What was his problem?
What was his problem?
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Which part of him WASNT a problem?
He really needs attention and validation.
21st century mental illness
don't we all?
also video games
It's 2017
Thinks he's a woman from the looks of it.
Shes not bouncing on my dick
(S)he actually looks a lot better now, OP's pic related
You might end up bouncing on ''''''Hers''''''
He's one of the autists that see people with legitimate gender dysphoria and say "Hey, I'm not autistic, I'm trans!" because they think it's an explanation as to why they're "different" and don't want to accept that they have autism.
I'd be okay with that, because it wouldn't be gay.
Is "she" post-op yet?
yeah he recently shaved his head and got a wig
The amount here is key
I got to hand it to Cosmo, he is trying way harder to look like a girl than the rest of the speedrunning trannies.
I'm a straight man and the funny thing is after all the work cosmo went into becoming a girl, I'm still more attracted to siglemic as a boy
Unless he finally took his lead dosage you should use is.
Didn't he shave his head?
That reminds me, what happened to Siglemic? I haven't heard about him in a long time.
He's a diaper model now
Streams Runescape wood chopping to 50 people.
IDK who it even is mate, I'm just shitposting on the internet.
I may change my views about traps after all...
Man, the pic in the OP reminds me so much of an ex of mine. She was batshit as hell, and a complete cunt (but she was also fully female, before you ask).
>Hard times create strong men
>Strong men create good times
>Good times create weak men
>Weak men create hard times
The good times are near their end
>Imagine being this fucking stupid that everything in your life goes this bad
wew lad I'm glad I'm not an autistic needy bitch like this dude
He had it all. Then JOHN NUMBERS
Is someone going to get turned into a tranny at this year's Nintendo World Championship?
Someone post the webm of cosmo not being able to wall jump.
He shaved his head, that's a wig.
He now looks like ET with a gapped buck teeth.
>thinking cosmo will ever be attractive and not the scorn of god's wrath.
What is his endgame? Did he ever explain why he did this?
Is what everyone says about him really true?
He has always painted his nails, it was pretty much clear from the start
Soylent. And some guy named numbers.
People like nu-Cosmo are why I quit speedrunning. Not a single regret.
>blueglass is still one of the few surviving manly men from the original GDQs
what went right
To give him credit, he's trying. Most of the transfags in the speedrunning community say they're a women and barely put in any effort to look remotely feminine.
Looking forward to the moment he realizes how much of a shitty decision this is when he loses his youth, no real-world or work experience and his online transfag friends stop giving him money
He has mental issues, just being in speedrunning put him in a special class of autism that drove him to such extremes, this laid over the fact that he was blown the fuck out of his own hobby, because he choked out like a little bitch against John Numbers who isn't even relevant anymore, but people pretend he is so Cosmo freaked the fuck out.
Rather than seek treatment he rather commit mutilation instead. Truly the worst scum of the earth, a reason god doesn't talk to us anymore.
He was always a narcissistic weirdo, you and every other speedrunner just have brain problems to not see that.
Most tranny males don't go all the way. They all know that their losing their dick is the ultimate mistake and tranny vaginas both look like shit and need to be constantly dealt with to stop the body from trying to heal them up.
>he's trying
haha no way
I gotta know, how many people actually seek treatment for being trans? We never hear about people who got over it through therapy and treatment
rarely since numales and women enable them
>spend a shit load of money on hormones
>still don't do jack shit about your fucked up teeth
Cosmo you an ugly shit, stop thinking you're putting effort when you aren't.
>White boys turning into faggots/traps and chopping their dicks off
>Black men taking all of their women
Black men are statistically the most undesirable males. BMWW is a media meme, not something that happens in real life.
Next to zero, it's the one form of dysphoria that we enable instead of treat, because politically correct shit. Jenner set the whole field back another 20 years, because they came out and everyone pretending they were so brave, instead of recommending treatment.
Every other form of dysphoria we treat with anti psychotics like depekote and seraquil followed by lots of regression therapy to accept the truth and reality of how things are, not enable them to commit mutilation.
What’s he hiding? Hmmm
hormones don't cost that much money, besides he's only buying sugar pills off the internet anyways
>Wanting white women
Niggers can have them. Asian girls are the best.
She’s some alt right /ourgirl/ idol right?
Do you include all Asia instead of just the Far East? Because you should
>chopping their dicks off
I wish they would fucking ban this procedure.
It's not proven to do shit mentally and prevents ever transitioning back.
After three months of hormones, transitioning back becomes impossible, you chemically castrated yourself. You essentially become an impotent freak. No amount of hormones will fix that at that point.
it also prevents them from potentially procreating and marks the beginning of their now short life. I say keep it.
Not to mention the body can't even handle an artificial pussy. Shit tries to heal itself.
Is he related to Richard Kiel?
Most transbitches don't even have it done, and the ones who do have been on girl hormones for years. People act like you go to the drug store and purchase a Penis-Mutilator-5000 and that's it.
I gotta ask Sup Forums. Are you actually doing better than him? He's fucking someone at least.
Black women are the shittest too.
She's pure.
he needs to do some soul searching.
She's in a relationship with a white nationalist from Austria. Why even post this pic
yo what? Post pics
this is what keeps me from taking hormones and transitionning
I know I may regret it later, like a lot
I'm able to have children and get it up actually rather then be a dead weight on society.
Cosmo is an epitaph now for shit.
>useless burden on society collecting autism bucks being a drain
>can't get a job, because he spent his life speedrunning
>isn't even good at speedrunning so he's a failure at his own hobby
>hormones wracked his brain so he's psychotic now
>is impotent from all the hormones even if he wanted to have sex he can't.
>hormones won't stop aging and he already looks like shit that refuses to fix his shark mouth yuck teeth
>will commit suicide in the end
I hope no one pays for a funeral for him, he doesn't even deserve one for how big of a piece of shit subhuman filth he is.
Almost 100% of suicides from trannies happens because of ultimate doubt and that hormones don't stop aging and because you're biologically set you end up looking worse than if you were to stay normal when you get old, because you end up mostly doing shitty facelifts to stay young.
In the end of it if you're male to female, you will end up looking like a rocky horror picture show version of betty white in your golden years.
Most commit suicide long before that though I can't name a single person to get over 60 that will transition besides Jenner who obviously did it to avoid man prison for running an old lady down.
Wait, isn't John Numbers a competitive Smash Bros player? I hear he mains Wii Fit Trainer.
He looks cute when he's not showing off his shark-like array of teeth. and when he actually bothers to appear as a girl instead of the kinda emo twink I'd drag to my dorm room. He doesn't quite look like a 10/10 girl, but he looks like a mousy "low self esteem" girl now.
Just based on her job and her statements, I highly doubt that's Southern's beau. And, even if it was, it's not like she'd date a BLM guy or a "We wuz kangs" type. If she's dating a black dude he's gotta be one of those "fuck the black community" dudes.
Why are there so many trannies and fags in the speedrunning and competitive gaming scene? Is there something inherently gay about trying to make video gaming into anything more than a hobby?
Tranny suicides happen because of dysphoria, which is usually staved off because of transition. In the end though nothing can make you a real woman, which is crushing. Most people would rather get 75% of the way there than live their life 0%.
Cosmo everyone thinks you're a piece of shit, you won't be a girl, you're going to end up either dead or looking like a mixed bag of old man in drag.