A thread for those who are playing Sonic Mania
Are you playing Sonic Mania?
A thread for those who are playing Sonic Mania
Are you playing Sonic Mania?
I'm at Flying Battery, two emeralds down. Blue Spheres is still the bane of my existence.
>A thread for those who are playing Sonic Mania
That's me
>Are you playing Sonic Mania?
Game completed with Tails and Knuckles and with their Super Form unlocked, a bit less than half of the silver medal unlocked and around 7 gold medal.
Tails super form is nerfed, he doesn't have the flickie now.
No special ending neither for the sidekick if you unlock their super form, unlike S3&K.
Getting the emeralds is really easy until the fifth one.
Hot tip for fifth one: Prioritize rings first, then get Mach 3 (Get the arrow off the double ring jump, if you can), then take the shortest routes you can take (Always take the route that has the two ring capsules and the arrow, never cut right). Focus more on dodging things than getting rings once you get Mach 3.
I fucking suck at Sonic, but I'm enjoying myself anyway. Is it me or does the game seem to be moving too fast?
2 more weeks!
Apparently people are reporting Switch failures due to the system running too hot when playing Mania.
Fuck these new Emerald Special stages, god damn.
Also the boss difficulty is extremely inconsistent.
Some I had trouble with, then 3 stages later I got a boss I was just like, "that's it....."
I'm at Oil Ocean and I've only successfully completed 2 Blue Sphere stages and 1 Emerald stage.
Controlling sonic in the bonus stages seems legit fucked, it'll just drop my input when it wants.
died at Titanic monarch act ii boss. got my first game over. taking a break right now. act ii is just too hard. also what exactly does the gem do?
I see the emeralds on the top of the glass thing. and then there's the mysterious Gem. then it switches to the HBHs. then then boss was weird too. wtf is going on?
>Mean Bean has now been unlocked!
>fail special stage
>can't go back to it after getting a game over
blue balls too hard.
Took a break after press garden
The gems is related to Infinite.
You can only revisit special stages in zones you've already beaten.
What's everyone's favorite track?
I gotta say Lava Reef Act 2 has completely won me over with it's 90s Japanese computer game flare.
I want to, I really do but I'm not sure if I should just cancel my special edition order that arrives on Thursday. I feel like just buying it now instead of waiting. Do you guys think the special edition is worth it?
They ramped up and kicked my ass after like ... one.
>end of saloon act 1
It all comes down to if you really want that Sonic figure, fake cart with ring and metal card thing.
Personally, no but I really hate cheap plastic shit and collector's editions.
At the 5th emerald. Restarted twice because fuck those fucking fail screens. Can't seem to get it down when I'm sliding sideways for half a course. After seeing the fail screen 7 times I legit just want to die. Anyway, turns out you can bug the shit out of the bosses and freeze the game. Happened 3 times already (Twice at the MBM boss, once at Studiopolis or whatever act 2 boss. Pretty sure having tails as player 2 fucks them somehow. Might just be random though.
/mini rant. But seriously, fuck the emerald challenges.
Having this game on the Switch makes me want homebrew real bad. More old games need to be on this thing, nigga. NOW.
Had a few bugs so far:
- died in the Flying Battery Act 2 boss, fell through the platform despite beating eggman
- twice now I've beaten the S3 special stage despite having 1 or 2 blue orbs left
I was thinking the same thing, having the originals on it would be amazing.
Switch or PS4?
collect every gold medal and become global best time in green hill zone act 1
Fucking hell there's no playable Amy.
It's amazing but it really lacks that polish which I'd honestly expect forma fangame but not this.
>Weird inconsistent level transitions
>Boss difficulty is all over the place
>bugs everywhere
>Zones are either completely different or 1:1 replicas. Hydrocity and Lava Reef are really guilty of this
>Titanic Monach Act 1 is just cheap as shit
metallic madness act 1 is God tier
That's the thing,it looks nice but it's not really the kind of thing I'd really display. I hardly have any room for all my amiibo. I really just like the box
im really torn on whether or not to buy it
I like how both Stardust Speedway and Metallic Madness have really cheesy 90s style sampling and music styles. It's so CD.
