Fact: Grapplers are the most fun fighting game archetype

Fact: Grapplers are the most fun fighting game archetype

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>Combo that requires precision, spacing and practice to get your reward
>Churn butter and press a single button to watch the same cutscene over and over. There goes all that life.
I prefer playing games to watching them being played.

Grappler are generally more IQ than rushdown.
comboing after a hit confirm require no brain whatsoever, just muscle memory. Grapplers at least need to space and time right to catch people making mistakes.

>If you're not airborne, you will get grabbed
>Grabs in most fighters are frame 1. Jabs will be beaten by them.
You're comparing pressing a sequence of buttons which requires just "muscle memory" to pressing one button?
Are you retarded?

most fun I've ever had with a grappler in a fighting game

>Rolling death cradles behind you

Slayer is the most fun archetype.


Fighting games aren't fun to begin with so you might have a point

Tekken doesn't even have traditional fighting game archetypes. King isn't a grappler. All of his shit can be broken and he wins rounds by doing regular Tekken combos.

What about grapple/charge/generally "you're fucked" characters?

Fact:People who play grapple characters are shit at the actual game and rely on gimmicks to win there matches or cheese heavily

These people deserve 0 respect and should be ridiculed for the furfags they are

how the fuck is Bass a fury?

I wasn't aware that Snake Eyez, Itabashi and Infexious were furfags.

He ends them with throws, and he does/should mix in giant swings and shining wizards.

*punches you in the face*

This is wrong. Everyone else has to work especially hard because Grapplers generally have fantastic Normals / Specials because that's the point: They need to make the opponent afraid so they will play defensively and get grabbed.
So the general gameplan is: Bully Opponent with 2K Okizeme, make them scared of attacking because lol20framesBD, never ever let them jump in because god like 6P. What option do they have? Play defensively and try to outfootsy you. What happens if they try that? Super Armor YRC POTYOMOKIN BUSTAH.

To play yes.
To fight not really

user grapplers may be shit at execution, but they do need good knowledge of frame traps and mix ups to win.

>Fighting games aren't fun to begin with so you might have a point

What sort of games do you enjoy?

this is why captain falcon is the most fun character in smach

Yeah, if you're GAY.

Nope this guy here is the most fun and unique in Melee

against clueless netplay foxes it is kino

Only in Tekken


Falco does everything Falcon does except cooler. Better spikes, better combos, and looks way better doing it.

This is a fighting game thread user

Potemkin has slow ass normals that can be punished during start-up by most of the roster.

>SPDs in SFV are 5f
>the fastest throw in T7 is 10f

Yup, definitely a faggot G&W player.

In his defense, gief's spd in 4 was 2 frames and his ultra was 1 frame.
That said, grapplers are fine and it's fun when they can blow up dash and mash offense. They usually tend to be pretty low tier in the end anyway

Game n Watch has some legitimately busted hitboxes; it's a shame they programmed him in an afternoon.

why is he so fun Sup Forums?

Not much worse than Faust and most of them have fantastic range, 2D is godlike and nothing other than full invincibility from frame 1 reverseals will beat 2K.
Potemkin doesn't even play the regular Neutral Game anyway, if you try to run in for a quick attack you're most likely either going to get Backdash Bustered or Hammerfall YRC Bustered.

I'm having a blast with King without spamming throws 24/7. What tier is he according to top players?

>Captain Falcon
By that definition Akuma is a grappler because he has a fast walking speed.

i miss him so much


Wrong. I don't play fighting games and even i know its boxers.

Projectile characters are patrician. Prove me wrong.

Where's the fun in playing safe like that?
I can't think of any high risk projectile specialists in recent fightan

>back-breaker with hit-stop and toss onto the ground
>seems pretty cool
>suddenly superman just starts flopping around randomly because the defeat animation has to be in there

Little stuff like this (and how stiff NRS games are in general) make the games look silly- not cool. I don't know how anyone plays these.


>Backdash Bustered or Hammerfall YRC Bustered.
Both of these can be punished by moves that are airborne or multi-hit. It's not hard to force Pot to play an honest game.

