Splatoon 2

>use it for the first time ever (TW)
>15 kills without even having to aim, just sloshed away like a retard

fucking nerf it already

>hmm, buckets are a little weak, how do we buff them
>lets just remove the damage ramp up entirely, flat damage
>okay, wouldn't we have to reduce the damage or the fire rate or something i mean the buckets still have the arcing over object utility

I whole heartedly agree user.
It is stronger than the other weapons.
I also wish for a nerf on this, but understand it's strengths and weaknesses.
I do hope you still enjoy this game even with this weapon in the game.

Certainly one of the strongest weapons currently.
Balance patches were pretty spot on in splatoon1, so I'm optimistic for the future.



Dead game


It's nice that it actually works on ink armor, shame it's only really useful for low damage high rof things like the nzap, most things already smash in 1 hit.

They can't possibly balance such a fundamentally broken weapon. If they change the weapon to 3 hits to death, still will be OP because of it's spread and ability to launch ink over walls. 4 would make the weapon borderline useless, might as well use the standard Slosher. Either they fix the damage fall off or remove the weapon entirely.

>use slosher
>average kill count in ranked goes from 10-15 to 25-30

a fire rate tweak would easily keep it usable

Fundamentally broken is not the case for the tri slosher at all

Both sloshers are straight up bullshit now.
>Sloshing machine had to aim directly at your opponent to get 2 hit kills
>Splatoon 2's sloshers do that kind of damage if you barely graze your opponent


>lewd woomy: i sleep
>lewd spaghetti: REAL SHITT?!

Aside from being broken gets ink armor allowing its user take even more hits

The bucket removed the melee range restriction from helmet wearing roller retards.

It's disgusting.

Honestly, Tri is similar to what it was in Splat1. Which is "great main with outright crutch kit", something that shouldn't happen. Its Seeker-sporting brother was a pretty balanced weapon, its kit had great synergy but also needed some thought to use and had clear limitations that prevented it from being too strong.
The only reasons why S1 Tri wasn't meta are because Zimi was even better, and because QRSJ meta and subsequent Luna and surprise Carbon divebomber influx didn't do it any favours because Luna shits all over Tri in any possible scenario besides Tri marginally outranging its blast radius.
In S2 everything got its mains and kits nerfed... Whereas Tri's main went untouched, and kit got a straight buff in a sub that makes it insanely deadly and a special that suits its lone wolf playstyle even more than before.
I don't know what they were thinking, balancing team should've found that its kit is too good way sooner. I hope this time they won't puss out and do make kit revisions.

Thats how the slosher was in SP1.
I don't really get the point of the sloshing machine over a blaster

>yfw all they do is add +10 to points needed for special

HELLO! My name is Aerospray, my rate of fire is nullified by my wide spread and poor range. I need a buff to increase my damage output to be a 4-5 hit kill over a 5-6 hit kill.

Stay in turf war.

fuck that, it was overused as hell in the first game.
Leave it nerfed in the ground

>tfw you make the mistake of being alive after killing a trislosher user and the leftover spray detonates a nuke under your dick and destroys you

>a single drop of falling ink from the bucket does full damage

>take a plastic bucket
>go to a playground and beat up all the little kids with it

I don't understand what Nintendo was thinking with the balancing. Today I played with 2 chargers and a roller on my team, we got owned. Really wish they would have just ported Smash because this is getting annoying.

Why can't autobombs be destroyed? Also the thing that shoots the ink storm shoulf be destroyable like the Drizzler in Salmon Run

>no one understands the true power of the sploosh-o-matic

feels good man

Why am I the only person who uses the coddamn nozzlenose?

Still it's bretty good for turf war. Won me the mayo vs cuckchup end war.

The only purpose of that weapon is turf control, don't treat it as anything else.

Octobrush and Tri Slosher are the two most busted weapons in the game at the moment. Close range weapons are invalidated because of them, and on stages like Pump Track and Inkblot, where vertical positioning is key, they shit on everything that doesn't massively outrange them like Splatlings and Chargers.

Shit's really annoying, but I'll take this over Splatoon 1's Kraken and Inkzooka on release.