Finished this in 56 minutes

Finished this in 56 minutes.

You have 5 minutes to convince me to not refund this game.

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It was really good

did you enjoy it?

dont refund
you support the creators so they can make a longer game next time

Do it.


It was very very simple. Games still have a long way to go before they can tell stories as well as film does.

Well that may be but right now I feel cheated.

I enjoyed the ideas it had, but I kind of wish they hadn't started with the most ambiguous deaths first, with the monster and murder.

I hyped myself up for a more supernatual horror/mystery.

I really liked the dad part, were he takes your mom hunting, the voice acting was incredible. They baby scene was cool too.

I thought the first kid just poisoned herself?

Yeah the baby part was really good. I was actually laughing out loud when playing through it having a total blast, then it hit me that the kid drowns. That whole room was very well made with lots of small details, like the plane ticket, and the army regalia.

The kid committing suicide during the delusions he used to try to escape the monotony of his daily life hit a bit too close to home.

Yeah that's what happened as I understood it.

The girl that "died to the murder" probably just ran away with her BF

You should refund it. You legally bought it, got your entire moneys worth out of it, now you're looking at your money on the counter and either get to take it back or leave it. It has nothing to do with the game or the industry; you're choosing whether or not to take free money

Did she? I just remember her eating some toothpaste and an old carrot.

Morally, no. But they will have a percentage of people return it based on the fact that it's a short game anyway, so not like it matters.

>Boughs of holly are okay, but berries are not! Holly leaves, branches and berries are beautiful holiday decorations, but the berries are poisonous to people and pets. Swallowing holly berries can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and drowsiness. Children have had symptoms after swallowing as few as two holly berries.

Iirc she eats some decorative berries that are poisonous too.

Weed makes you suicidal and delusional.

>probably just ran away with her BF

The bit about her severed ear and the little brother being traumatized by her disappearance seemed oddly specific though.

Is it any good?

Ever played Vanishing of Ethan Carter? Is it better or worse than that.

This is what walking simulators should strive to be. Engrossing story and interesting characters, attention to detail which elaborates on the story, and no agenda pushing.

Was it kino?


maybe you rushed through it. theres a lot you might have missed. most playthroughs are longer than that.
I really enjoyed it. if you liked it, you got your money's worth.

I think it's a bit more creative than Ethan Carter mechanically and visually.

But I have a soft spot for Ethan Carter's ending, so pretty similar impact narratively.

refund it
its not a game

This is a super interesting idea. Good work.

It didn't feel like I rushed. Felt like I was playing the story at the pace which it dictated.

I only gone of the exploration achievs, so obviously wasn't checking every corner, but I hate doing that sort of stuff in all games.

Has anyone played their other game Unfinished Swan?

I heard it elaborates on what happened to the little brother that disappeared.

Didn't the cops also interrogate her bf? I think she might've just ram away by herself, or fuck it maybe she dos get murdered, wouldn't be so out of place for a family were one of them canonically disappeared in a painting.

Really? I hated the ending. It seemed like a dumb twist and a desperate attempt to make the game more memorable. I would've preferred they stuck with the paranormal shit, especially since it was top tier at building atmosphere.

>realize what it's trying to make me do
>go out of my way to slow down and stop the swing
>realize I'm not proceeding until I launch this tyke off the cliff at Mach 4

>that recluse guy who was too scared to leave his shelter

Hit too close NEETs?

What I want to know is why they would think that building a swing next to cliff was a good idea

I think it could have been interseting to have gone full lovecraft as well, but once I started to pick up on the disjointed nature of the different sections of the story I thought it was kind of clever how they're meant to reflect his perception of his different family members.

here, honest question
did you notice the diorama in graveyard?

>finally leaves his comfort zone after several decades
>dies immediately

Sounds about right

Why the fuck was a train doing there when the path was blocked by a wall anyways.

Can we agree that the ending was bad and rushed?

There was no conclusion.

Yeah, the view's nice, but even without jumping it looked like a loose grip would be enough to send someone flying.

It's cool dude.

It was symbolic :^)

Yes, its...inferred heavily
Milton is the king in The Unfinished Swan

>fuck you bitch, your stories killed my children
>suddenly, stories stop

It seems thematically appropriate, if nothing else.

Did not notice it. No.

Conclusion to what? Thats the thing there was never a curse, just a family full of retards.

Wasn't sure how I felt at the end. Considering that I don't really know anything about the last survivor, and don't have much reason to believe that he doesn't just get struck by lightning immediately after the epilogue because God clearly put a hit out on this family.

>defending walking simulators

Jesus christ neo/v/ is real

Well, here's another one
Did you notice Edie has a framed article about a mole man living in her basement?

I'm going to assume his castle falls on him.

Pretty sure it went a bit deeper than that.

haha yeah I did notice that one actually.

Well basically the whole story is just a about a family desperately trying to justify their stupidity

>The moment a player takes control in visual media there has to be combat

>the only things to do in bideo games are walking and combat

If you don't like them, then don't play them you fucking retard.

I hate these commie scumbags who hate capitalism and consumer choice.

This is why you shouldn't refund it.
Support good independent game makers, you fuck

ok last one. best 2 outta 3.
the baby's bath toys were in his crib with the divorce papers. that's fucked up man

>playing games to do boring paperwork

What the shit

Many a time have i seen Edith Finch threads and honestly i think It is wonderful, i thoroughly enjoyed it much to my own surprise i am surprised how many have played it and enjoyed it

Have you played Firewatch? Do you think it's better or worse?

I have not; is it worth playing through? I have mostly been playing through "walking simulators" on days i've been hungover, and tomorrow might well be such one, so i could use an enjoyable one

Yeah I quite liked it.

Quality wise Edith Finch is probably better, but Firewatch is max comfy. It's also around 6 hours of comfy instead of 50 minutes.

Firewatch best comfy game

One of the best openings ever.

Guess i know my cure for the morning then!

Exactly this. You're not stupid right?