Want to replay one of your favorite games

Want to replay one of your favorite games.

Remember THAT part.

>not using skip peragus
I don't really mind it that much but it does drag on a bit

I could never get past that part with the two droid dispensers on the wookie planet from Republic Commando.

I love Peragus. It sets the tone of the game perfectly.

what game is this, i remember playing it on the xbox, is there any currents games similiar to this on new consoles? I am thinking of getting a new console this time round.

Yea, honestly Peragus isn't awful. It just lasts longer than it really should.

kotor 2, don't play it on console though

>favorite game
>can't get past the tutorial area

>not posting Telos instead

Telos dragged on a bit long too imo

Who said anything about can't?

>[Go back to sleep.]

>Play Bloodborne again while training
>Get to Forbidden Woods

It's time to stop having fun for like half an hour.

Conkers bad fur day

Every single cutscene

the intro is amazing though. The bad part is when you get stuck on telos and have to kill a fucking rancor to get your jedi powers.

Half of the dungeons in Tales of Symphonia
The Okamura Foods space dungeon in Persona 5

>no modern control option
I'm ok with the "classic" control scheme, but I would prefer actual K&M

>every one of my friends says The Fade from DA:O for this
>mrw I actually enjoyed the fade
to be fair I never played a rogue which I agree would be a bitch with no party

>The Okamura Foods space dungeon in Persona 5

That dungeon really stands out because it's so generic it hurts to play. I did it one go because I just didn't want to come back to it.

eh? rancor?

you thinking of taris?

>Meltokio sewers
>Ymir Forest
>Temple of Lightning
>Temple of Darkness
>Latheon Gorge
Only one of these is optional

>Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
>Any mission inside the tower from mission 4 onwards
>Fucking Gigapede
>Fucking Jester
>Fucking Geryon
>Mission 8
>Acid pools everywhere
>Fucking Mission 15
>First room locks you in with 2 Fallen
>Rest of the level is a slog through the tower, hitting dials, evading stage hazards, millions of Arachnes, Blood Goyles and far too many Dullahan
>Fucking Lady boss
>Motherfucking Damned Chessboard
I love this game but god damn, so much bullshit level design

My problem is that it's so goddman long. You get to the part with the press machines and you think "finally I'm near the end" but nope motherfucker, you got like 2 sections to go after this.

>HE DOESNT HAVE blood cm

It really doesn't help that Morgana says "The treasure is behind that door!" when you get to the press room.
Because that's a god damn lie.

> want to replay BOTW
> remember 90% the game is empty space with fuck all to do apart from find arrows and apples.

Yeah true. It just goes on and on, and the bossfight is probably the most boring one in the game, because it's not even a bossfight.

Literally the only good thing in this dungeon is Haru.

Early game MGSV before you researched any of your QoL improvements.

To this day I've never understood why people dislike the casino, it's my favorite dungeon. It lets you use a guest character, the boss isn't just a simple "beat them up" fight, it has an arena section. The only part I dislike is the dark room even though I know to just hug the left wall.

But I understand easily why everyone hates the UFO.

The casino kind of drags on too and you get booted out after the first visit for no reason (the other Palaces had WAY better explanations), not to mention I think it's the first Palace where you start fighting enemies with no weakness, which turns the game into a bit of a chore unless you can reliably score crits.

Also fuck Akechi, I barely used him anyways.

The UFO was worse about that because it loved throwing enemies who reflect physical and are only hurt by one weakness.

I'll admit I have a chip on my shoulder with the casino since right around the dark room I got two turn BTFO'ed because of status effects when I just about to save after a decent period of time.
Then in my revenge run I had the exact same thing happen again.

But other than that it was pretty good.

I just did the casino yesterday, one the minibosses don't have at least a single weakness.


True, I still enjoyed the casino WAY more than the UFO mind you. I think it's my third or second favorite Palace too. It's just kind of a drag.

Hm, really? I could've sworn the Valkyries you fight there are immune to everything but maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

Oh right I forgot the valkryies. Well they rarely seem to show up anyway.

Shit taste Peragus is cool

Dark souls: "yeah it's as fun as i remember."

After beating Pikachu and Snorlax: "Fuck your fun, and eyes"

Casino > Castle > Art Museum > Pyramid > Ship > Bank > UFO

You can clearly tell they ran out of time and rushed those areas.

People give DS2 shit but I'd rather go through ten 'unfinished' Shaded Woods than go through Lost Izalith again.

You forgot the final dungeon

user every part is THAT part in Kotor(s)

I barely count the Mementos basement as a dungeon

Yeah, i know. If you position your camera a certain way before the Bed of chaos you can even see missing textures. And not even that weird of an angle.

Really? I didn't even know that, though in retrospect I'm not surprised.

I was too busy getting my eyes burned out by the over-bloom lava and stomped by giant dragon asses. Because they go to hell apparently.

I honestly wish I could go back to this point in the game but it doesn't even fucking let you start a new game or have multiple save files.

You can if you delete your data. But I wouldn't suggest that.

You can always just treat every mission Subsistence style

You know you don't have to use the maximum obtained rank of weapons/items, right? You can use previous ranks too

>"intro" to telos
>second half of telos
>second half of nar shadda(with the restored content mod)
>hk factory
>malachor v
it's like the best part is dantooine and dxun/onderon(because they have quests and choices). the worst areas are like the end of kotor 1 in the star forge. corridors with hordes of enemies waiting for mass genocide. the slaughter is insane.