What would like SEGA to do in the future? I'd like to see them publish a Treasure Anthology Collection. I'd be satisfied it at least had Radiant Silvergun and Guardian Heroes.
SEGA Wishlist
C.A.R.D. Revolution maybe they missed the boat tho
Persona and Yakuza PC port
I want them to dive into their rich history of arcade games and start porting that shit to consoles. Bonus for PC ports because then it will be generally immortalized.
I know that for a lot of these games there's always mame, but it's nice to have something official
More Skies of Arcadia, please. Also maybe a new Otogi if From are willing to play ball.
Also if we're extending it to Atlus; I'd really like to see a Western release of Princess Crown. Not likely to ever happen, though. George wanted to get the PSP port an international release, but it was show down for not being economically viable.
Either a pc port of VF5FS or a new VF in general.
Oh shit, or maybe a new Fighting Vipers.
Make a proper fucking Valkyria game that isn't a disgusting spin-off or strapped to an underpowered handheld you CUNTS.
I want new 2D
>Fantasy Zone
>Golden Axe
>Shining Force 3
>Saturn games: Virtual On, Burning Rangers, PD
rumor has it they are in the works or at least being considered
Start making pinball machines again.
Resonance of Fate TPS spinoff
HD Remake port to PC:
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Nights Journey of Dreams
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
Rocket Knight Adventures
>radiant silvergun
>gunstar heroes
>gradius V
>wario world
A man can dream ;_;
Streets of Rage 4. All you need then is Yuzo Koshiro on board for the music.
>Rocket Knight Adventures
is made by Konami
Old stuff:
Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragoon Orta on PC
Panzer Dragoon HD Collection
Shenmue 1 & 2 HD
Yakuza, Persona, Virtua Fighter on PC
Outrun 2006 re-release
New stuff:
Sequels to NiGHTS, Jet Set Radio, Panzer Dragoon Saga.
I know this has been beaten to death but what I'd really like is a new SEGA console.
People realize that Sega doesn't own Treasure and that Treasure games are owned by Treasure, right?
I mean granted, Treasure would probably get Sega to publish for them, but a Treasure anthology would still have to be something they wanted to do.
Sega can never afford making a new console.
>the division that made the Panzer Dragoon games is now Sega Sports
Sega divisions are the most convoluted shit ever.
>outrun 2006 used to be listed on Steam
>got taken down due to expired licenses along with Sega Rally
I mean I still have pirated copies but man I wish I knew how many hours have I sunk on Outrun 2006. Plus it's a game worth paying for.
Persona 6 with Miku as the new robutt
New Sega Tennis game
Yakuza vs Triads/ Some other foreign mob
release the sound fonts the master system, genesis, and saturn can produce either paid or free that will be legal to use for commercial songs so chiptune artists can expand beyond NES music, and we can see people making more songs in the style of outrun, Streets of rage, and Golden axe
$20-$25 budget games of dormant IPs such as streets of rage, fantasy zone, shinobi, space harrier, and other IP done with 2D graphics like sonic mania i wouldn't mind heavy asset resuing on certain things like character sprites among other things
port taxman sonic 1 and 2 to steam and consoles, make taxman produce sonic 3 and port it to steam and consoles
also if they make a new outrun game make some fucking copy right dodging sport cars so when the license expires the game doesn't have to be taken down, same with after burner