Launch day

>launch day
>not a single thread about it

Is this the end for Volition?

>shit performance
nobody cares

I wasn't even aware it was out.

we already did this 6 years ago when sr3 came out.

There was one thread laughing about how few people are playing it.

>Gamespot: 4 out of 10
You know you fucked up when the guys who fired a reviewer for giving some shitty ass game a 6/10 gave your game a fucking four.

I thought this was going to be a moba. What's the game play like?

looks even worse than SR3/4

good luck finding someone who is actually playing this pile of shit

Never heard of this, looks like somekind of Overwatch clone?

so that's why it's not on the trackers yet.

Lel, not even close. Both are shit though.


I like the design of the world and the animations look pretty good, but the characters aren't really appealing to me. If they had character customization and you could customize your entire squad, this would have been pretty close to my dream game.

You actually expected this to be good? not een worth a pirate.

Wait so they made this pile of garbage instead of SR? What the fuck?


i thought this shit was singleplayer. so is it an online focused game? lmao it feels like everyone is trying to outshit battleborn

It's open world over the shoulder third person shooter. You get to play 12 different Agents and do repetitive missions with subpar gunplay. It's not a terrible game, it's just extremely mediocre.

>purple lights on guns
is this a Saints Row spin off?
what is this? what genre?

wasn't this supposed to be a overwatch clone?

it's a singleplayer superhero game where you rotate between multiple characters.

It's set in the saints row universe.



>nobody even knows what kind of game it is
why the fuck didn't they just stick to saint's row?

It's funny they've all been in this year too. Like they didn't look at what happened and said maybe we should try a different marketing perspective.

Says fucking who?

no. people automatically assumed it was because it has a cast of le wacky XD characters. its not even a multiplayer game ffs.

So it's essentially SR4 without the character creator? Might be worth hitting up after a price cut.

Volition, of course.

I mean look at these numbers! Clearly this is what the people wanted.

how many reviewers are like gamespot where he only enjoys mature games for mature gamers like himself?

wait wut?
not even a multiplayer game?
i always asumed it was with the hero type of characters and playstyle

>confused this with lawbreakers
>lawbreakers launches
>it's shit
>this launches
>it's shit
At least this one isn't a multiplayer-only shooter.

i thought lawbreakers was fortnite

Lawbreakers is awesome. You haven't played it

Not surprised. Not a single thing in the game looked fun or interesting. It is quite literally just a GTA clone.

Gamespot is actually super critical with their scores these days, it's really refreshing.

Not many have if the player population is any indication, kek. Enjoy your game being saved by F2P in a few months.

I thought lawbreakers and battleborn were different games

I really enjoyed Saints Row 3 and 4, I wish there were more wacky open world games like them. Wouldn't even care if they just kept pooping out SR games.

Got a good kick out of Sleeping Dogs too on that note, wish THAT would get a sequel.

>Enjoy your game being saved by F2P in a few months.
Battleborn went F2P and it can't even break 500 concurrent players.

LawBreakers would need to go F2P NOW if it wants to have any chance at success, considering its doing much worse than Battleborn did at this point post-launch.

I played Squad for 2 years with a playerbase of 1000 people, and that game takes 9 times as many people for a match

>no online coop

So far, it's really meh. Sorta clunky, definitely glitchy, though that can be fixed. I'm mostly trying to figure out who everyone is supposed to represent from the SR universe who also isn't obvious as shit.

Saints Row 4 was basically a better Crackdown, but SR3 was fucking mediocre as hell.

They should have made another game like SR4 or SR2, either one would be successful. But AoM is all the worst aspects of SR3 thrown together into some fuckawful single-player hero shooter thing.

Bascially, it's in the same universe and has some characters from SR.

Originally it was supposed to be called Saint's Row: Agents of Mayhem

>can't shoot from cars

what the fuck happened to saints row

someone kept telling them to make the game more retarded every sequel...

It's fun

t. buyer's remorse

>Stop liking what I don't like

People loved SR2 because it struck a good balance between seriousness and wacky humor, at a time when GTA had gone full serious business with 4 and people missed San Andreas' more humorous elements.

Volition interpreted this as 'wacky = good', so they just kept upping the ante on the crazy shit with each game. This wrote/devved them into a corner, where the games didn't resemble SR1/2 in neither tone nor gameplay. Eventually they tried to hit the reset button with Gat out of Hell's ending, but they still figure 'wacky = sales', so now we get AoM, which is basically just an offline hero shooter version of SR3.

Didn't you noticed the pattern so far?
>Game has Denuvo
>No threads on Sup Forums
Watch it explode once it's cracked

>no multiplayer
What were they thinking? That was like half of the reason I had fun in SR.

Was gonna pirate it but denuvo, so don't really care.

Bought Saints Row 2, 3 (and multiple friends copies), and 4 twice.

Such good games but I wouldn't have bought them if I couldn't have given them a shot pirated. I really expected to not like them.

>Wah I can't steal the game wahhh

>gave Hellblade an 8/10 while barely mentioning how barebones the gameplay is


Don't take your opinion for a generality, Saint's row 3 sold more units than 2 and 4 sold even more than these two, meaning that the strategy working.. until now.
Most saint's row players who bought 4 don't fucking care about the game not resembling 1/2, that's just your autistic niche opinion.

I thought I was following this games progress but instead find their ad campaign budget is jack shit.

