You cannot argue that this isn't true. Name a worse Mario kart than Mario Kart 7. Hint: You can't
Mario Kart Discussion
>Mario Kart 7
>worse Mario Kart
Super Circuit and MKWii says hi.
People can bring up any other Mario Kart game as being the "worst", even Super Circuit but I'll always hate MKWii the most. Why do you feel MK7 is the worst by the way?
dd is the worst, get your shit taste out of here. 8 is best.
>best retro courses
The worst game will always be 64, your an underage if you have any other choice
>DD best
GameCube Fags need to be gassed
I wish MK8 had the best part about MKWii, the half-pipes
I second the question, as well as inquire what this user disliked about Wii.
MK Wii's motion controls are kinda bullshit but it's fine.
MK7 is just the worst because the rubberbanding is so fucking broken. The glider mechanics are totally useless and add nothing to the game. The new powerups are horseshit. The rubber banding has somehow managed to become even worse.
>DD the Best
>16 Tracks
>Broken Characters and items
>Car stats that lie
>No button to look behind you
>>Even in fucking coop with a person sole purpose is to watch your back
Nigga you tripping.
SMK, SC, MK64, Wii and DD are all worse than 7.
MK8 > MKDS > MK7 > DD > the rest, who really gives a shit
>worse rubberbanding
MK64 feels worse when it comes to rubberbanding.
i played the first mario kart once or twice as a kid
>Mariokart wii was the worst
That game was tons of fun. I only used the bikes with sharp turning though, and I hear people think they're busted. What's wrong with it, it's a decent game.
>16 tracks is nothing bad
>Broken characters and items how?
>Who cares about stats?
>Looking behind serves no purpose.
>It's fun
Super Circuit really is a big disappointment but it did give you mobile Mario Kart first.
True but at least the courses are a lot different than any later installments.
I spent the most time playing MK7 and it's not in any way bad, but my favorite MK game is tied with MKWii and MK8(DX)
>Best: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Worst: Mario Kart: Super Circuit
>Nostalgia Goggles Mode Activated: Mario Kart: Double Dash
I know how it feels, user. I used to love MK:DD. But after playing MK8D and replaying MK:DD, I finally put away my nostalgia goggles and moved on.
>the half pipes
>Funky Stadium wasn't a retro course
I'm still mad
I hated Double Dash.
I like 64, 6, and 7 kinda equally.
I didn't play any others, so couldn't say but I always hear about MK Wii being trash.
>worst Mario Kart
That isn't right though, you super faggot. DS is by far the most boring.
Mario Kart Wii was Atleast fun despite it's issues and arguably had the best Kart roster like that magikoopa motorcycle
Mario Kart 64 is both broken, and absolutely trash to play
DS is not the worst what the fuck. Did you have a concussion or are you just retarded?
Yeah, why didn't Funky Stadium return? They could of easily just expanded the half pipe wall and made it anti-gravity or something
Wario Gold Mine was one of my favorite levels in MKWii, nothing felt better than half-piping over the finish line and landing perfectly for the turn after, it feels so much more boring in MK8
>What's wrong with it, it's a decent game.
Funky Kong is the problem.
I dont understand why people complain about item spam in MKWii and then praise 8/8D
it was literally just as bad
>Mario Kart 7
>The Mario Kart that spawned an entire Mario Kart group culture for several years on Sup Forums
Actually yeah, I see your point.
7's stages are just really unfun and frustrating. Playing them in 8 really cements it for me. Fuck Rosalina's Ice World, Music Park, Piranha Plant, Wario's Shipyard. Also, the worst roster since there were only 8 characters.
This list seems pretty true but Mario Kart Wii isn't that good but not bad. Seven's just so fundamentally unfun.
7 was good and 8 was like a bad version of 7
How can you bash 8's roster and like 7?
The 3DS retros in mk8 are literally the best tracks in the game, what are you talking about.
>8 characters
You unlock more, user. There are 16.
That game is slow as fuck, probably to compensate for the shitty waggle controls. Also it somehow managed to look worse than Double Dash.
Yeah I agree the tracks are just unimaginative and frustrating. Finally someone gets it.
