literally dying of laugh take a look
>these are "serious" "hardcore" gamer website industry insiders and devs are lurking
holy shit
for moar fucking laughs
literally dying of laugh take a look
>these are "serious" "hardcore" gamer website industry insiders and devs are lurking
holy shit
for moar fucking laughs
The point is that Sonic games were never that good, which is true. Fucking Mario 3 destroys every 16bit Sonic, while this doesn't even count games like Mario World and Yoshi's Island which goddamn trample Sonic 2 and 3.
why the fuck are you browsing neogaf, faggot?
All this kids need to get gud.
i have nothing else to do at moment
He is not wrong. Sonic games suck.
hes right though OP, sonic games are just a clusterfuck and you just hold forward to win
>press forward and jump to win
is Pyro the real heir to the 3D Sonic throne?
>no GAY SEX with HATS tab
why even bother posting. -9/10
>these are "serious" "hardcore" gamer website industry insiders and devs are lurking
in 2011 maybe, not today, no-one is touching that site after it turned out half the staff weere pedos
I fully agree with the first guy, Sonic games are confused messes
it wants you to run through the map but then halts your speed only to have you platform precisely, which is hell because Sonic is made of lead, it plays like shit
never saw the appeal in it
It's true though. The only good thing about Sonic is the music.
They're right though. 99% of Sonic games are just holding a direction and very sporadically jumping. The only game which requires actual platforming is Sonic 1 and according to Sonic fans it's the worst of the classics.
>browsing neogaf
>pretending sonic was ever good
I'm not gonna say anything about the actual quality if Sonic games, I just want to point out that the logic of this neogaf posters is retarded.
>Game should have a clearcut, precise pathway in order to be good
These retards are actually saying that linear games are superior. It's really just subjective, some people like clear one path obstacle courses and other people like variety and exploring. Neither is objectively better or the "correct" way, anyone who says otherwise is retarded. Tons of amazing games do one or the other.
I agree honestly, I always just zoomed through the levels. I had fun though.
It's not like it's any different from this shithole. You have tons of mentally challenged nintenbros here who spout the same shit.
I think the point he was trying to make is that the open level design encourages exploration while the gottagofast mentality encourages the opposite.
Neofaggots want shitty walking simulators you can't fail. Its no surprise something that takes skill like Sonic would be a game they hate.
Didn't grew up with 2d sonic games, but you learn the routes that you like after playing the levels few times.
>the post in the OP is literally complaining about Sonic not being challenging because even if you make a mistake you just drop to a lower path and keep going
Be honest, did you actually read it before replying?
Why do you visit Neogaf, OP?
>miss a jump
>get an alternate path
>wtf this is too easy
>miss a jump
>land on a bed of spikes
>wtf I want to go fast
He's full of shit and probably never played past the first few levels, in every level past the first zone the lower path is the hardest.
How's that Java going, user?
His "point" is fucking retarded. The "open" level design is meant to encourage you to go fast through the path you want. It also encourages and adds to the replayability as going through the level once means you won't see the whole thing.
I can bet you all the money I have right now those people don't actually think through the things they post. It makes me angry that some future fucknut who will make games might be influenced by these retarded ideas they spout off over there
bretty gut i am sick of these stupid fucks so i started to developing my own game last month
Isn't Java bad for making games?
Eh, it's a different kind of difficulty. It's like speedrunning Quake or some shit. When you learn the best path and can do it fast you skip a bunch of obstacles and enemies, but being able to go fast and stay on the path is its own kind of difficult. If you don't go fast then you have to mind the spikes, bottomless pits, enemies, etc.
Different strokes for different folks. I played a lot of Sonic but I also can understand why someone would want a more traditional platformer where the only path is the hard path and you either get it right or you die.
Why even bother listening to retards who cannot spell?
>all these casuals itt
Top kek didn't realize Sup Forums was so shit at vidya
lmao, pick one
Performance sucks big flaccid donkey penis, yes. But it's an easier babby's first programming language than C/C++.
Well the second highest selling video game of all time was made in Java so
Pretty much no general purpose language is "bad for games". There are some that are definitely better for high performance stuff, but it depends what your goal is.
It sold well despite being made in java, not thanks to it. One of the biggest and oldest complaints about minecraft always was the performance being ass.