This one
Beat it, 1 emerald and 7 game overs total
The stages were pretty easy but the bosses were hard out of nowhere (Studiopolis Act 1 and Flying Battery Act 2, to name a few) Beat the final boss first try though?
Just beat it and got the "bad" ending. Planning on getting all the emeralds to get the "good" ending.
Buy it during a sale if you can wait.
>tfw Heavy Gunner gave me my first game over
My first Sonic game.
I'm at the part where the robots are chasing you with the missiles in like, the 3rd level I think.
I'm enjoying it so far.
I have had two as well:
>Crash after Zone 2's mid boss. I got the bounce shield abd was soamming it during the transition into act 2.
>Music just randomly stopped in the airship zone until the boss.
I'm a poorfag this month due to changes in my work schedule, but I'll probably get it next month.
It'll be out on PC by then, right?
This is actually my first classic Sonic game, never could get invested past Green Hill Zone as a kid - between this and Sonia Advance (which I started playing recently too), I feel like I was just a dumb kid.
Is there a way to redo the special UFO stages in Mania? I just erased my save to redo the GHZ one but I screwed up on the Chemical Plant game.
The game is really fun so far, I'm only two zones in but it's already taken me like an hour. Time attack is gonna be awesome too.
It's coming out on PC on the 29th, so just before the end of August.
First Game over at Titanic Monarch Act 2.
I feel so rusty.
haven't played Platformers since I was a kid.
Yes and I love it. Have a raging nostalgia boner and I'm not really a Sonic fan. Glad to see him return to form finally. Sonic only ever worked in 2D and it is nice to see someone put in the extra work to animate sprites and develop compelling sprawling multi-tier levels with fun boss fights. I'm just worried it is going to end too quickly.
Runs beautifully on my Switch.
The real question is what filter are you using? I'm using NONE. It defaults to CLEAR. I suggest everyone disable clear though because it just adds a disgusting blur effect to everything.
>Never played sanic 1,2,3
>Only played generations a little and DX till the jungle part with Big the Cat
Is this shit fun or just wank for Sonichu fandom?
everyone make sure to do the mania survey if you want to let Sega know that we want more classic Sonic.
You can clear the game without all the emeralds and just replay through that save again from Green Hill and get all the emeralds you missed, as the ones you got beforehand have appeared again and you can use them to get more emeralds.
>that user who said he'd like to see Oil Ocean in the game
>he even mentioned that he wanted act 2 to be on fire
>it happened exactly
Good guess, wherever you are, user
This song combined with the act itself was godlike to experience
That's... a lot of pages.
I'm disappointed. S3&K is my favourite, mania seems like a rom hack of an advance game. There's something about it that's off. Special stage is wank also, like playing Sonic R. Still rocking the blue spheres though. I have no idea what the story is. What's the deal with the gem? What's with all the warping and random Sonic CD future posts at the end of one of the stages?
Thanks user, that'll be my MO for the second playthrough - the sprites and music are godly, I'd replay this game just for the tracks alone.
Beat it about 2 hours ago as Sonic in one sitting. I haven't gushed this much about playing a Sonic game in fucking years. Gonna pick it back up in a few minutes to try and again all the emeralds but holy shit is it just me or are the giant rings hard to find? The special stages themselves take quite a bit of getting used to as well.
It's a cool touch how having the fire shield actually ignites any Oil you touch
it's worth it if you want mania 2
It's good to know that after all these years, I still fucking despise Flying Battery Zone.
Just replay Green Hill over and over to grind the emeralds
>Company survey on Google Docs
lolno. That's not legit.
Not that user but I thought it was really dope how the wooden spike bridges get burnt away if you have a fire shield.
