Is this video correct , Sup Forums?

is this video correct , Sup Forums?

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More like "The same amount of content as Overwatch, but $40 cheaper."


Healers are actually fun to play in paladins

more like overwatch for intelligent people hahahahahhahahaha


>clearly didn't watch the video
>decide to look it up
>it's just a game play video where the guy at the end says he enjoys the game.
It's almost as if you want to start arguments.


Yes but is better than overwatch and is free

Yeah. I'm surprised they haven't been sued yet. Even the animations are so similar, almost like they copypasted everything.

send vagene open bobs

more like overwatch minus the skill, minus the good map design, plus the characters you wan't to cut your ears off every time you hear them speak.

>good map design

what fucking game are you even playing?

Oh yeah, based Jeff would EASILY win these fakers at court. Jeff only needs to show how many hours he has in Overwatch and the entire room would just bow and worship him while condemning Hi-Rez to deepest hell.

What do you think they should add?
I think at least another item for each category would work, and also a custom match mode with actual customisation (cooldowns, being able to have multiples of each champ, etc) and some more maps, at least two more for payload


would multiple kinessa mines stack if they were all deployed by different kinessas? that's a good test for a multi-champ gamemode

Its actually pretty interesting how many of the character designs are so very similar, since I'm pretty sure Paladins was available to the public first. It makes me wonder, because Overwatch was a salvage from an older project. So, where the two teams justt cheating off eachothers tests? Is blizzard just that fast at taking and 'blizzarding' ideas? Is Hi Rez a sneaky and clever in levels we never knew?

Honestly, though, the gameplay of Paladins feels a little more casual, overall more relaxed, but the ability to adjust your character loadouts makes it very cool with a nice little metagame.

Also, the pubs in Paladins are legitimately rocket league or League of Legends bad. Dudes who will blame healers for not capping the point when its 3 snipers, a flanker and a healer. But if you have friends (I know you don't though), when you have a 3+ group its way more fun than overwatch. Less tryhards.

I think there is a legendary card that allows it, and also, when there was the pve gamemode, there was an event where you faced multiple Kinnessas that spammed mines that dealt enhanced damagw

No, i own Overwatch but i would rather play Paladins, haven't bothered installing back Babywatch for like 5 months now, biggest waste of money ever. There is something about Overtrash that i can't stand, maybe it's the shitty level design or the crappy geenric art style that only attracts to kind of people, autistic spergs from reddit and wanna be normies, the game is just fucking cancer to play and watch, i don't find Paladins as offensive in any way, its just your average team game.

these threads are entertaining

>I'm pretty sure Paladins was available to the public first
Overwatch was playable at Blizzcon 2014. The game must have been in a playable state for god knows how long, considering Blizzard's developing pace. I'm convinced that Hi-Rez just stole an alpha version of the game and started copying it.

>paladins has better bots than overwatch
????????????????? uhm? overbabbies??????????????????????????????????????????? pls explain??

I wish I could be good at Maldingo, that kit is so loaded but I can't utilize it because I'm bad.

Take the card that reduces the cooldown if you miss your hitscan heal.

Or maybe it's that you're a paid shill for this shitty ripoff game?

Nah, if it was the game would be shutdown due to making no money.

>your game being so dead you have to play with bots

Fuck off and go jerk to your plastic looking waifus, reddit autist, there isn't a more reddit game than Overshit, it's literally a TF2 ripoff, reddit edition. At least Paladins has a simple yet honest looking art direction, Overshit looks like it was made by fucking hypocrites who design nothing but nerdbait but try to make it look "cool" and give it some political agenda like forced diversity to pander to normalfaggots and underage. Ultimate spamming in Overshit takes no fucking skill at all and finally the community is filled with underage and fedora spergs who think they are skilled for playing Overwatch but would get destroyed at anything that takes skill. Paladins is really non offending in any of these ways, while Overwatch and everything about it is a fucking cancer. I paid money for overshit and i got more fun for free by playing Paladins, so fuck off with your "shill" claims.

true, but it's OK

More like a better version of the game with none of the bullshit for free.

>Blizzardrones game so dead you have to wait 10 min queues

>Haven't had a queue longer than 1 minute

If I'm not mistaken Hi-Rez actually did play the earliest public showings of Overwatch and decide to ape it.

