ITT: Post ugly aloy screenshots


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this is probably from a hacked version running on PC obviously it's going to look like shit when you aren't playing it on the proper hardware the developers intended

It doesn't run on pc...

Someone Photoshop Selena Gómez crying

Yes it does. How do you think games are made?


So like...any picture of her then?

Is this shopped? Holy shit that's terrifying.

yep. Like, any shitty poses of her in photomode or what not.

100% real. The baby is at the very beginning of the video if you want to see it in motion. I suggest also checking out child Aloy. Her movements are so creepy to me.

>this is probably from a hacked version running on PC obviously it's going to look like shit when you aren't playing it on the proper hardware the developers intended
>it looks bad therefore it can't be from my favorite console

You got some type of retardation I guess

Sure but explain bad PC ports then

christ this game is so fucking bland and ugly. aloy looks disgusting as fuck

>ugly aloy screenshots
that's a redundancy

Shouldn't be too hard. The only "good looking" Alloy pics are all very carefully taken and a high number in a series of re-shot cherry picked images reposted again and again. A well done model looks good even in shitty screengrabs.

and yet it's still better than zelda, which got a 97 for what reason I'm trying to find out, I'm playing it right now and its fucking boring.

What's Zelda got to do with Alloy being a sub human?

but anondymouse! it has TECHNOLOGY and INNOVASHUN

Nigger don't you start talking about zelda aight?

I'm playing it, you can't stop me, I already played horizon and I liked it better, so rim my dickhole

Its not better than Zelda though. Its SJW shite. If you like this game your prob a trannie.

link can't even swim, he is like a nigger, first pond I ran to, I was like, ok let's check the swimming........and then he flailed his arms and drown immediately.


>Its SJW shite
cool meme fag

so post aloy screenshots?

whats the point of this thread

>b-b-but zelda


not an argument

>flaunting your shit taste

so you cant kike both games

what a qt

what if i like zelda and horizon



so haw salty are you


Jesus fucking christ, nuke the west already.


what other reason do these faggots need?

Post your webms, boyo. I'm certain it'll numb your brain like always.

i know its get repeated to death but its really uncanny how she manages to capture that bald midget in a wig look
not sure how this shit even made it to release, someone MUST have noticed

It's made on a dev kit, dummy

What the fuck, this isn't real is it?

It absolutely got caught in QC. It's likely that some person got offended that people didn't like their model and made a big enough stink about it that they decided to just leave it alone because it's only in the game for around an hour.

for a game you guys say nobody gives a shit about you guys like to talk about it

it is.
i liked the gameplay of hzd, but a lot of the character models including aloy are are godawful
but of course for the sake of console warring people are going to shitpost that they arent.

they're just letting people know how little care they have for the game. they need to do this at least once a day, otherwise people might think they like this game.

>One thread about horizon zero dawn
>45 replies
Woah, fucking pcbros want our game right guise?

I love how people were shitting on the faces in this game until Mass Effect came out with even worse faces so this game got a pass.

Fuck that. I hate looking at people in this game.


Show me 3 open world game with better models.

alone the face doesn't look that bad but it's like they have no idea where a face fits on a head




i'm kind of sick of both sides in this
the fans who pretend it is utterly flawless annoy me, the shitposters who act like it's the most hideous thing in the world annoy me
it's a pretty good looking game and is hopefully a sign that we'll be getting closer-to-lifelike graphics sooner than later


nice meme look at more than one pic retard




That's just how kids move. Stiff and awkward.


i'm most impressed by the chiffon mask she's wearing tbch

>Western """"""""""""loli""""""""""""""""""

All of these faces look ok.
How did they manage to fuck up the MC's face so much?

What do you mean?

like i said stop looking at the same pics over and over

I want to cum on Aloy's abs.

put a bag on that face and I'll have no problems

I want to cum inside Aloy while passionately kissing her

here here

It's her as a kid from the tutorial missions.

Basically any of the hundreds of korean mmos


Aloy would make a good mother, in hunter-gatherer society.

babyface was always my favorite stand


i didnt say all of them tho.
avad and most of the people in meridian look good, aloy just looks like a failed abortion

The problem is it is just not true. Barely any of them look ugly.


this girl looks cuter than aloy to me

and aloy looks fucking disgusting, and you need to look at her for the entire game

Pls no bully my wife, thank you.

>"I was memed by Sup Forums!"
You don't have to say that all the time.

Too bad she hates men and doesn't even want to have a male child

You are talking about Elizabeth.

No, I'm talking about Aloy

>I'd want HER to be

Right there in the ending

>citation needed
The impression I got was she was awkward and clumsy, as well as too busy saving the world to worry about a romance that would have been pointless anyway if she didn't save the world.

Unless you mean Elizabet.

so having an opinnion means im memed?
i just recently got the game and liked more than i expected to
but me having an opinnion of my own is a meme right?

Yep that was said by Elizabeth not Aloy you dumb retard.

>Aloy wants a daughter
This just in: Anonymous expert realizes that if you want a son, you're a fag!


>This is what passes as 'fucking disgusting'

how fucking dare you have an opinion that doesn't match my own
how do you even live with yourself knowing that?

Lord have mercy. It's hideous.

She unironicly looks like shrek

the more you play the game the more attractive she starts to look actually.

why else do you think there are all these people ITT who want to fuck her?

Can confirm. I thought she looked like fucking ugly as sin, and by the end of the game I wanted to make babies with her.