That's pretty much the rule of NRS games. Actually pretty good, fun gameplay but absolutely shit animations.

and some of the shit in tekken and other games dont look silly

>fantasy strike
A bigger joke than rising thunder.

whiffing a move is a risk because it leaves you open to be punished for a lot of characters. Also zoning characters are usually weak on reversals. Zoning characters are all about good reads and controlling the flow of the match.

At least Rising Thunder looked good.

nice meme

Maybe you should spend more time making your game look interesting and less time shilling it on Sup Forums.

What game is this even?

>RWBY poster defending NRShit
Flies are attracted to all kinds of shit I see.

SF (not just 5) has silly stuff that makes sense. Like big hands/feet so you can see attacks more easily. Then there's intentionally goofy things like Hakan's Ultras.
Superman flopping on the ground like a caught fish just looks so ridiculous. I feel like the person programming it was like "Ah yeah that looks so cool!" and everyone was too afraid to tell them otherwise.

Even though SFV has shit like characters sticking out of the ground after some supers- it still makes more sense visually than superman being thrown, hitting the ground, and then immediately throwing in these extra job flops.

look at this fucker

Killer Instinct. I forgot Raam was a guest character in that.

I wish they added JayCee but this time as a proper full-on grappler like King.. but no, they're trying to lure in fans of other fighting games with guest characters instead





I don't buy that SF needs big hands and feet to see attacks because plenty of fighting games don't have those retarded proportions and you can see attacks just fine.

RT focused on looking good. It took a lot of shortcuts to do so, like using robots (simple geometric forms, don't have to look organic, don't need facial features, expressions, clothes, robotic movements are okay, etc.), having a very muted color palette, very simple backgrounds, etc.

FS already has more versatile play, more characters, more stages. It has more obvious graphical problems and more obviously incomplete graphics in general, sure, but the improvements if you put the builds next to each other month by month are very solid.

Assuming it's really at least 500k and a year from release, it shows infinitely more promise than RT.

the only reason it looks like that is because he is in the corner

Shoo fly, don't bother me.

It also makes attacks actually look like they hurt.

NRS games are hilarious to watch because you'll see someone throw out like 5 little slaps which are strong enough to juggle another 200+ pound man. The ways characters hold themselves is really goofy too. People don't look like they put their full weight into their swings in NRS games- the animation is always stiff and the follow-through on motions like a big swing is very lacking.

I play KOF which doesn't do the big hands/feet thing but it's still really easy to follow hits. Difference is that the programmers and artists know/understand natural motion so the game's motions still look smooth and natural.


I think superman had to transition into his "defeated" pose instead of staying grounded because it could look as though Bane had killed him.

There's definitely better ways to get around that issue but I think that's their reasoning.

They already look like they hurt, you don't need an elephant foot to give attacks impact

It looks silly in the middle of the screen too.

A better effect would be a loud scream on impact and cratering/cracking in the floor. No extra bounces.

>5 little slaps
i love this meme

>FS already has more versatile play
I'm gonna stop you right there. Rising Thunder was simple but it was simple in execution only. apart from having special move buttons it was a fighter in every other regard with proper crouching, teching, move strengths, setups etc etc.


Fantasy Strike controls like one of those terrible mobile fighting games.

it looks fine

you didn't read my full post. I also said I play KOF which does NOT do the big hand/feet thing but still has better motion/follow-through.

And no, NRS-moves rarely look like they hurt. Most of the time is just looks like a slap-fight in neutral when people are fishing for a hit and because the motion is awkward nothing really looks like it hits as hard as it should.

fine != good

So Street fighter really just needs better animation like in Alpha and SF3.
Though I think even the current animation is acceptable without the retarded limb proportions.


playing Tekken (and namely King) got me into grappling irl

puppet characters are better, grapplerfags are gays

>user who has never played any other fucking game other than guilty gear tries to wage opinion

Under night in birth has range grabs you dumb nigger. Both street fighter and blazblue got rushdown moves that eat one projectile.
Fucking KoF on early entries had zoners that could either fucking throw large range moves like Maxima or Clark, or fucking have a 0 start frame command grab like Goro Ramon or Vice
I don't even know how grapplers on tekken work but I'm sure they're not even pressure intensive

Fucking try other games instead of ching chong wala wala ping pong

>NRS-moves rarely look like they hurt
have you looked at any gameplay

>Rising Thunder was simple but..

