Vanilla WoW thread

Vanilla WoW thread

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>The simple days of Barrens chat and doing stupid shit like wearing agi gear on a warrior because you had no idea what the fuck you were doing are gone

Any day one players here?

>unable to retrieve corpse because shit is so glitched
>already addicted to the game so just make a new character when you die
>starting zones littered with the same corpses for days they become landmarks like it's Mount Everest

How many years ago was this again? 12?

I'm getting old. Fuck you, OP.

im a girl btw
no i cant join voice

Any news of a good vanilla server ever coming out?
Alternately any new MMOs that look good?

But why? Legion is the best WoW ever has been take off your nostalgia glasses and sub for Legion we need all of you!!

>voice chat
iirc most people didn't have it

MMO is a dead market. Too expensive, too risky. Devs tried for a solid decade to dethrone WoW and couldn't. Many tried, many died, now there buried together on the countryside.

>Vanilla WoW
>Picture of a dwarf hunter, human warrior, a mage and a fucking demon hunter.

>Finally find a decent Vanilla server which isn't overhyped or P2W etc
>Find add-ons for 1.1.12 and install them all
>Setup UI
>Play for an hour and remember what absolute hell vanilla questing is
>Not played since

This was actually vanilla WoW box art inside the flap, newfag.

dont you remember all the shitty cam mics people used
but youre right either that or nothing

>Killing a dragon in Zul'Gurub

vent came out in 2002 and it was required to do anything higher than UBRS

>day one
>being able to play the game
you must have been extremely lucky. the first two weeks of playing it was nothing but sitting in queues for me.

See this is why you played between 12:00am and 5:00am, then slept during classes in Jr High

>leveling prot pally because I didn't want to die
>skip deadmines until lvl 35 because I didn't want to die

>never had the fucking physical box
fuck off

Worst thing about very early WoW is they were banning, and I mean PERMABANNING people for less than serious shit. No warnings. Swearing, racial slurs, and most commonly roof top camping and shooting people. Was totally part of the game for a ranged class, but they hadn't programmed the guards to do anything about it yet, so they were banning people who just bought a 50 dollar game and forcing them to buy it again, lol.

A few MMOs have survived well enough, though the shotgun-blast approach taken to their development led to far, far more being pushed out the door and failing immediately. FF14 is still doing well, and LOTRO is somehow still holding on. The issue is that the same level of audience just doesn't seem to be there anymore, and the audience that exists is prone to latch on to one MMO and not bother with any new ones coming down the pipe.

>get WoW demo
>quest says I need to go kill a guy
>go to cave
>traverse cave fighting enemies
>use my map so I dont go in circle because its a big cave
>kill the guy
>take his head back to quest npc
>a few years ago
>download WoW demo again for fun
>same quest
>the target is standing at the mouth of the cave, not even in it
>kill him
>a box comes up that lets me turn the quest in from the cave
game sure has come a long way.

>let's discuss the worst version of the game, even worse than WoD

no thanks

Do modern MMOs do the fantasy cover box art thing anymore? I miss it

>actually playing with people you know from reallife
man it used to be so popular
now noone wants to touch it anymore

Yeah I really miss that time the game had a community

You must have been an unfertilized egg in 2004 if you think vanilla WoW sucks. It isn't playable by today's standards but back then everything was new and there had not been anything like it. Stay the fuck out of nostalgia threads

>Day one
>Make it to goldshire
>Come back 2 days later
>Play for couple hours, get out to westfall
>Two more days...
>Repeat this for the first 2 1/2 weeks of the game being out

I did however play on beta server #7 as a nelf hunter. Having no talents yet was pretty fucking awesome.

>When you finally have enough gold to get your first mount

I remember mobs floating in the air in Durotar, at one point killing Zanzil became a boss fight because only the ranged could attack him and he regularly reset. Maybe that was just Arathor EU but launch was shit for me, if it wasn't queues it was everything glitching/bugging.

>It isn't playable by today's standards
If they could somehow hide the mechanics so people couldn't min-max right off the bat, while simultaneously updating the graphics slightly, it would be great today I think.

Did you have the dwarf box, or the orc box?

>Image on the back of case
>Clearly a Night Elf Demon Hunter
>Make character, disappointed by no DH
>Have to wait 12 years for it

>fucking around with a friend in Darkshire when we were new and everything was fresh
>found we could jump on top of the inn from the FP area
>I somehow get myself inside of the chimney
>I can't jump out or hearth as I'm technically at the spot my hearth is set
>think I'm totally fucked, ticket a GM
>one teleports over onto the roof, wearing the trademark robes and all
>he does a /laugh and teleports me to the town center

It always stuck with me for some reason, I'd never met an admin/mod in any game that was that nice before.

>60 second sap
>Camp out escort quests at the halfway point
>Sap enemy player, they're forced to watch their escort walk away and despawn

I've been playing The Elysium Project which is a vanilla private server with x1 xp rate and PvE/PvP servers. It has a decently sized pop and is only growing right now.

I was a ne druid because there were so few, so I was unique! Specced to be feral, but I was always stuck healing for groups.
Even when you could choose which spec your gear was (first expansion? I don't remember) and I got all feral stuff, I was still a cut rate healer.
Then I was a healer in CoH and loved it. Who knows?

>When you play a Paladin and getting a mount consisted of walking across the room and talking to a guy
Must suck to not have faith

Molten Core was boring garbage. Anyone who wants 40 man raiding back never did them, this is a fact.

