"A game can't be bad if its fun"
"Since it has a high review score, it can't be bad"
VR is just a fad
>white people art is superior to everything else
"a videogame that isn't fun can still be good"
all of them
"zero escape series is underrated"
"That's just a boogyman, none of that is actually in the game"
"An A press is an A press you can't say it's only half"
>if you don't like PUBG you're a poorfag
I don't want the stupid game because I think it looks shit.
>Oddworld NnT was absolute shit REEE
I despised how bright it is but other than that I like it
>Skyrim is a great game
>theres a woman in the game, SJWs finally got to [Insert Game Studio]
>theres a white male in the game, Sup Forums finally got to [Insert Game Studio]
>Video games are for little kids.
I never act upon it. I never show any type of unnecessary emotion toward it. I never dwell on it in conversations. But this statements triggers me so fucking hard. I swear I feel like I could power a small generator with my anger whenever I hear someone say this. I don't know why it bothers me so much but holy fuck it does.
>If you stick a finger up your arse, it's 50-50% chance to not smell
>low-TTK shooters are good
>theres a faggot in the game, Sup Forums got to [insert game studio]
>X dev should change Y because monetary reasons
I'm getting tired of shitters not playing games with all the resources they have instead of just doing meta bullshit.
You know what other demographic both plays video games and gets irrationally angry? Kids.
"New XCOM renders the original obsolete"
"Turn based games are boring"
"Borderlands is fun with friends"
"Mario 3D World is bad"
"Mario Galaxy is a good successor to Sunshine and 64"
>Valve and blizzard are the two poster child of ethics in video game industry
>"You can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 frames per second."
>MGSV was good
>lose against friend in a close match
"dude, you suck as this."
>double perfects him
"why are you so serious? its just a game bro"
>a term originally used to denote a specific sub-category of games within a series
>people decided to use it to refer to the entire genre even though it makes no sense in that context
>circle that small
>18 people still alive
>sprinting like a retard
you are a fucking moron.
>It's a good game, just not a good X game.
>MGS4 Was bad
>why play old games anymore, graphics are unappealing or the functionality looks complicated
I never fail to be internally triggered hearing something like that
It was, though.
>Comfy is an okay word to say
Being upset because you're invalidated by your peers for an opinion which is rarely backed up by objective facts rather than feelings isn't that irrational. It's childish, but not irrational.
If the game is not fun, why bother?
>Games do age!
>stories aren't an important part of video games. if you want story, go watch a movie or read a book
>The story in a video game matters.
I'm the best FPS player on Sup Forums, PUBG just happens to be a garbage game for people who cannot win in legitimate FPS.
>you should get that ass banned
>Skyrim wasn't a shit game
>"It's not a bad game, it's just a bad Banjo Kazooie game"
"Sonic Adventure is bad, 2D Sonic games are good"
Fight me in Quake Live then
niggers and women are equal to white males
stories are just padding though
>I'm the best FPS player on Sup Forums
>Persona 5 has good waifus
Nuts and Bolts is the best Banjo game and your nostalgia glasses are just too thick to see that :)
Kill yourself baddie. Making dumbass fucking plays.
(((Israel))) is our greatest ally.
>you can mash buttons and be good at tekken
>fallout new vegas is better than fallout 3 (specifically Sup Forums for this one)
>GTA IV is bad
>pewdiepie is cancer
>Battlefield is for men, CoD is for kids (or anything that suggests Battlefield is massively deep and complex compared to CoD)
>Witcher 3 combat is bad
>Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 influenced how 3D games should be made from that point on
>Talking about this as if it was a good thing and didn't kill the industry on the spot
edge boi
Give me a name and a game. The match will be recorded, divided into webms and posted here and in future threads with your posts interposed on top of them in post.
Do you have some webms of real games?
"I'm not playing that game, the graphics are terrible."
>Back to Nature is better than Harvest Moon 64
I liked SA2 a lot as a kid but even at it's best it was barely a step above mediocre stuff like Glover and Croc.
or theyre the focus of the game. not every game is about shooting and killing randomly. some games have stories that overshadow their gameplay - FF9, sleeping dogs, okami and Nier:A come to mind
New Vegas is factually a better game than Fallout 3 though, it's not really an opinion.
You probably expected this but
Overwatch is the most difficult game from an aim perspective which is currently being played, but here are some others
The absolute state of the alt-right.
Exactly the same shit but in the desert with a piss yellow filter.
and because they were the focus of the game they all had lackluster gameplay making them bad
>a game where everyone moves at a snail's pace and the "fast" characters move 5% faster is the most difficult game from an aim perspective
It gives the player agency, a purpose.
"Skyrim is a good game"
It's not even mediocre
>Why would you refund, it's only X dollars
>The devs put so much love and effort into making that game
"skyrim is the best rpg"
It isn't even a fucking RPG, and even if it was, the writing and level """design""" are still fucking garbage
Then you don't really understand RPGs
>You can't judge a game by its fanbase
Nah you can have both, pure gameplay and pure story games are shit
For what purpose?
>It's (good or bad) because it's popular
>It's (good or bad) because it's not popular
but all the games you mentioned have shit gameplay
>i dont like stories or the games you mentioned so they're automatically bad
Even if he was sitting behind a tree and still got killed from fuckall nowhere you'd still call him bad
You forgot the part where it has better writing, better voice actors, better companions, better gameplay, more perks, better designed locations, and better gunplay.
What am I looking at?
Yes, Overwatch is the most difficult currently-played game from an aim/TTK perspective. It's a high-TTK game with headshots and a different hitbox and animation set for every character, plus abilities which PLAY new animations that modify the hitbox.
>PC massa ease
It's less the opinion and more the circle jerk surrounding the mindset
Dude I fucking S U C K at csgo but even I can headshot a few people in a round every now and again
You're not good, you're playing people that suck
I'm not him and I'm not talking about those specifically
I don't think there's anything wrong with low TTK shooters, it's just that PUBG is a horrible meme game.
Well duh, hes on a sloped hill with shade and grass, laying down is the optimal approach.
Wrong, Quake Live exist.
Oh dear you're one of those people who genuinely thinks NV is a good RPG
Sleeping Dogs doesn't even have bad combat though. It's just not as compelling as the story or the reason that you're there.
>It's this guy again
Can you just stop please? This is just getting pathetic
>characters like tracer have hitboxes double the size of their model
>difficult aim
lol k
>"fallout 3 is a good game, just not a good fallout game"
>"This game is good because it has cute girls in it"
It's a bonus, not the sole reason, you desperately lonely waifufags.