Good Co-OP Games

A friend and I are craving some good Co-Op games.

We love shit like monster hunter, dark souls etc.

We played some divinity original sin it was fun, but looking for more RPG stuff.

Please Sup Forums, you're our only hope.

Not stuff like minecraft/terraria please, something with a full blown campaign would be great

My best co-op experience with my gaming buddy was LotR War In The North or something like that recently.
You also have the Trine series, stay away from the 3d one tho.
Borderlands 1, 2, and pre sequel.
That's about it for the ones I remember.

Group suicide is a fun activity to do with a friend.

Doom, skull tag is good...... Try out brutal doom.... I know a lot of fuckers trash talk about it but it's fun with 2-4 players fucking up demons.

Rpgish try vermintide 1st person skill based game

Play Shadow Warrior 2. It has RPG elements, but it's basically a modern DOOM mod.
My wife and I loved it.


dying light

>War in the north when Vermintide is available
Don't listen to this faggot

Resident Evil 5 if you haven't done it.

The first two Army of Two games - granted these are for if you like shooters.

Dying light is fun as shit in co op

TS2&3, Darkwatch, Champions Return to Arms and Secrets of Mana

GuildWars 1

Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2
Killing Floor
Kane and Lynch

Dead Island
Dying Light
The Forest
Serious Sam games
Resident Evil 5

Trust me I know my shit when it comes to coop

>Comparing War in the North and Vermintide
Aren't they completely different genres? One is L4D style except with rat people, the other is a linear third person story/epic experience?

Recently replayed and vegas 1 + 2 are pretty shit. If you have pc then rainbow 6: raven shield is the absolute best of the series. If not then I suppose the vegas games are an ok substitute. Also kinda related but splinter cell: chaos theory is also a great co-op game.
>Borderlands 1, 2, and pre sequel.
1 is pretty neat, the premise is stellar and they did well to flesh out the world, the gunplay was serviceable and the loot was generally satisfying so as a shoot'n'loot it did pretty good. In terms of aesthetics and music I didn't like how they changed the design to the cell shaded look partway into development, but I
still liked the minimalistic sci-fi western theme. The music was tasteful, it was subtle when it needed to be and resonated distinctly with the theme and setting. 2 was awful since they decreased the drop rate for good weapons, not to mention they added a bunch of lackluster mods for the weapons that made some guns that might seem good, into fucking awful guns. Not to mention the writing and art direction went full retard to the point where I just couldn't really enjoy it anymore. Can't say anything about the pre-sequel though, I didn't even want to pirate it after the sour taste that BL2 left in my mouth.

payday 2

>Vegas 1+2
Man you ain't my nigga. Chaos Theory was great for coop tho

You're right, but so is he. It is a different genre, correct, but it's a pretty terrible game and arguably vermintide is better.

Isn't this a csgo map?

>payday 2
>Good in any way
nah m8

Gauntlet 2014

They're shit, get over it. They turned into call of duty SWAT edition.

Not going to debate you, but I disagree. The games were a good and competently made action fps with solid mechanics. Obviously older R6 fans will be disappointed but it was miles better than Lockdown which was total garbage.

Yes. PD2 does a bunch of tie-ins for other games and IP's. For example, the dude from Hotline Miami is a playable character, with a whole set of missions about him. Same with John Wicke.

Fair enough, at the risk of sounding casual I did like some of the aspects of simplification. Third person cover in particular I thought was a novel concept and a great way to get around the "lean" issue with regards to buttons available on console.

Would party games be acceptable? Because we had a blast drinking and playing jackbox trilogy