Paladins strength is the speed at which it iterates so things are constantly changing. While blizzard is fucking terrified of making any major changes because it would hurt their ESPORTS plan of getting sports teams to pay them 20 million dollars. So we are stuck with defense characters being useless for over a year

How do I git gud as Ting? I just create 2-3 illusions and shatter bomb people to death in onslaught. It's a pretty good time.

You seem upset

Confirmed for shilling.

Good job studying board culture so you can spout all the appropriate memes to look like you fit in and are offering a Sup Forums approved opinion. You're working harder than most online marketers are these days but you're still as transparent as the rest of the morally and financially bankrupt Eastern Euro's on here constantly spamming about this trash game.

You aren't fooling anyone either way so stop working so hard for your meager wage. No one is going to invest in this garbage game no matter how well you sell it to Sup Forums.

I never got this argument. Who the fuck is so poor they can't afford a one off payment of £40 for a game? If you're that broke you can't afford a single game, how the fuck did you buy a console/PC then pay for online if you're a console cuck?

The answer is Eastern Europeans and children far removed from their birthday or Christmas.

This so fucking much.
I love that healers aren't designed to be shit at everything just because they heal. I don't know how many times I've topped damage on Grohk.

Yeah, who would be so poor to pay $40 bucks for a game with less maps, less champions/heros, less loadout choices and more Gatcha nonsence to get a skin? Us PCMaster race right?

the overwatch for poor people argument was only relevant when overwatch first came out and paladins was just entering open beta without a huge amount of content.

Now paladins is just a better game with more content and doesn't have overwatch's major problems by having longer time to kill and less gamechanging ultimates and they don't have a lead developer that's literally afraid to make changes

didn't watch it

if you dont already have overwatch with friends firmly planted in it paladins is a better option cause its a better game
ow has popularity going for it

Overwatch is a pile of shit. Paladins is actually fun.

>I don't like and can't face the mean man arguments so i just call him a shill!
Typical, overwatch playing coward. Also i rather look transparent than being under 4 layers of hypocrisy like Blizzard and their fanboys do, blizzard are shitters who try to play both sides all time. Overwatch hasn't bring a single good thing to the PC multiplayer gaming community, it keeps bring the worst kind of cancer to the platform. Paladins is nothing but harmless, good ol fun.

They were developed parallel. There was copying going on from both sides, aside from the fact that both of them obviously entirely iterated on TF2. Thus to call either of them a rip-off of the other is above all silly.

One thing I would like to bring up is the sound design. Overwatch guns sound like nerf toys, it's like the whole game has been made with trigger warnings in mind, as if to be as inoffensive as possible. I'm not a war veteran I don't go into an episode from hearing guns that actually sound like guns, the game isn't for me. Gameplay is simplistic babby's first FPS and the maps are absolute garbage. I'm not offended by Overwatch in the slightest but the game just is not for me, it's an entry level casual game above all. Paladins is to Overwatch as Dota is to League of Legends.

Overwatch isn't really a game worth paying for, so the idiot who made the video must think only rich people would waste any money on a shallow piece of shit like Overwatch.

I really just want to see hi rez go full retard on skins again

And looks worse, and plays worse.

>plays worse

For supposedly being an "original", it sure haven't copied all the good QoL stuff yet from Paladins.

How the fuck actually rewarding individual player skill is "worse"? Overwatch will always be a fuckin joke as a shooter. Paladins gunplay is actually enjoyable.

Your English is breaking down Bartek. Stop embarassing yourself as you flail around trying to fight off the obvious conclusion that you're a paid shill.

Admit that you're working your ass off for 6 Euro's a day to astroturf this website with garbage shit-posts about this game and move on with your pathetic, broken, Slavic life.

You've been found out Wojtek, we know exactly who you are.

i'm starting to like paladins waifus more than overwatches.

Maybe it's because after ten thousand webms of widowmaker getting fucked up the ass or fucking someone up the ass with her giant dick or Mei's fat jiggling or gayshit with Mercy and Pharah I got burned out.

>it's like the whole game has been made with trigger warnings in mind, as if to be as inoffensive as possible.
This is what offends me the most, i just can stand the whole "holier than thou" shitty passive-agressive atitude Blizzard has to have about everything they do and which reflects all over the game. Blizzard for example would never be capable of doing something just for pure dumb fun like .

What is wrong with that image?