And it runs like shit.
NeoGAF should figure out the difference between its and it's first before worrying about videogames at all
>Different strokes for different folks. I played a lot of Sonic but I also can understand why someone would want a more traditional platformer where the only path is the hard path and you either get it right or you die.
If you want a rip-off pump n' dump game, sure. These people have a legit problem with freedom because they gone through their whole gaming lives used to the current generation of no child left behind game design where if it doesn't tell you constantly what to do every fucking second they legit cannot think for themselves how to play the game their own way nor have the creative capacity to do so. Modern videogames have become the idiotbox of the current generation.
Well maybe it could have been the highest selling video game of all time if it wasn't made in Java.
Actually, what -is- the highest selling game?
>what -is- the highest selling game?
Tetris, but it's bullshit. It includes it coming with Game Boys and includes other versions of it.
>all this mad about people preferring Mario-style platformers to Sonic
The war is over, user. Mario won. Time to move on.
Yea, that's kinda bullshit. But it's also pretty bullshit if they say every fucking tetris game is too different to not count.
>Modern western videogames have become the idiotbox of the current generation.
Fixed. Japan still caters to the hardcore.
>they gone through their whole gaming lives used to the current generation of no child left behind game design
This made me kek thanks.
Thats a really shit mentality
Thank you for your idiotic non-reply, dumbass
>game gives multiple options on how to play, but doesn't obviously explain it to you and hand hold you though how you can play
that's generally the point, unless you get to the Sand Kingdom of Sonic & Knuckles.
Then you have to keep doing a bunch of annoying shit like turning the lights on.
his point is dumb, the level design is as deep as it is to provide more than one way to complete the level. As well as give you somewhere to go if you fall off the highest one.
As opposed to being one level + insta die. (sonic 1 had a lot of insta die so they changed it in 2 & 3)
>Mario won
Enjoy your korean mmo tier fetch quest game because you're too retarded to realize get the 8 red coins, get the 8 blue coins, walk over there to get a shine/star/whatever the fuck is just busy work for retards
>wanting profits in a capitalist society is a shit mentality
What did you expect? You talk about Sonic like it was the perfect example of classic game design when it was always an oddball even for its time. Muh freedom do what you want style of games were very rare back in the day, both for technological constraints and due to many games and game designers coming from an arcade background where you want the player to get up and playing in the least amount of time possible. Not to mention the most popular genre nowadays is open world and Skyrim is one of the most popular modern games, together with minecraft which barely even has an objective beyond fucking around.
>posting redditman image
>Sega's platform is dead and Nintendo is a gimmick platform for children
>Nintentoddlers are still playing Mario spin offs 30 years later
I'd say they both lost.
>java int to String
Is this the Sup Forums version of "gay sex with hats on"?
What did you expect from a place like this?
Also the "sonic were never good" meme here come from a nigger poster from there that took the grump video idea to make a thread and get brownie points with the forum, nowadays the nigger was banned because he only made shit threads like that. Nu-Sup Forums is just neogaf.
Here the nigger in question
Not him but regardless of what anyone thinks it is rather pathetic that anyone who has been playing games for awhile would ever have much of a problem playing Sonic. Yes even people who didn't start gaming until the 21st century. I get if someone isn't accustomed to playing platformer sidescrollers and Sonic may be their first time in the genre but even then it shouldn't take someone more than a few minutes to adjust to its style. The same would apply and especially should apply to someone familiar with the genre. There is nothing hard or confusing about the game and why it has had an enduring appeal for so long. Too many faggots out there just like shit handhold games with absolutely no difficulty. Or as the other user put it, they don't mind a little more difficulty but as long as the game is as linear as possible. I am convinced this is likely why Metroid games never sold well. Nintendo fans themselves are a bunch of babies that like piss easy shit. Even Nintendo's flagship franchise got way easier over the years because people are too dumb to appreciate good game design or variety in a game.
Performance being ass was more due to Notch's shitty programming skills than any fault with the actual language.
You're basically blaming the fact that an artist used Crayola crayons for why their art was shitty, rather than blaming the fact that they were a shitty artist.
Literally end yourself
At least he can blindly complete a level instead of dying 20 tines like your average 8gagger
>it wants you to run through the map
No it doesn't. Sonic is a platformer with speed. Not speed with platforming. Git gud and take alternate routes.