I know, I played it.

>Fantasy Strike controls like one of those terrible mobile fighting games.

Do you want me tell you how I know you hadn't played Fantasy Strike?


>Do you want me tell you how I know you hadn't played Fantasy Strike?
I would love that considering I've played both weekends

What did you start practicing and how are you liking it?
I want to learn something like judo because of [s]mgs3[/s] but I'm a weak fat shit and feel like I wouldn't be able to do anything until I got fit

Is KI good? I get bored of the slugfest that is mkx and injustass but I like the KI character design

Lots and lots and lots of it unfortunately.

Everytime a new NRS game gets announced I secretly pray they pulled in some japs to make their girls pretty and their movesets look like anything else other than lame uninspired saturday-morning-cartoon level super animations.

Wooooah that guy sure did fly high and then come back down and punch hard!

Then why discuss it at all with me?

You've clearly given at least one fuck already.

Then what sort of mobile game controls like Fantasy Strike

fucking scrub rooks never using clap making me angry

It's good imo. Pretty unique characters. One of the better games out there, though I'm pretty sure it's on its last legs.

Harley and Black Canary are pretty hot though

This is bait right? Have you ever seen a grappler main try to play ANY other type of character? I mean they can't even play braindead zoners. Meanwhile tech heavy mains can play all across the board.

you sound asshurt about nothing and like to shit out memes

>liking Mall hot topic Harley

it looks fine whats the big problem

KI will be getting a steam release soon. its a safe assumption that its also going to be available for windows 7. the only question is crossplay.

KI is fun quite fun but some of the characters can be frustrating. its current community is very small because most of us are unwilling to deal with the windows store and we're waiting for the steam release.


>Then what sort of mobile game controls like Fantasy Strike
it plays like a slightly more in depth Legacy Wars
>1 normal buttons
>2 special buttons
it's just nowhere near as in depth or satisfying as Rising Thunder was for someone who actually plays fighting games. It's inferior in basically every way besides it's accessibility which I guess in the end is the goal.

I sound butthurt about a game I don't even own?

I mean I guess I kind of am because I'd really like an actual western fighting game that looks and plays well.

Seems to me you're the one in need of booty triage. I'm sorry I called out your man-face fly-up-high-then-punch-down-real-hard simulator for the janky, stiff, and uninspired garbage that it is. But don't take my word for it. Let's see how many EVOs it lasts.

What triggered you this hard? I'm well familiar with Under Night, Blazblue and KoF. Really I only never got into Street Fighter and Western Fighting Games are trash.
Either way, Guilty Gear has everything you mentioned; long range throws, grapplers with projectiles, super armor rush moves, etc.
It sounds more to me like you just have an aversion to GG and got upset because I used it as an example.

Try to educate yourself on the topic next time.

I started doing MMA that was divided between Muay Thai for an hour and half, then BJJ for an hour and half and then MMA days. Did this for about 4 years until I moved for work. Now I focus on just BJJ as MMA is really tough on your body.

You do not need to "get fit first" to start training. Training in itself will get you fit in the process. But you have to put in the work.

Go for it user. It will change your life.

Mishimas are the only fun characters in Tekken, everyone else is a boring gorilla.

so you are just one of thoes idiots that hate NRS for some reason

Nice meme.

I just checked Legacy Wars, are you fucking kidding me? Is this the same shit we are talking about, the one with the Power Rangers?

Rising Thunder was worse in character variety, and characters had less special/super moves than in FS (they did not have air versions). And the moves themselves were also less fun (even if you disagree with most of the cast, at least FS stole Slayer).