Multiple people did this, actually. I was one of them, couldn't be happier.
>is it just me or are the giant rings hard to find? The special stages themselves take quite a bit of getting used to as well.
My thoughts exactly.
I feel like I have some bias though. Since I remembered all the Giant Ring locations in 3+K maybe it just feels like I can't find any because I'm used to getting a bunch.
These levels are pretty fuckin big
>playing through mania
>get to flying battery zone
>pretty fun
>get to boss
>it fucking sucks
Way to completely ruin the entire zone with a shitty gimmicky boss. I'm done for now, but I feel like more bosses are going to be like this.
if you're not using crt sharp get the fuck out of my thread
Sales = Mania 2 you mean. And it looks like it's getting that plus lots of glowing press coverage.
I don't. This game is a huge disappointment, severely lacking in polish, and they're gettign PAID for this shit when free fangames are better executed.
it's posted on the PS4 activity thing when you go to the game's icon thing.
look it up if you have one.
>Game over at Titanic Monarch Act 2 is "rusty"
Try game over in Chemical Plant. Twice.
i'm using no filter at all, fgt
What you gonna do
>Press Garden Act 2
[Chun Lis theme intensifies]
>Way to completely ruin the entire zone with a shitty gimmicky boss
wait until oil ocean
Filters are bad, user.
>It's a huge disappointment
Except it's not? Get your jaded ass outta here.
But that's one of the the best boss
This is my first 2D Sonic game and god damn Flying Battery Act 2 is kicking my ass. There's a segment where you use a spring to launch yourself and run on the ceiling, but I never have enough speed so I fall into a bottomless pit. FUCK. Other than that I'm having a blast, this game is fucking great.
Also I can't stop listening to Studiopolis Act 2 because god damn Tee Lopes you glorious motherfucker.
The idea of remixing is fun, but when they're made explicitly worse or just downright copied from the original (ex. Hydrocity) it's annoying. There were also way too many throwbacks to the originals in the new zones, and when there are so little of them in the first place I'd rather they have their own unique gimmicks.
sup switchfag. have fun looking autistic in public
got a level select by mashing the right side of the controller on the title screen. i cant figure out the specific inputs needed for it though.
Chemicals Plant Zone Act 2 is like one of the best levels in a Sonic game ever and it's filled with brand new stuff dude
For those who avoided spoilers, what was the biggest surprise for you?
For me
>Oil Ocean, Metallic Madness and Lava Reef's inclusion
>Silver Sonic in the Metal Sonic fight
>The Boys making their return
>Metallic Madness' act 2 boss
>Try game over in Chemical Plant. Twice.
You can do it, user.
I used to play the originals a ridiculous amount when I was younger.
I said Rouge was my favorite character, just doing my part.
They nailed Oil Ocean, easily brought one of the worst levels in Classic Sonic up way past par.
There one time where the elevator led me directly into an enemy hitting me, which is a big issue with the first one, but I can forgive the one time.
How godamn routes has? That act is massive
>Egg Reverie
Is that the Super Sonic boss?
I'm curious to know what exactly you liked about the boss. To me, it wasn't difficult by any stretch, just annoying.
>Have to wait another 8 hours before I get off work to finally play it
>As we speak it's on my PS4 right now
i'd assume so
>talk about avoiding spoilers
>lists a bunch of spoilers
I haven't gotten a Game Over in any Sonic game in years. Mania's really gonna be a test of my skills when I get to it.
Things I don't like:
Blue Spheres shows up way too often. I know it's optional but if you want to take the time to try and get medals it breaks up the core gameplay too frequently
Mirage Saloon is like 1/3 the length of the rest of the stages, it was over before I realized
Oil Ocean just felt like a fucking chore with those dopey green cap things
Rest is pretty great.
>not wanting to have your sonic looking like it's running on a beautiful CRT arcade cabinet
I guess some people have to have shit taste for perspectives sake