Yes. It's happening. Obsidian is developing another Fallout!

These are all the details for now

>Production began when Nuka World was released.

>Zenimax Promised Obsidian bonuses without any restrictions this time around.
>Chris Avellone was convinced by Bethesda to co-write the story. Convinced by Bethesda because he has beef with Obsidian's managers.

>Game will release autumn 2018. Obsidian has had two years to develop the game this time round.

>Full skills return, no voiced protagonist.
Speech skills, hardcore mode and so on.

>Game is set in New Orleans. It is on a bigger scale than Fallout 4.
Huge emphases on unique settlements, characters and story. The areas players can build settlements in are very limited as that is not obsidian focus.

>Majority of factions are new and native to the Louisiana state. A few old faces may return though.

Expect reveal this December.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sauce or fuck off

Here's your (You) for this pleasant attempt at baiting.

Oh great... another buggy peace of trash that's too pretentious for its own good.

Fake News

as someone who lives in louisiana, I'd hate it.

Hi Sup Forums, Todd Howard here. Just wanted to tell you another Obsidian Fallout is absolutely not happening and remind you to preorder Skyrim for Nintendo Switch which will add new features such as the boomerang shout when you scan a Zelda Amiibo.

Thanks for reading
>not hiring for big bucks engineering jobs
not happening pardner


a thread died for this

I want to believe you.

I want to believe it too...


Can't be true, nothing good happens.

>Chris A ever working with obsidian again
thanks op, I needed a laugh.


So just like bethesda fallout games?

Go home Todd
Adults are talking.

What happened?

i fucking hate new orleans, that city's culture is so fucking shit

Bethesda fallout is more "I'm wacky, look at me!" rather than "I'm smart guys! Seriously, please believe me!"

>Chris A
I hope nobody on this board is lacking in brain cells enough to believe this

Didn't your Momma ever tell you not to spread rumors?

>plays new vegas
Wait, seriously?

>>Zenimax Promised Obsidian bonuses without any restrictions this time around.
that isn't how bonuses work you fucking idiot

>OP took time out of is day to post something that is not only fake, but also uninteresting.
Back to plebbit

Except the Obsidian that worked on New Vegas isn't the same Obsidian now. I don't even think Gonzales is still there, so asking for another Obsidian fallout isn't very smart. Sawyer is an excellent game director but so is Todd - creative directors are what make these games stand out.

you know it was bethesda that did the bug testing for NV right?



From what I understand and take this with a grain of salt because most of it is speculation is that the higher ups just want to make iso-rpgs and fill that niche after Pillars success which Avellone "disagrees" with

>plays videogames

You know that's not true, right?

Meh. We've all seen the wasteland.
How excited would you be if the new game was set in not the usa? (not going to happen. Burgers could never deal with it. Not patriotic.)
Fallout: Alaska, anyone?

now THIS is how you bait

>he doesn't know about saywer sexualy harrassing chris

That one 3 fanboy must be monumentally salty to make an image like this.

shit bait. either that or you clearly dont understand fallout.

How is fallout 3 different to nv ? the only difference is true iron sight.

>this again
At least avoid using the circle tool so much next time you spend sever hours making an MS paint comic, user.

Id be down for a nuclear winter, could be in canada too since its still america in the fallout universe

I automatically assume shit like this is false flagging

the writing and thats about it. NV feels like an expansion of 3.

Unlike NV, 3 has interesting locations and a better atmosphere than empty desert.

I guess Bethesda qa isn't in the credits

Lol implying that matters
fallout 4> nv (because true iron sight) > fallout 3
Only plebs like f3

Todd fucked up by spreading the development across individual areas, instead of having teams dedicated to writing, quest design, etc. It's understandable that it allows level designers to be more creative, and it might even finish up the game faster, but it's a recipe for disaster in the long run. As talented as the level designers might be, Fallout 4 has shown us that just because you can make an area doesn't mean you can make an interesting quest, much less write a small story arc that makes any kind of sense. It made them a fuck ton of cash, so it's never going to change, but Kirkbride would have never been the messiah of Morrowind if they had this same design philosophy back in the day.

This is the saddest comic I've ever seen.

Someone make an lol thread with it.

DR and DT
Unique weapons (as in unique models, not just renames)
Hardcore mode with survival mechanics
Faction reputation system

Those are the objective differences. You can argue until you're blue in the face about muh superior atmosphere or other subjective shit, but the prior list are undeniable mechanical differences. Also inb4 muh mods for 3.

what the fuck is this post

>new game was set in not the usa?
>Fallout: Alaska
retard. I would totally play Fallout: Hawaii though


What locations?

