Name 3 games that are bad on purpose

Name 3 games that are bad on purpose

Other urls found in this thread:


Depression Quest

Postal 2
Eat Lead
Bad Day LA

Deadly premonition


That Dragon Cancer
Home Alone
Jackie Chan

I wanna be the guy
Kramer's hentai adventure

OP said bad "on purpose" not incidentally.

VCB: Why City - The Ballad Of Drunk Khovansky

Brutal Legend

Special Ops: The Line
Naughty Bear
A bunch of old games that were made as fuck yous to management or to fulfill contract

Every AVGN game.

Was ET one if those games?

Takeshi's Challenge
completely 100% on purpose
even mocks you at the end with a quote from the guy they made the game after

Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III

dark souls 2 (vanilla)
PUBG (low budget cashgrab)
Kane & Lynch 2 (camcorder graphics)

Cargo! The quest for Gravity
Space Funeral
Aliens: Colonial Marines

Im still trying to figure out if DP was intentional.
They tried to make Twin Peaks as a playable video game....
but everything, just sucked, but somehow still enjoyable.

Except for the combat fuck that,

only game off the top of my head that i think was actively antagonizing the playerbase was persona 3: the answer.

Takeshi Miike is a son of a bitch.


Suda didn't want combar at all, but was pressured to.

why pathologic

>drakengard/nier is bad on purpose

no its not. it intentionally fucks with you sometimes, but the general lack of quality is due to incompetence and limited resources.

The Stanley Parable was both very deliberate and terrible.

I woudn't say standley parable is bad, i'd say its a bad video game.

No more heroes

>Stock enemies have about two different lines of dialog
>All have the same death animation

maybe not 'bad', but a negative experience.

New super Mario brothers

Didnt you like the remake?

-my summer car
-goat simulator

Drakengard 1
Drakengard 2
Drakengard 3

Don't you mean Swery65?

Pretty sure it was Suda51...

tonyhawk downhill jam
cliffhanger for snes
and last but not least this piece of shit pic related

Surgeon Simulator
Goat Simulator
I Am Bread

What do I win?



Gone Home
Halo 5

It's Beat Takeshi.

Do you mean "games that made specific gameplay choices that happen to not work" or "games that were purposefully made with little effort and/or regard for quality/enjoyment"?

Cho Aniki
I Wanna be the Guy
Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden


>Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden

every telltale "game"
metroid other m

>OP asks for games that are bad on purpose
>people just post regular bad games

Is Postal actually good?