>backstories allow your character to play heroic or mercenary playstyles without contradicting your origin
>party members have unique personalities and have real reasons for their behavior and quirks, instead of hamfisting in ideologies
>lore isn't shoved into your face; you can skip dialogue and cutscenes, but if you want lore you can explore and ask questions
>matching generic equipment soothes autism
>you can either be a perfect champion or an absolute dick and still make friends along the way, instead of getting handicapped by not solving every problem
>tactics system has tons of commands to let you play at either a basic or hardcore level
>superb voice acting and musical score for complete immersion
>the ending feels like you've actually accomplished something instead of a boring let-down
>expansions give players what they've been asking for, whether it be armor from a cinematic trailer or more depth to the lore or a satisfying end to a relatively untouched character
Why has there never been a better fantasy RPG than DA:O, Sup Forums?
Backstories allow your character to play heroic or mercenary playstyles without contradicting your origin
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Because no one actually tries anymore.
That takes a lot of effort, user, and besides, I'm not a kid anymore. I don't have time to go find Captain Tonner's Secret Underwear Stash hidden four levels below a hidden dungeon in a port town behind enemy lines, or whatever. I just want to be able to level up and do cool stuff with magic.
Amusingly dragon age's pen and paper rpg is absolutely kick ass but due to 2 no one will give it a try.
Inquisition was pretty alright, the 2d art work was to die for
Because the old Bioware doesn't exist anymore, user
>Inquisition was pretty alright
My favorite attention to detail is a few months after the game came out they released a dlc where you go back to ostagar where loghain betrayed the king.
but if you didn't complete the dlc and saved it right until the end of the game just before the last mission and also betrayed alistair and recruited loghain instead you could actually take him with you on the dlc and he will comment on everything, giving you a completely different point of view you would never normally see.
amazing effort i can't believe bioware used to care this much.
It's such an ugly, ugly game though.
>Game was boring and tedious
>Most characters were one-note with barely any development
>Bioware-tier animations
>Magic was broken as shit that required you to babysit you mage
>In fact, you pretty much had to babysit everybody because gambits were shit
Game was shit and you know it
The only reason DA:O isn't the worst "party based, fantasy WRPG" is because DA sequels, NWN and Jade Empire exist.
So much this. Most games release new content as bare-bones as possible, and yet Bioware went out of their way to include comments from already-included companions when it would have been easy to just gloss over it.
>but if you didn't complete the dlc and saved it right until the end of the game just before the last mission and also betrayed alistair and recruited loghain instead you could actually take him with you on the dlc and he will comment on everything, giving you a completely different point of view you would never normally see.
Nigga what? Holy shit, I had no idea. The thought hadn't even occurred to me.
DA:O Dev time = 6yrs
DA2 Dev time = 1yr
DA:I Dev time = 3 yrs
The banter he has with that old mage woman is great too.
Sten was best companion, prove me wrong.
Muh dick is not a reason
Holy shit, this isn't acceptable for any RPG in general. Platformer games you can get away with that but not an RPG
have you tried mobile games you filthy normie degenerate
He's like objectively the worst though because he's the only one who gets only 1 specialization.
That was the number-one complaint, DA2 had you running around the same areas for the entire game. There was very, very few places to explore, and Bioware ate shit for that mistake, on top of several other issues with the game. They DID improve the combat, but at a severe cost.
Unless you're doing some challenge run on nightmare you're free to bring whoever you want and can get away with it.
check it out.
it always stuck with me the fact that most people will probably never see this or even know it is in the game because the conditions to get it are so specific but bioware did anyway.
imagine if they put this much effort in today? sad to see how low they've fallen.
From a gameplay standpoint you're right, Sten is as bad as Shale and Dog, but on the flipside his banter game is pretty damn strong, and despite being a seven-foot tall semi-metal man he's also the cutest damn thing to walk around Ferelden.
DA2 combat was legit pretty enjoyable. It's been able to get me through the game two times.
Took me like 5 tries to get through DA:I since the combat was so awful. If I didn't play reaver in my latest one and just killed everything so efficiently I probably wouldn't have gotten through it.
Wait, I thought Shale was a pretty decent tank?
Except her equipment buff requires her to have two of the same color crystals on her, which means if you want Fire protection, the most common spell damage in the game, you need to use Fire weapon crystals, when the vast majority of mobs in the game are Fire-immune. Similarly, if you equip her with Nature crystals, she can't harm the undead. If you give her Ice or Lightning crystals, she can't harm a majority of lieutenants. If you give her Spirit crystals, the only thing she protects against are Arcane Horrors, of which there are about ten of in the entire game. Her abilities are great, but giving her color-coded damage was a major mistake.