Production started when Nuka World was released.
>Announcement in December

You're fucking stupid user

Fallout3 shooting feels weird, fallout 4 is superior, even nv, rest doesn't matter, "atmostphere" is at the same level of "writing", atmosphere doesn't make things fun.

>4 above anything
caught me, thats some good bait

This actually makes some good points
>he thinks it takes several hours to make an ms comic

Wasn't really trying to bait, honestly. I just want a spoonfull of that sweet, sweet lore about the rest of the world that all fallout fags have been denied.

>nuclear winter
Exactly. How about a little run for some precious caps? No problem. Just gotta haul ass through an irradiated frozen wasteland with mutated animals that have adapted to the cold and snow. Oh and never forget the scattered raiders that would gladly kill you just for the chance to burn your shit and stave off freezing.

Kill yourself

>Full skills return, Speech skills
>he areas players can build settlements in are very limited

Sounds like a piece of shit.

>"atmostphere" is at the same level of "writing", atmosphere doesn't make things fun

>more weapons
>better recoil
>true iron sight
>can skip dialogues
Fallout 3 babs are at the same level of nvbabs, "muh atmosphere".

Oh OK, that was a lot less interesting than I thought it would be. I was expecting some kind of scandal.

That's more like it, but somehow (x) Doubt

plus packs of wendigos

based stalkeranon

That sounds like Wasteland 3. Shit's gonna be nuclear winter wonderland, plus they're supposedly putting in co-op.

Do you even know what false flagging is?

nu-Sup Forums will disagree with this even though Fallout 4 focuses on GAMEPLAY instead of cinematic VN bullshit

New vegasfags BTFO

And in the end excels at neither

Please no. That would be fucking terrifying. Imagine some fucked up mutant human cannibal that is immune to the cold running around in snow storms whispering peoples names to the howling of the wind is creepy.

Fallout 4 is objectively best fallout.

I wouldn't want a game set in new Orleans anyway. If Obsidian does it, it should continue the 1-2-NV story and setting.

>focuses on GAMEPLAY

Funny, since the actual gameplay is complete shit compared any dedicated FPS, and tries to force the "cinematic VN" angle harder than 3 or NV.


>gameplay instead of cinematic

>f-fallout 3 is the best game
>f-fuck nv right ?
Fuck off vnfag.

Kek another

Fuck off. 3 and 4 are so much better than the shitfest of New Vegas
>b-but muh smaller map

Still fucking empty as shit
>but muh more quests
Literally terrible and Quality>Quantity
Most of them were fetch quests.

Yeah, wandering around doing nothing but shooting the same enemies over and over with no reward but a pipe gun and some junk to use for settlement building is so fulfilling.

Fuck off to Sup Forums

This guy gets it

Rest of the world is gone, there are no official vaults outside of the US so anything that survived the blast would've died when the skies were darkened from all the missiles going off

>pretentious dialogue is better than being a kickass wanderer killing ghouls and super mutants
Fallout 3 fags believe this.


>New Orleans
Aw shit, I was born there. Fucking hype, don't let me down obsidian.

That's way more entertaining than slugging through columns of shitty(as in bad writting) text adventure.

nobody has posted a source yet, retard

The rest of us are clearly more adult than ya'll are.

You gotta be 18+ to post here to begin with, kiddos


>there are no official vaults outside of the US

As told by games from the American perspective. You think any other country would be announcing where it'd be stashing survivors? After the first few test bombs suddenly bomb shelters became a thing globally. See what I'm getting at here or is it too retarded? I'm pretty drunk.


Aren't you guys more excited for the next bethesda elder scrolls/fallout game? Because unlike this, you know that will happen!

refute one single point made in that comic please

toddposting isn't funny redditor

i believe op. why would someone lie on the internet?

>being contrarian to contrarians
That just makes you a normie

is nobody here going to remember the fact that AMERICANS annexed Canada?

>starting on Sup Forums

Holy shit newfaggot

Are you sure about this?

>See what I'm getting at here or is it too retarded? I'm pretty drunk.

Too retarded. The Resource Wars bankrupted the rest of the world and the only other country with enough funds for a vault project was probably China. Now an irradiated, glowing crater.

>implying it didn't
in b4 you say it's from WoW because you just looked it up 10 seconds ago on knowyourmeme lmao