Volition was already pretty mediocre by SR4 and GOUH so I was only hoping for a Hail Mary revival of SR3 gameplay. NAH. It's very repetitive and recycles the same tasks even in the main story. As a SR fan, with no coop... it's garbage, do not buy it.

>ruin saints row
>finally just decide to take the bullshit they turned saints row into and make it its own game
>end up making a shitty meme clone of crackdown

>literally everything about the game screams online multiplayer/co-op
>single player only
..I really would love to know what the actual fuck the dev team were thinking. It really is like they wanted the game to fail.

We're not discussing sales, we're discussing quality.

If you want a reason for why AoM isn't selling, I've got one for ya. No name recognition.

Exactly, this game is like a bad riff of Crackdown with nothing going for it.

But for most people nothing is wrong with the wacky humor of 3 and 4, for most people these game are higher quality. Only fans like you of the first two would say otherwise, and you're clearly a minority.

I want just porn of Hollywood

>2 had an almost perfect mix of silly and serious
>game gets quite a bit of praise for that, mainly because GTA went super serious with 4
>Volition goes ahead and decides to make the third game even sillier
>also focuses more on style than substance
>4 comes out, goes full retard
>but also tries to pretend that it can take itself seriously at times, paired with characters from 2 coming back it feels more like them trying to get the people who liked 2 but hated 3 to buy it it worked on me
>then they make Gat out of Hell, to sum it up it takes less than 8 hours to finish most content that isn't the fucking collectibles
>and doesn't have Bat out of Hell in it because you can't have good things
>game ends with you killing satan and picking an ending, one of them is rebooting the franchise
>storywise, Agents of Mayhem is the followup to that ending
>and if it wasn't for these threads I would've forgot it even existed
tl;dr Volition are schmucks. SR2 will never get a proper sequel and you shouldn't feel too bad about the ETA of Freespace 3 being NEVER EVER.

>But for most people nothing is wrong with the wacky humor of 3 and 4, for most people these game are higher quality
Most people are filthy casuals with no taste.

Get the fuck out of my sight if you're here to defend the plebs.

it took what was good about saints row 2 and kept the "lol wacky randumb humor" of saints row 3+ that quite literally killed the franchise, way to fucking go

>GTA had gone full serious business with 4 and people missed San Andreas' more humorous elements.
excuse me... what did he mean by this??

>hop on the bandwagon bandwagon
>unique champion bandwagon
>trying to hard to be unique bandwagon
>"What could people possibly see wrong with this game?" developer delusion bandwagon
>accidentally fall off coop bandwagon
>get run over by the fun bandwagon
>with spiked wheels
>and hydraulics

>no SoCal Mexibro voice in SR 3 or 4
>Can only be Mexibro in SR 2

played it for a couple hours when I got home and was turned off that it felt like a simplified Crackdown, which was an oversimplified Saints Row

>Pay 60 dollars for a game you might not like :^)

You use the mouse scroll to switch between three characters. They tried to make it "character-driven" which to them means the characters are varied like a MOBA or Overwatch. Except it's got really poorly edited animations and music is so mild that nothing feels exciting.

Holy fuck, Agents of Mayhem is legitimately related to Saint's Row?

>Cars don't have radio stations

Shit literally looks like a $20 bargain bin game.

What a shame.

They saw fans cosplaying obscure Saints characters so they thought that's what fans wanted and made a game about pretty boring people doing boring shit.

It's "NOT MUH SR2," so Sup Forums doesn't want to talk about it.

it's a fucking saints row 4 clone, hell you could even pass this off as dlc

And Red faction

Nigger the game is legitimately mediocre. Look at any gameplay.

Funny enough like there wasn't a standard "American" voice in SR2, so if you wanted to play as a white dude, the only option was the heavy Cockney accent. It was a good voice though, whomever did the voice really nailed it and I'm pretty disappointed he was replaced by the edgy British voice in SR3

>Single player
>No character customization
>Most of the characters are dumb stereotypes

Its shit.

>they removed co-op

How about you spend $60 big ones on it and tell us what you think then?

This is literally the first time I've seen this game anywhere

BADASS: The Game

>no customization
nah fuck off

>so bad the gamestop I went to had ads plastered over everything but the clerks nor the shitty G4 ripoff weren't talking about it

What's it even about? It's Saints Row, but not really? It just seems like the nonsensical rubbish they had in Saints Row 4, albeit executed a lot less effectively and with less content.

B-but I still wanna try it. Is 60 bucks reasonable for a game that I just wanna TRY. Have we not learned anything about demos in the past?

Basically a group of mercenaries take out some evil empire/army or whatever and their scheme that are messing with the city

The DLC Gat out of Hell ending retconned everything and now you are in futuristic Seoul and Saints is now a global defense agency know as MAYHEM. The Fleur de Lis is still their symbol they just aren't called Saints outright.

Honestly, even if I was to ignore Volition's track record of late, it just does not look like the kind of game that I would sink 60 bucks into

Had not even heard of this games existence till threads started popping up a few days ago.

does it at least have AI coop?

I'm convinced this is their B team.
Say what you will about SR3 and 4, but they have a ton of side stuff to do (though not as much as 2) and there's a shit ton of polish that goes into them. This, not so much.

To me it seems like this is basically their tech demo for the combat and graphics that'll be in SR5

Mayhem has nothing to do with the Third Street Saints as they still exist in-universe, I believe. Pierce united the rival gangs under him

In this universe Pierce worked for the Vice Kings actually.
Saints Row 5 will be a different new timeline that starts from the very beginning if I had to take a guess.