This. Idiots got blinded by nostalgia goggles and only remembered the times when they were speeding in the levels
So people HAVE to like exploration in their platformers?
>Here the nigger in question
Fun fact, he is a tranny now
>Sega is forced to make 3rd party garbage that's routinely mocked by everyone in the industry (le Sonic was never good lol).
>Nintendo still maintains a healthy presence in the industry without succumbing to the console meme of producing a low-end PC.
Nah, Nintendo won.
>You have tons of mentally challenged nintenbros here who spout the same shit.
I'm tired of their shit.
>Anything that isn't by Nintendo or not on a Nintendo console is shit
>Fun fact, he is a tranny now
Too fucking perfect.
Nigga, every fandom on earth has the mantra of "everything that isn't muh favorite thing is shit and you're shit for liking something that I don't like."
Nintendo isn't special in that regard.
Or you can just play the game multiple times, which is how it was designed. Find a better, faster route on your second or third playthrough
to back to neogaf
Plot Twist: He only became a tranny in the hopes that Neogaf would unban him
But to not only whine but more importantly be awful at such a game is pretty telling about a persons abilities in gaming. I get not liking Sonic but what these dopes in the OP come across as to me is a bunch of shits that were actually awful at the game because they didn't get it so they then go on to think the game is awful.
Nintendo is VERY special in that regard.
How does your logic work here if sonic games are on Nintendo platforms by standard nowadays?
>he doesn't know who this guy is
Its chromium
No it isn't. In fact, I'd honestly say that Sonybros and PCfats display that mentality more than your average Nintenbro does, if only because Nintenbros mainly play Nintendo games exclusively while PCfats and Sonybros always gotta prove that they're inherently better than everyone else.
I thought the meme came from IGN.
Can't have the Genesis looking good, can you? If Mania is good maybe there are good games on the Genesis, but you know what it is often said that the only games on the Genesis were Sonic games anyways.
It was from game grumps i think, this sudden influx of threads about it non stop however it is the gaf nigger.
Uh, that's totally true though.
Sonic is the game that says: GOTTA GO FAST EXCEPT WHEN YOU DO YOU WILL GET PUNISHED FOR IT LOL! ;))))))))))))))))
If you have too much fun and go fast like you want to, you'll doubtless run into a random spike trap that pops up right in your path if you're going fast, but if you were walking you would have simply avoided it. It's eclectic, stupid game design. Sonic has always been trash.
>Nintenbros mainly play Nintendo games exclusively
So what you're saying is that they are autists who can handle any kind of novel experience?
holy shit is she dead?
>google the webm
>result is "death"
That's a very strange word choice to use here.
Jesus user, take your meds, nobody's resurrecting outdated company wars except you, plenty of Nintendo users are cheering Mania and there's even posts bragging about how it's selling more on Switch than anything else despite no proofs
>Oh man i have nothing to do, better eat shit
She might be, but people have survived worse shit than that.
>nobody's resurrecting outdated company wars except you
How long have you been on Sup Forums? Three hours?
In this particular situation i mean
jph139 is right about everything.
>int to string
I jej'd
No, I'm saying that Nintenbros are generally satisfied with their consoles and already knows, on some level, that it simply cannot compete with the competition in terms of hardware, so they just kinda list off to the side and do their own thing.
Naka mentioned the intent was 'a game you could go fast in the better you get at it', not 'a game anyone can go fast in at any time'. Learn the level layouts, know when to pull back on the reins, and you'd be surprised how many GOTTA GO FAST opportunities there are, even in stages designed with trapping you in mind.
The issue is that you don't really "get better" at a lot of sonic games. You just memorize the map and input actions based on that memory instead of actually reacting to what's going on while going fast. It's not particularly satisfying to master.
Just giving a bigger viewing distance (like in Sonic Colors) so that you can actually react to shit fixes a LOT of Sonic's issues.
oh, but you have to pay for the switch's online to play mutiplayer, like how you have to pay for ps4/xbone's online
You generally had plenty of room in the Genesis games though. It's not like Sonic Genesis (GBA) where the screen was too small and enemies that you could see before suddenly became impossible to see coming.
>It's only "getting better" if it follows MY definition!