When is the OG Xbox bc going to be available?
When is the OG Xbox bc going to be available?
Why even be hyped for this?
Unless they switch on og xbox live its not remotely worth the time
umm JSRF,Blinx1 and 2,Conker,Tork,and some multiplats from the og xbox days.
Announce date probably at gamescom, same with hopefully some actual new IP/exclusives.
Also I hope Crackdown 3 is actually good
I'm thinking November since that was the month 360 bc was added to the xbox one.
Name ONE (multiple) games worth playing on Xbox that you cannot get anywhere else
fuck off nygger
Anounce one free to play bc title on PS4?
user, I cannot compute – do you want ONE (1) game or multiple (more than one [1]) games?
I hope so do you think it will have the same games that are bc with the 360?
i want this on the list
>introducing _________ (f2p *and PC)
If you have those games, you probably have something that plays them right? or do people for some reason sell the console but keep the games?
Lmao what are you niggers 12? i don't care about your pathetic console politics just name some games
no i don't :( i bought Batman Rise Of Sin Tzu and Blinx for 5 bucks.
Sunset Overdrive,Halo 5 and MCC,Forza
I didn't know those games were on the original xbox
Forza is on PC
Halo mcc has games from pc and 360
Halo 5 has its best mode on pc
I thought you were talking about Xbox One
For the OG XBOXi already named 3
I wanna get a bunch of xboxes and systemlink them for halo 1
Hopefully soon. I would love my little brother to experience some of these old relics of the past.
the lord of the rings games were fucking A+ tier. brilliant games, even though they've arguably aged badly
Steel Battalion
Metal Wolf Chaos
Jet Set Radio Future
hope you at least give him some space
We only have two games confirmed, both great don't get me wrong, could have been shovelware garbage, but calm you Johannes Gutenbergs and wait for more details and more games.
>Beyond Good And Evil
>Wallace And Gromit PZ
>LOTR Third Age
Those were the first 3 games I got on XBOX, best Christmas ever!
Also, RalliSport 1 & 2 are the tits on XBOX, plus 2 didn't come out for PC
A few friends and I still play it
Or just get Master Chief Collection
All of them
man i cant fucking wait to play all the good exclusive original xbox games like halo 1 and halo 2 and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Isn't it available in Rare Replay?
Ninja Gaiden
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Isn't OG Xbox a x86 machine? Everything should be backward compatible with the disc.
Sims Bustin Out better be backwards compatible
Imagine being this much of a pleb