After playing both OW and Paladins (and 2k hrs. of TF2 back in the day), Paladins is clearly the better game to me. But blizzdrones would follow their worshipped company blindly into a volcano, so there's no point in talking to them about anything but OW

Gotta love Mal'damba's cosmic skin.

I prefer Paladins to OW at this point desu. I can choose the mode I feel like playing and loadouts let me try something a bit different with heroes instead of being stuck with the exact same kit until Blizzard changes something about it.

>There is no way someone can like another game over my favorite TF2 clone!
Is this insecurity? You need everyone to praise Blizzard trash or else you start thinking that maybe you just wasted money and mostly important, a lot of time playing something that isn't really fun to play and will left you without a single useful skill for another shooters?

I just want a fun game without retarded try hards thinking they will become e-celebs for playing a shitty shallow game and underage talking about nothing but "waifus" or devs trying to force shitty agendas and some retarded safespace code of conduct all over my ass, this is why i would rather play Paladins and i'm never getting near Overtrash and it's drama whoring devs and community again.

paladins is probably quite literally the worst shooter I've played.


At least Paladins can actually be called a shooter.

top 500 overwatch player here.

paladins does a lot of interesting things that overwatch doesn't do.

lower quality art and QA means paladins gets way, way more content and heroes at a quicker pace.

>Shitty gamer
>Play Paladins
>Go like 50-0 in every match and always win


>lower quality
you're not seriously implying overwatch is high quality are you?

You play againest bots until lvl 5 account.

First five levels are against bots, nerd

bots until level 5

You're better than bots user

not him but i think he's speaking art-wise. gameplay is questionable, but overwatch's polish when it comes to graphics, models, art, and voiceacting blows paladongs out of fucking orbit

wrong and wrong

This, Overwatch is literally a well polished turd.

they are pretty much both shit though.
if you thing overwatch is something to write home about you missed out

How crazy are the Ults in Overwatch? Or is it more of that Paladins gives most people a way to actually not get decked by ults thanks to 90% of characters having a mobility skill they could potentially respond with after the telegraphed announcement/motions.

I had no idea Sup Forums was full of a bunch of paladins babies

Just pay the 40 dollars, like damn

heh nice bait kid but you can't fool me

I got OW to play with my friends, who went back to playing DOTA 2 after so many hours. How much better is Paladins for someone who just wants to solo queue to kill time every now and then? I haven't touched comp OW in like 2 seasons and I usually just play QP/Random heroes when I get bored
I'm considering just dropping this shitty genre altogether and cleaning up my backlog, so that's also an option

this isn't twitter friendo

Wrong, watch Global Agenda, made in 2010, Overwatch took cues from a lot of the animations and classes for their own characters.

When Hi-Rez made Paladins they were basing themselves on stuff they had already done in their own previous games.

paladins was originally global agenda 2.

Why does anyone care which came first?
One is better one is worse, thats that

Depends on the ult and the character, but most major engagements in game are just trading ults. Someone initiates with a "stop everyone on the other team from moving" ult like mei/zarya, then someone throws a huge damage ult at the other team, if most of the people made it past these 2 ults then they counter ult to stop the enemy team from pushing/save their teammates asses. Not many characters have a Q that lets them do much alone, maybe a fully charged Zarya against some squishes or a Pharah/Genji against a retarded team that's standing too close together.

I find that using '@' to not reply directly to someone makes everyone extremely butthurt and guarantees free replies
Don't even know why to be honest, is that how they quote posts on reddit or some shit?

Honestly Overwatch is boring as fuck and I hate the minimalistic UI
Paladins is just more entertaining and I prefer the loadout/legendary meta over "pick a new hero when you die" OW


Yes what about me?
That wasn't bait lad, I really don't know

The game is noice and grils likeable and pretty
Also gives me more fun than ow but then again i was disappointed in ow in the first place

>instead of actually fixing the game or adding content they add fucking deathmatch
that shit has 0% chance of working or being good. Arcade is already a fucking joke since release now we get another mode where everyone plays one hero, good fucking job.

it would be fine if it was just something they threw together in a 2 days. But they wasted an entire fucking map on this shit mode that's going to be dead after 1 day. We have had two real maps since launch and we get this shit instead of a third

can't disagree. those are good on a technical level, yes

fuck off. OWs voice work is complete garbage, but that has a lot to do with garbage characterization



Glory to Fernando

But how many Paladins does Paladins actually have?


W-We are about to have one.

no we arnt
we're getting owl on friday I think