>Followed by that long ass quest for your epic mount

youre a fucking cunt

>Getting together with your friends on a Friday night to spend hours in BRD

>which was optional if you had the money to spend like everyone else had to

Alternatively you could kill them so they would be forced to walk 10 minutes back to their corpse or deal with 10 minutes of crippling resurrection sickness.

40 man raiding was great when you were in high school and had the time. I wouldn't do it today, yeah

It was pretty comfy if you had everyone in chat and did it on a weekend. Unless everyone was try harding you could auto-follow and get food / go to the bathroom between bosses.


If you polymorphed a person while swimming in deep water (common in Booty bay) they could drown and take the durability hit to their gear. A trolling phase I went through for awhile.

>Being the baby bitch paladin who didn't have his proper epic mount

>10 minutes of crippling resurrection sickness
>grave yard res
>hit shadow meld / stealth / just sit there if it's a slow zone
>even if you somehow die like that just normal res on the spot
>go make a sandwich / tea

Yeah real crippling

>Just straight up killing them when you can force them to sit helpless watching the escort they put so much time into walk away and disappear

If you like Warcraft so much, why don't you come help on wowpedia?

Was the only way to get a group as a rogue starting one yourself? Poor bastards, every UBRS group advertising specifically mentioned they werent inviting rogues, yet rogues would still hopelessly whisper them trying to get in.

I am in a guild doing Molten Core and Ony right now, yeah it is pretty boring. The only interesting raid is Zul'Gurub. Can't wait to do BWL though, and maybe AQ.

PvP before diminishing returns/PvP adjusted CC times was the wild west.
>tfw infinite fear lock

>can't play for 10 minutes

Yeah real crippling

>Why don't you work for free, for a company that is consistently destroying their own lore + game

>Want to do a dungeon
>Sit in Org for an hour spamming "LF1M tank" in trade chat

Vanilla wow was and still is shit.

*blocks your PUG*

>mind control people
>run them off a cliff

>guild leader gave me a single gold after running me through Deadmines
>I felt rich as fuck after that

You never played it. It's like saying Goldeneye was a bad FPS back in 1997. It broke the mold.

>when AV finally pops

By archiving old lore, you can actually make sure that Blizzard can never erase it

>Roll tank
>Get all the dungeon pussy
>Still feel shitty because warrior was boring as fuck in Vanilla and that's time not spent grinding xp

>be a warrior tank in pre bis / t1
>be tired of doing dungeons, they are a chore now
ah well, the game got me on the treadmill for a while. the only thing i need now is a dps set, and i can't be fucking bothered to get it. i've been burned out. gearing a tank is hard work

>Infinite range mind vision
>Creeping on players halfway across the map just to make them paranoid

>It's the same one from when you went to bed last night

>the paladin design in vanilla
yeah i bet all the people coming from warcraft 3 wanting to be arthas would love to be forced to be healing buffbots

>When AV pops
>When you spend your entire Saturday morning, afternoon and night in the same AV

>looking for 1 tank for nearly an hour
>have replaced dps that left the group out of impatience several times
>warriors who want to do damage refuse to respec prot for one dungeon even considering the circumstances
>another rival group gets a tank after searching for 2 minutes
And this happened on high pop servers at peak hours

>not killing the raptors behind STV arena and vendoring ALL the shit they drop
get your mount money in 8 hours or less

Close, I was gone the first couple days but given all the server problems still happening the first week I didn't miss much.

>When Ret Paladins finally became wanted in TBC
>But only for the 3% crit rate
I'll take what I can get I guess

it's near impossible to do this boss without voice comms

the only way is to make sure warlocks, tanks and healers all know what they are doing before the pull

in a pug that's a death sentence

also wearing fucking cloth and leather armor because no plate had healing stats

>tfw it took ages to realize the pyroblast isn't coming from the gun but from an off screen mage


I'm playing on a 5x BC server. Couldnt imagine leveling 1-60 in Vanilla. I'd rather buy a character or pay a power leveler. Never again.

I do wish they didn't add resilience to the game though. Totally separated PVE and PVP as you hard earned raid gear is garbage in PVP. Makes raiding pointless to me except to maybe get a weapon or trinket.


How'd you know?

>back when people would use all 3 stances in a fight
>back when people would swap weapons in fights depending on what stance you swap too, what skill you were about to use, and how much rage you had

Warriors were the true OGs of vanilla, I remember coming back in wrath and blowing people away because I had a sword and board macro to deflect spells and shield wall / sunder armour





>shitty music with low res pvp video

yup it's vanilla. Anybody remember, I think it was? Predated youtube

x5 TBC and the general mentality of a warmeme kid

You're worse than the pieces of shit who leave one piece of food in chests.

>oh shit a chest
>two pieces of darnassian bleu

dude that shit cost a fuck load of money, it was like 20g to respec. Also I tanked as an arms warrior no problem they didn't introduce some arbitrary "defence" Stat until later

alterac swiss is the superior azerothian cheese you uncultured elf shit

anyone who says dalaran sharp should also be shot


Yeah most dungeons could be tanked without prot spec no problem
There's a special place in hell for warriors that sit in a group for an hour and a half instead of picking up a shield

Quick, start a thread on /ck/

>not levelling as prot solely by doing dungeons

that's how i got my warrior to 60 on elysium

kill me

Duel me, I'll rek you cunt

>Cheese made by stupid inbred peasants is better then cheese cultivated by the mages of dalaran

We were having such a good thread too.

Sure, direct me to the vanilla server and we can get started

the nutty, round, full bodied flavour of alterac swiss and the craftsmanship of the dwarven people in making it is unparalleled by any other cheesemaker in azeroth

waving your hands over a load of milk isn't cheese. it's cheatse.

There will never be another Illegal Danish