And? It shouldn't be locked like that. 8 Characters is a pittance even if you can unlock double the amount. Besides 16 isn't even that much.
>only 8 characters
I'm pretty sure MK7 had 16 characters. You just had to unlock other half of them in 150cc.
>DS had 8 starting characters too, and only 4 unlockables
I can't.
But double-dash is the second worst Mariokart...
Seconding. Wii with it's million years of hitstun was complete bullshit. Good fucking luck trying to 3 star that thing.
Double Dash was fucking garbage.
8 fixed it for the most part.
8D is fucked.
1. 8
2. DS
3. DD
4. SC
5. 64
6. SMK
Didn't play 7 or Wii
Mario Kart 64 is unironically the worst MK
double dash is shit, why do people like it?
ds is the best though.
My least favourite is probably MK64. Just because everyone always wants to play it because it's the only one they played as a kid.
I fucking love Double Dash, but all the plebs won't give anything that isn't N64 a chance.
Because doubledash was actually shit.
You didn't race so much as float around the course.
MK64 was far better (but inferior to SMK)
MKWii finally improved on it and MK8 is the best hands down home-console release.
8D is broken.
Mario Kart 64 is objectively the worst entry, and you're simply wrong if you disagree.
mk64 plays worse than every other game. the best game is probably DS or double dash, but MK8 and Wii are pretty close
>I was 3-4 when MK64 was released and couldn't play it so it's the worst.
>I could play the dumbed down double-dash when I was 5-6 though, so It's the best game!
>objectively the worst entry
>when wii and super circuit exist
I will admit its very overrated but its not the worse.
people liked MK64 cause nostalgia. I didn't play it growing up(I played SMK instead) but I recently played it cause some chads were having a tournament. Game was dogshit.
I didnt say I hated 64 in my pic. but the rubberbanding is godawful
Same reason why people like DD, it's the one they played growing up.
DD is also fucking dogshit.
It is objectively superior to SMK
>4 players
>playing by yourself doesn't force half the screen to be a fucking map
Jokes on you nigger, my copy of 64 has my written on it so that my brother couldn't steal it.
No you idiot, when I was 4 I could easily win on the hardest difficulty of MK64, therefore it is fucking garbage
>Assblasted about 8D probably because they didn't keep fire-hopping
>because they didn't keep fire-hopping
God bless Nintendo for getting rid of that bullshit.
Online with it was a shitshow.
Nah it's the 2 items again.
I was actually miffed when they removed it but after playing 8 for a few years online, I'd actually come to appreciate it.
I was an inside drifter anyway, so fire hopping was pretty well useless for me. (Isabelle/MrScooty/Bowser Wing, ~10,600VR)
I introduce my friend to MK8D and its pretty nice to play and fun without seeing some guy being in 1st place miles ahead. Just chaos and fun.
how? im pretty sure it's advantage was negligible and only affected time trials
Ok but then my counter is why people hate double dash? There's literally no good answer to this question.
Oh ok. There was just this one guy on this discord who fucking despised MK8D because it didnt keep firehopping. He said it was "the only strategic part of the game and the game is horrible without it". That's like saying Smash4 is horrible because it doesn't have wavedashing. It just doesn't make sense.
Super Circuit
Fight me you dumb fucking niggers
I don't hate it, I just don't like it. It feels slow and buggy. Plus racing should really just be one person a kart.
>its pretty nice to play and fun without seeing some guy being in 1st place miles ahead
MK8D online still had this problem.
Most of the time its a Moonrure Morton main on a Wiggler with Rollers with 10,000+ VR.
I think the item balancing is fixing it very well.
>t.funky kong main
No question about Super Circuit tho.
Super Circuit is the worst because it controls like total garbage. Even Super Mario Kart controls better.
Best is either 8 Deluxe or DS. I've seen good arguments for Wii though I don't really care for it.
Yup. DS is probably better than DD. But I was mostly sticking with the main console games but DS gets my vote as best.
I hate that 7 & 8 are basically just Wii's physics mangled to try and make it work for casual players. If people whined so much about Wii being too complex for them, then make another fucking Double Dash game, that one was literally the best casual racing formula there's even been.