Notice how Loghain doubles down on his choices. he feels some guilt because of all the death and destruction but still firmly believes he made the right choice. and he probably did.
great character before bioware turned to absolute shit.
Fair enough. I just remember hearing it somewhere.
Maybe I'm giving BW too much credit here, but it might have been a balancing mechanic. When matched against the right damage type Shale is pretty much the tankiest character in the game. Therefore being unable to damage the enemy type she's near immune to was the trade-off.
Been a long time since I've played though, so who knows.
Pretty neat how the main antagonist was so likable he made an appearance in Awakening and DA:I, as well as being a damn party member.
On the other hand it has by far the best art direction. The graphical fidelity in 2 and 3 are better but everyone looks like shit.
>can fuck Morrigan during the first day in camp
>get approval from Morrigan by killing the mages and Dalish, letting Redcliffe be abandoned, and allowing the dwarves to turn themselves into golems
>makes you kill her mom for you
>never uses her Shapeshift abilities unless you spend ten minutes working on her Tactics
>skips out at the end if you don't knock her up
>people still pick her over Leliana
Get off Sup Forums now
Blame EA.
>And then they released an expansion that was so poorly balanced that a blind monkey could faceroll through it.
Awakening has potential if someone just released a balance mod for it that makes it not mind-numbingly easy.
>Not just picking neither and honorably sacrificing yourself to kill the archdemon
morrigan is way hotter in inquisition desu
>skips out at the end if you don't knock her up
How can you say you love her if you won't put a baby in her?
>morrigan is way hotter in inquisition desu
Only because EA got hit with so much shit for their announcement trailer where they made Morrigan the absolute ugliest bitch in the entire game's series. Even that wet-faced saggy-itty-bitty-titty-committee elf thing looks better than Morrigan in that trailer.
>doesnt romance both and marry Anora
>Import my tank main character
>He ends up becoming invincible
>dragon grabs him and slinging him around and everything but HP bar barely even moved
>I don't think it even did
>The only thing that even managed to do damage was the mother but even then it wasn't anything to worry about
I can't imagine how the other characters were broken.
I still get chills. It's the only time I'd listen to a 30 Seconds to Mars song.
it made me drop the game
i got to the Architect ambush and the zombie with my gear glitched and refused to spawn so i lost all my stuff
Is there a photoshopped version of this image where brenden frasier with the gun to his head, with the fuck my shit up hair, is one of the people?
That's the fun of it. Morrigan isn't just another generic happy romance.
Besides Leliana is used goods.
And who doesn't want to run off to another dimension to raise your clinically retarded demon baby for a while?
Thank God for PC.
>combat system was shallow as fuck
>Equip system was shallow as fuck and pay2win to boot
>Dialogue is generic and boring
>The class/skill/Ability system is linear as hell and allows barely any customization
>Most companions are garbage
>Lots of recolored enemies
>No central theme or 'soul', just 'go and be a hero'
I give it 3/5.
This game would have needed someone at the helm with a lot more vision to match its technical execution and it would unironically been a masterpiece.
>have the entire nexus on your hands
>better pick the mod where she looks like a man in a wig
>Morrigan is an actual character, Leliana is just a fuck doll who contributes nothing to the plot
>waaah how could anyone pick Morrigan over Leliana
managed to make them both look worse
My favourite part is the horrible party member autoleveling.
Zevran talks about picking locks, despite never picking the lockpick skill if you autolevel him.
Leliana talks about sticking knives in people but she autospecs into a pure archer.
Then there's stuff like Morrigan's Shapeshifting that for whatever reason scales off Strength stats for most of its abilities, so without mods it's pretty much garbage for most mages.
DA:O was still a good game, but it has its annoying gameplay quirks.
Don't forget that Morrigan knows "50 different kinds of poisons" but doesn't know poison-making, not to mention Shapeshifer is absolute garbage while Arcane Warrior lets you become a literal god that takes no damage once you get a few Sustained abilities + Shimmering Shield + mana regeneration gear
Here's a better one.
kys nigger
This isn't a JRPG you fuck.
>"I have X opinion about video games."
>kill yourself
It's just a game dude, no need to get so hostile over what I like.
OOC as fuck though considering 90% of the game she's trying to leave "that lifestyle" behind her.
>art direction
It has the shittiest blandest most generic art direction of any fantasy game ever save for WoW and its clones.
