There was a thread about how to make Fallout 5 that had some good potential...

There was a thread about how to make Fallout 5 that had some good potential, but the janitors deleted for unknown and strange reasons. So let's try this again.

How would you make Fallout 5?

If I was Bethesda I would let Obsidian handle making Fallout 5 instead of putting my grubby mitts on the series and ruining everything again.

I'd remake Fallout 4, but this time leave in the part where it's supposed to take place a few years or so after the bombs drop, which would make the whole settlement building thing make sense. I would also get rid of the institute because the entire institute thing was retarded.

First of all, find a new modern engine to build our game.
Then make it very, veeery modding friendly.
Code a plug-in for the game that let's you be able to activate and resolve any mods there are.
The rest is to let it be completed by the community, as always.
Fuck Todd.

Same mechanics as FO4. Scrap the 4-button dialogue. Let Obsidian handle the worldbuilding and writing. Emphasize skill checks so that quests can have solutions that don't revolve around dungeon crawls. When it does become a dungeon crawl, make it nonlinear. Get rid of the fucking pip boy.

Set it in another country. Don't get me wrong, I love Fallout ...FOREVER.

But I would like to see how other countries were affected. Like Japan, or China, or England, or something like that

The game would take place around the same time as Fallout 4, but we're going back to the West, to Arizona or any country at the heart of Legion territory. The premise is that no matter what happened during the events of Fallout: New Vegas, Caesar is canonically dead; either because he succumbed to his brain tumor or the Courier killed him, it's not important. What is important is that without Caesar's guidance, the Legion is in the midst of a civil war, split between one faction that wants to stick exactly to how things have been (brutal punishments, slavery, hardcore military life) and one faction that wants to be a little less strict, but still pretty bad (keeping slaves but treating them somewhat better, a few more rights for women but they're still breeding cattle, ect). Either way this civil war is enough to destabilize Legion society, and gangs are finally able to start popping up again because there's not enough internal protection as their once was, which was one of the biggest draws to serving the Legion in the first place, so now the Legion citizens are getting pissed.

You play as either a freed slave or a legion grunt who gets wrapped up in this mess, and you have four general ways to try handling it.

1. Join the loyalists and enforce the dead Caesar's will (the "evil" faction)
2. Join the reformists and try to make things slightly better (the nicer alternative but still clearly not "good")
3. Joining or creating your own gang and taking power for yourself (this is where settlements and Nuka World's gang stuff can come back in, flesh it out, make it about your gang and their bases instead of a bunch of cookie cutter towns)

The game would focus on the crazy sci-fi stuff being rarer and more valuable to find since the Legion's anti-tec. Being outright good (freeing slaves and such) is much harder to do because of Leigon society. Throw NCR spies, mutant rebels, and maybe a few smaller tribal factions, and you got a neat Fallout experience.

The biggest thing that still keeps me from supporting that idea is how tied Fallout is to 50s American sci-fi aesthetic.


With effort and competent men.

Uhmm mods delete this thread somebody is yrying to have fun

Have fun being perma-banned by the janitors then

A good marketing campaign and a lot of normie love for Fallout 3.

Do you want skyrim with guns?

I want the neat post-apocalyptic political stuff from New Vegas with a more harsh post-apocalyptic scenario that doesn't go full Fallout 3/4 where everything is garbage still even though its hundreds of years after the bombs fell. Things being bad in Legion territory makes sense.

Yeah, why not have an 80s/90s aesthetic and add some more colour into the game instead of just rust brown/red or concrete grey?

More color would be fine, but let's slow down that timeline there, sport. If you jump directly into 80s/90s aesthetic, you'll basically be making a different game and just alienating people.

Best way I could see them changing styles is to start with a Fallout game with an 60s aesthetic (60s songs, slight artstyle changes, and a story that focuses on 60s things, maybe post-apocalypse hippies or something), and then continue the rest of the series with each game going up the timeline in terms of style and themes.

ITT: A bunch of casuals discuss how to make a game when they can barely make a sandwich.

Trust me. You guys dont know jack from shit when it comes from good game design. Literally one of the first douchebags to post was this guyV
^This guy has no clue what he is talking about. Like, "Make mods more moddy!" fucking drooling retards.

Go to bed Todd.

There was a thread about how wyverns in Skyrim were called dragons.
Please explain yourself.