7 & 8 are too simplistic for competitive players to move over and too complex for young kids and old people. The fact that Deluxe literally has a feature to keep you from going off-road or falling off really shows how flawed the gameplay is, meanwhile a literal four year old can play Double Dash.
agreed. I thought I was the only one who thought 8 was watered down (I didn't play 7)
Yup pretty much. Any skill or any amount of planning is absolutely ruined in 7 or 8. Talk shit about DD all you want but 7&8 is casual trash.
wii was the best though and the only one that supported mods
you can get a pack of 200+ extra tracks
>most people too retarded to learn Wii's slightly more complex than usual handling and physics
>Sup Forumstards been trying to demonize people who were smart enough to actually figure it out and realize the game is way more intricate and competitively fun than any before or since it
>"b-b-but funky kong!!"
TELL ME HOW THIS IS PONY RELATED! Barneyfag didn't link it. :(
We all know Mario Kart Wii is the worst one.
it's okay to be mad at and bad at the game
Why put non mario characters in mario kart?
Mario has a very big history and is full of characters
Why bring non mario characters into it?
Mario Kart Wii mods make the rest of the series irrelevant
>216 tracks
>online with only experience players, no 6 year olds driving into walls from MK8
>fun as fuck countdown mode
>mkwii's god-tier character roster which can also be modded with new models/sounds to create custom characters
>texture hacks and custom music
>best physics and items of the series
been playing since 2013 and never looked back
Double Dash is the only of those four games that I have ever seen someone have problems controlling.
>inb4 mario kart is completely killed off and we get a degenerate smash kart
>no more unique and interesting courses, just generic mute city for captain falcon, animal crossing village for villager, brinstar for metroid, etc
Mods you say... Tell me more.
I just don't get why they threw non mario characters into the mix people like to bitch and whine about the Koopalings getting in but at lease they were actual mario characters.
Don't get me wrong the F-zero maps were great but I genuinely don't understand why they brought in Link and Inklings when characters like Diddy Kong and Funky are much more deserving of roster spots.
>non-stop blue shell bullshit
>bikes are unbalanced as fuck
Worst game imo.
I think 64 is the best. It just feels so fucking good to play. Everything's quick and smooth compared to the clusterfuck that is MK Wii or the sluggishness of DD. I'm not particularly fond of the handheld titles, but I'll give 7 props for making me laugh my ass off endlessly during SNES Rainbow Road.
Mario Kart CTGP Revolution go check it out, really easy to install. Especially the past 2-3 years the custom tracks have started getting so good some of them look like actual Nintendo ones, and they do tons of fun things Nintendo would never do. Racing is always competitive and heated
None of the Mario Kart games are bad. 7 was good though. The controls were tight, no bullshit snaking, my only gripe is them cutting Waluigi in favor of a Mario reskin and a fucking Bumblebee.
I personally think ________8 is the worst. Carts are slippery as fuck and the zero gravity meme only worsens things.
What if you don't have a copy and just load the game on the SD Card? Can you still run it or?
Double Dash is great, but I feel that 8 is the peak of the series, especially after the DLC.
I haven't done it that way myself but I'm pretty sure you don't need the game or even the homebrew channel to run mkwii mods
7 had a fairly hard-fought skill ceiling.
You have to have a unique copy of MKWii, so you can't just load an iso you downloaded from the internet because it would be the same as other people who have downloaded that same iso. They did this to prevent people playing on Dolphin for some reason
imagine arguing over Mario kart rankings
Well that's utterly lame. They're modding the game anyways what do they care?
I think they did it so people can't easily cheat on online using Dolphin actually. Remember reading it somewhere
DS and 64 are the best ones.
I've been playing lot of mario lart lately and those 2 are the ones I enjoyed the most.
I don't know why DD is so praised, that game isn't even that good.
>no bullshit snaking
I'm convince 90% of the people that think MK7 is terrible, not just dislike it but think it's actually terrible, are fags that thought snaking in MKDS was a good thing. The kind of people that think BXR in Halo 2 added to gameplay instead of ruined it.
DD, DS, and 8D are indisputably the best 3, any decision more narrow than that is purely personal preference of what aspects an individual values more or less in games.