ITT: only 11/10 games

ITT: only 11/10 games



>posts 8

11/10 = 1.1
so you're kinda right

I would barely make ANY final fantasy game a 10/10, let alone a 11/10 and definitely not FF8. Even my personal favorites like FF6, FF7 and Tactics I would put at 9/10 at best. Tactics could even be a potential 10/10.

More like 1/10

It's okay but 7 and 9 are much better games. That's just my opinion though.

Max, is that you?


Only brainlets dislike 8.

I get the appeal. I enjoy the junction system but the fucked up thing is that I have to play that shitty card game to customize my characters in the most effective way. The story is another weak point to the game, like a lot of folks I feel like it went downhill fast after disc 1.

aka the game that came with the demo for your game

>rent this game one weekend
>So good go and buy it after returning the rented copy
>beloved childhood game
>Years later hear a sequel is coming out and get excited
>It's so bad it tarnishes my memories of the first game.
Fuck the sequel


this shit is overrated as fuck and only the first one is good

Rinoa received Ultimecia's, Edea's, and Adel's sorceress powers.




Get outta here Buckley

Was it Eternal Comfy after Ultimecia is defeated in the timeline? Even with Rinoa as a Triple Sorceress?

>just realized Rinoa is the ultimate power of the world at the end of the game, being 1/2 Hyne Decendant.

Is Hein the Great Hyne?

The hell's a Hyne?

Read your VIII lore, pleb.

Maybe a nod to him at most, but certainly more powerful in the FF8 universe.

Tales of symphonia
advance wars 2
fire emblem path of radiance
warcraft 3
final fantasy tactics advance


>just realized Rinoa is the ultimate power of the world at the end of the game

We have already realized this ages ago.

I'm glad I never played the sequel. The first one was so wonderful and I wouldn't want that happen to my memories.

So, after the curtain closes, she becomes the sole ruler of the world and reigns supreme?

Old FF threads on Sup Forums

> VII is shit so overrated
> VIII is even worse! Lol Drawing and Junctions. Squall is lame!
> IX is so good tho! Underrated af fampai
> Also XII is underrated too, normies just shit on the good FF games and like the trash ones.
>Occasional VI and V fags making decent and logical posts

Neo-Sup Forums FF threads post X and XII remasters

> XII is rightfully deemed boring like it was on release
> X is defended vehemently by battle system fags
> VIII is an 11/10 game and misunderstood by braindead normals who don't appreciate FF kino
> tfw to intelligent for FFIX, no theming at all just nostalgic children's shit
> V and VI fags still desperately trying to make logical and thoughtful posts in a sea of shit.

Well Sup Forums? Care to explain?

Damn right it is.

Final Fantasy 9 > 6 > 10 > 8 > 5 > 7 > 4 > 10-2 > 13 > 3 > 1 > 12 > 2

That is pretty shit


What's wrong with you.

Am I the only one who likes II?

Sup Forums being contrarian as always.

VIII has always been 11/10 tho


if you pretend the draw system isn't breakable the game is a solid 9/10. I absolutely love it but there are some problems
>squall's dialogue is really faggy but he's got the actions of a trained special forces officer with nerves of steel, feels jarring at times
>rinoa is annoying as fuck early on, I know it was intentional but it makes her unlikable at points
>i always felt the dream sequences dragged on loads but some people liked them

GF refine abilities are easy to abuse, the Draw system is fine as it is.

Did you even play the game?

I mistyped sorry, I meant junctioning. you could get enough magic from that stupid card game to last you well into mid disc 3 pretty early. iirc there was a broken draw somewhere early on (might have been one of the fire spells?) but I can't remember. i distinctly remember drawing ultima from that village of people that look like the dude that owns balamb garden and that felt pretty ridiculous in disc 2

Paying for a single draw of like 5 spells felt ridiculous?

Junctioning has more potential to be 'overpowered' in early game, but Materia has more potential to be overpowered by late game.

>10 so high


The only 10/10 FF game

Say what you will about 8, Ultimicia's Castle is one of the best final dungeons in the series.

garbage bin games

One of the few works of fiction that actually scared me.