edit the bridge or anything).

So its better now?

They've been releasing patches since November, but are informing the media only after this recent one.
And yeah it's pretty decent.

I bought it two days ago and it runs silky smooth on ultra. It seems to be your rig thats the issue.

Not that user but what are you running it on?

Wake me up when you can encounter other players like they promised you'd be able to.

You can encounter other players. Just not with shitty co-op that people want for some reason.

you can but they're just floating orbs with proximity chat.

>shitty co-op
Yeah why would you want to play with your friends.

Barely even counts. That's just hacked in functionality to try to pull their foot slightly out of their mouth after people called them on it literally the first day they could play NMS.

How does base sharing work? If you find someones base can you just get a bunch of free loot?

Just made this. Am having more fun with this game than I thought I would. Earlier I was being hunted down by space pirates and nearly died from them. Had to escape to a nearby planet.

Good stuff.

Is it actually worth buying this game if I already have Subnautica?

People didn't want shitty co-op, people wanted non-autistic Eve online, with space battles, trading, guilds/clans/cartels, NPC factions, goals. None of it was delivered. Instead we got watered down early access survival without zombies or multiplayer.

Almost all of those things are in the game, though.
I completely forgot about that. Do they have a release date yet? Have they fixed the protagonist's faggy hair?

>wanting to play with your friends in a single player game

I guess every Zelda is shit now since they lack multiplayer.

>Comparing NMS to Zelda
The hubris

not the guy you're replying to, but the point he's trying to make is that they ADVERTISED you would be able to play it in a multiplayer environment, but when the game was released people were surprised to see they had been bamboozled and you actually couldn't. Zelda was never advertised to have multiplayer, so it'd be stupid to feel cheated if someone bought it and was surprised it didn't have it

Subnautica is better, i literally regret everyday not sticking with the NS2 team because I could have gotten on the Sub QA team, subnautica is legit amazing and will be on full release.

but NMS has a much better "base" if it makes sense. People shit on its generation and shit, but its pretty insane, its even better when you find a truly amazing planet with cool animals and plants, which is very rare, but they exist. Subnautica is a better game from a gameplay perspective by far, its very well crafted, thats why its not like NMS generation, but NMS is an incredible exploration game, and I mean flat out just exploration, its actual gameplay still needs a lot more work but it has serious potential to be incredible and these updates have really improved it, but its still just a fantastic eye candy game, a good story, but it has a lot of repetitive shit, where as Subnautica is a really fun game all around with great exploration, but its handcrafted. Both prob have 1 more year till they are actually truly impressive. Its a shame because NMS actual base is insane, its not like anything else, but its too rare to find a truly incredible planet, and its gameplay is too repetitive for the most part. It really needs big and challenging structures with encounters at this point, and have animals, especially crazy rare ones, pose a serious threat.

How are the new biomes/fauna types? Is it just a handful or does it actually feel diversified now?

biomes okay. Flora is very good. Its still rare to get a really cool Fauna time but they exist. Fauna can be extremely diverse, with some planets actually adhearing to specific fauna times, like I had a frozen planet with 8/9 weird bouncy fucks, so it made more sense. Issue is, like I said, to get the really good Fauna, its still rare.

I found an S-class just laying around crashed actually. It has 48 slots and makes my dick rock fucking hard. Slow in terms of maneuverability, but it's shields and canons are good. Can even shoot the fucking phase beam on it for more tha a second. Estimated worth of it is 126M

I found a planet that was unlike any other planet ive ever seen. It had these weird floating orbs all the fuck over it and some of them were half buried in the ground and spinning around. It was the first time i was half awestruck

See shit like this makes me want to like this game if it had a purpose to play it.


The next patch REALLY needs to focus on creature gen. There was even a predator-looking alien datamined in 1.2 that didn't make it into this patch.

This planet was labeled as a "Terraforming Catastrophe"

Does any game have a purpose to play it?

Is there any point/story behind the abandoned bases yet?

Whoa, cool trees

Is there a way to get rid of the pop-ups on the HUD in the bottom right corner without simply turning off the hud fully?
I am quite sick of them cycling through like 4 different things every 5 seconds while I just want to wander.

That sounds cool. I've been busy with other games and life, so seeing all this new stuff come in is really encouraging me to get back in it.

Current galaxy.


Artemis is stuck in the glass planet I think, but I haven't progressed the story past the mandatory base building. Can't find that perfect planet.

I hear "graphical overhauls with better textures etc." but does it also improve performance on weaker systems? Does it still cost as much resources to launch your ship?

It seems that since my old file had already maxed out my backpack I can't buy any of the new upgrades from drop pods. That's kind of a big problem because no fucking way am I going to bother searching endlessly for drop pods and selling lemium(that likely had a price nerf anyway)

Yes, most of them do.
Subnautica for example has you expanding into deeper waters in an effort to find technology that will get you off the planet.

>playing the game enough to know this tidbit of information
Turbo cuck. Hope your wife's son enjoyed the game.

Oy vey

Have you thought about maybe using your scanner?

Any pictures of predator-esque alien?