Can deathmatch even work in this game...

Can deathmatch even work in this game? i would assume everyone would pick soldier76 or genji making characters like sym completely retarded to use

who the fuck cares

just play a better and more fun shooter instead

the game is dead anyways who cares

No, of course not.

But at least it'll hopefully clean out the mess that is quickplay by giving the retards a deathmatch mode where they can fuck around as Genji all day.

I'm sort of intrigued by the mode. I've wanted a free for all DM mode for the game for ages.

In overwatch though it doesn't really work well as the game was never designed for a FFA mode.

You would want and THINK it would just be a mode catering to picks that kill things fast,

But we can't always have what we want, with mercy being a must pick, as per usual

mercy only works for the tdm version not the FFA version

Ana can't ult herself and mercy can't ult herself in FFA so it is shit.

tdm might be fun but ffa DM sounds like a shitshow

sym is literally a counter to both of those picks as the map has close ranged areas.

reminder that if you are below plat and happy about Roadhog's nerf, you have terrible game sense, map awareness, depth perception, and horrible decision making skills.

mystery heroes doesn't work for this game and it still exists

I'm happy because he was the shitter pick when someone asked for another tank.

t. Plat Roadhog main

only like in one spot, a turret by itself is chip damage and there is no central goal for people to pile in on. you pretty much have to spawn camp with sym to win the game

6v6 elimination is a thing, and its more fun than the objective games.

roadhog is garbage now and nothing but a free ult for dps picks.

which one?

>Relying on turrets

delete turrets sym beats both those heros inherently like what the fuck. are you gold and below.

Is it even intended to be competitive or balanced?

CTF for example is horribly unbalanced and doesn't really work well with the game mechanics, but it's still fun every once in a while for a match or two.
I don't see why deathmatch couldn't work the same way.

deathmatch is just their desperate attempt at retaining players since the event skins ad nauseam isn't working anymore

the point is ramping up 20 kills before anybody else in FFA. Sym can win 1v1 but she is immobile and has a lesser kill per minute than say something like soldier with a hitscan and a aimbot ult. you can't beat that in a ffa, Also this mode is probably going to be filled with shitters and you honestly think they are capable of being gud with sym?

Mei's just gonna kill everybody anyway.

syms actually ok
genji and pharah are scrub stompers that eat shit the instant a good player joins the game and 76 is wholly mediocre
the most broken characters are actually sombra by a large margin then widow/mccree at a distant second but still far and away above everyone else

I'm glad it got nerfed, in fact I hope every other character gets nerfed and Soldier gets buffed.
I also hope they remove the 1 hero limit per team so everybody only plays soldier.

assuming ults are disabled in ffa. Soldier has the best alt for something like this

Deathmatch is coming because 99% of matches are just people picking attackers and snipers (that includes Ana since no one who has ever played her has ever healed anyone).

It's going to be a nice change when I join a normal match and don't see "Too many snipers, No tanks, No healers"

aimbot isnt all that great because its single target, youll usually get ganked or just shot from behind since the flat dps isnt very high
also if theres a single hog you just lose if you do it since he can go full retard aggressive every time he hears it

widows wallhacks are easily the best ult, theres no contest