That topic's been discussed to death, I don't see what that has to do with this thread.

>top 50's hits.mp3.exe as the soundtrack
>don't need to discover locations to fast travel to them
>all quests are randomly generated radial quests
>brotherhood of steel is the only faction
>super mutants no longer have custom dialogue and animations, they're just scaled up humans with voices lowered with audacity
>every animal is just a normal animal with two heads called rad-something. ie. raddog, radcat, rad-brahmin (4 heads).
>all of the game's content is now made by the community. Instead of hiring voice actors, give the player with the bast dialogue delivery +100 exp. Instead of modeling weapons, give the modder with the best weapon model +1000 exp.
>skill tree replaced with fully linear "skill road"
>censor anything too brutal. No rapists, no torturers, and all good characters are unkillable. We need that T rating.
>absolutely no distinction between radiation and health. Stimpacks are now anti-rad medicine as well.
>no more having to go into the menu to lower the difficulty. Difficulty automatically lowers at

Todd approves.

Based in Detroit which was the robot manufacturing capital pre war. Pretty sure lorewise the BOS control the area. Have crazed mechanics worship Henery ford. DLC to Canada or Chicago

this website is for New Vegas only

The inside of bethesda's engine is a fucking trainwreck
It's bloated as fuck and to name one problem, designed to support game creation by copypasting - in other words be lazy as fuck - and it a clusterfuck because of it.
If you want to mod something, you have to include the all of the irrelevant original data + the thing you want to mod.
This is literally what causes all mod conflicts besides hard incompatibility and would be easy enough to fix, if they were pants on head retarded.

It's also the cause of quite a lot of bugs because someone didn't read through shit well enough when they were ctrl-c ctrl-v'ing.

"making mods more moddy" would mean less bugs on release and would certainly solve a shitton of issues.


like fallout 2 in 3d

Here's a cool idea how about Bethesda does this Fallout 1 and 2 and an additional Fallout 3 remaster on one on like a disc it's like they remaster all of them Fallout 1 2 and 3 The Fallout trilogy

For real though I wouldn't mind a Fallout 1 and 2 remake in the style of 3 and New Vegas.

How about they just ditch Vault boy and then replace it with this really cool character

I call him VauuaV boob

id Tech 6 for the engine and allow it to be moddable by players. This doesn't mean modders would have the right to use it for their own indie shit show game, so there's no reason why id can't allow it.

Imagine it, a Fallout game set in a beautiful engine where glitches aren't a "feature."


Expand on building, but don't make it the sole point of the game.
Expand on radiant quest but add a good amount of proper ones.
Allow people to customize damage values.
Allow people to save in survival without relying on mods.
Less pipe weapons.
Add more roleplay options.
Let people see what they're saying, allow more/less than 4 options at all times.

Slightly modded FO4 is the best exploration experience I had since Morrowind not to mention it was better RPG experience than TW3 but the game is severely lacking in unique quests. Having only 1 actual city on the whole map is kinda stupid as well, it's not like it's big anyway.

>expand on radiant quests
Stop this. This is not an MMO. Those quests are not fun.

Then don't do them? They're busywork for people who like to roleplay low rank members of guilds/factions or need an excuse to go to parts of the map they wouldn't usually go. All they need to do is make them more complex and varied. And under no circumstances shove em in player's face like it's the real meat of the game, exactly the mistake they did in FO4.

They take away dev time and act as fluff to inflate quest numbers.

>They take away dev time
They don't when proper quests are written by dedicated writers. Lack of actual writers is the problem behind FO4 quests, not lack of development time. You might as well say that building system is the real reason behind lack of actual settlements, but that's also wrong because building is barebones as fuck and was clearly added as an afterthought.

>West Coast
>Let Obsidian make the Game
>Menu/ Skilling System of Fallout New Vegas
>Weapon Modding, less Mods but more Original
>Old Dialogue System
>Reputation & Karma
>A REAL Fallout Ending Sequence
>No Random Legendary Weapons
>Keep the Engine, maybe let the Graphics be actually the same as in FO4 aslong as you make a actual RPG and a actual Fallout out of it i will go for it.

>Get rid of voiced dialogue
>Bring back skills
>Get rid of shitty radiant quests
>Limit settlement building
>More scripted but choice driven side quests.


give it to ubisoft