Post A E S T H E T I C or kino screenshots.
Post A E S T H E T I C or kino screenshots
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It's a shame it wasn't a better game. Last time I fall for the Ubisoft meme.
It was alright.
Skyrim never gets old.
But it's neither kino nor aesthetic
I lost all my mods when I changed my SSD.
And I'm too lazy to install everything again.
that's because you're so underage that you don't understand what old means
>reposting same shit thread
>facebook filename
Only OP can be this much of a faggot.
Winter in the city sucks.
Impressive. It looks like this.
The facebook filename is which is not my post.
My images are directly from Steam.
Eat shit you nigger.
tfw I thought it was alright, but im a fag for grinding loot, do that might be why
Yeah. Hodi uses the same K ENB and the flora mod made by electricsheep.
I see the Division autist is back at it again
Still the point that you are reposting the same shit stands.
Grab your kino shit and you eat it, nigger!
these aren't kino though, just random screenshots
just like you're post
It's a lovely looking game, despite the downgrade. It's an upgrade over GTAV, though the performance isn't as solid.
I still say they missed their mark with this game. The atmosphere and level design in this game all scream horror to me and its shame its just another shooting game that tries to be semi-realistic.
Total kino, thanks Ubisoft.
Everything Ubisoft does is so kino, I never tire of it.