The way I remember, the drakes and dragons looked good, but everything else was LotR made slightly edgy.
The tactics mode still hasn't been surpassed, though. Fine tuning your party to the point where they solve encounters themselves was so damn fun and it's a crime no other game allows you to do it.
She looks like a Second Life character.
>have real reasons for their behavior and quirks, instead of hamfisting in ideologies
that lost a lot of points since it was used to justify the characters being generic stock fantasy archetypes.
>here's a dwarf culture that's a bit different. but the dwarf you get in your party still acts like the most generic dwarf imaginable. it makes him an outcast though so praise us.
>here's your lovable scoundrel elf rogue
>here's your kind matronly crone mage
>here's your easily befuddled stoic warrior from stoic warrioristan
>here's your noblebright paladin with bonus points for being a kings bastard
>here's your capricious and judgmental witch
also even though the game doesn't come out and declare the Chantry 'right' or 'wrong', it feels very hamfisted with how its implemented in the story. it beccomes pretty obvious that it was designed by the devs to have at least one thing that each person not part of the chantry disagrees with as a cheap source of conflict whenever a decision has to be made.
I think the point of this mod is to make them look like in the CGI trailer, and it does that pretty well.
I'm usually against mods that clash with the visual style of the vanilla game but considering that Origins has no style at all, I see this as a definite improvement.
>noblebright paladin
That's not how you say an insecure, bitchy wannabe mage hunter.
DA:O was a mediocre pile of shit and the beginning of the end for Bioware. Subsequent games would just amplify all of its failures without its 5 years of autistic polish.
but it does have a style. adding some anime looking bitch completely clashes with the game.
Or you could get a face that looks good while not looking like a bad Sims 2 mod made by a 16 year old girl.
>I want video games to be worse because I'm lazier/don't have time
Give me a break, son.
The game is UGLY. Colors are all lifeless and washed out, environment looks like it was lifted from WoW, animations are poor, character models are worse, clothing, armor and weapons are badly proportioned and hideous. None of this is excusable just because the later games completely shat the bed.
Better version
Does she store nuts in those massive cheeks of her ?
Yeah. Mine.
>party members have unique personalities and have real reasons for their behavior and quirks, instead of hamfisting in ideologies
weak b8
It was the first and only game they every made that was kind of fun to play. That should count for something.
ye Morrigan is just the generic "only seks, no feelings, oh no, maybe I actually DO feel something" romance that is as used up as the generic happy romance
>neutral approval
>dismisses you, finds you a nuisance
>warm disposition
>snarky, sarcastic, more open for discussion
>likes you
>acts girlish, giggles a lot, full of innuendo
>generic "only seks, no feelings, oh no, maybe I actually DO feel something"
Morrigan's all about ignoring love and dependency because she has never been close to anyone before, except Flemeth, who actively tries to kill her. She doesn't want to become attached to someone because she doesn't want to be betrayed, which is why she likes being told she's independent and strong. At the same time, she's still a woman in DA:O, and enjoys feeling useful, which is why she ALSO reacts positively to being wanted and being ordered to get in the tent for a dicking. The only time she has doubts about it is when she thinks the Warden is ONLY using her for a dicking, and that's when she hastily admits she wants something more before going back to being a cocksleeve because it makes her feel ashamed that she's falling in love. It's also why she breaks off the relationship with the Warden if they talk to her during the Final Battle, because she with the Blight dealt with their relationship would actually have to become serious instead of just a secondary dream.
>No starting a family with yoru waifu
Gays not welcome
>tfw this was the last party based AAA rpg
>all future party based games will be action games with rpg elements
budget creep killed gaming. with how expensive games are to make, they cant afford to make niche games anymore
PoE, PoE Deadfire, Divinity Original Sin, D:OS 2
none of those is AAA
good thing you can tell him to man the fuck up after meeting his sister.
Are you talking about Preston from F4?
Maybe. I don't know. I didn't actually play Inquisition since that would require buying the game or contributing to piracy, which is degenerate behavior. Did Fallout 4 have the gay black cowboy? Who was the gay black man in Inquisition, then?
There are mods to fix some of these to an extent, but I agree.
Still, that didn't tarnish my enjoyment too much, and it is a game that is starting to get old.
Well everyone is playersexual in Fallout 4 so technically Preston is a bisexual black cowboy but close enoush.
But no there's no black gay man in Inquisition, there IS a Freddy Mercury rip off who is gay though.
>it is a game that is starting to get old.
Dude, it's been out since--
Wait, November 2009? I could've sworn that this game came out in, like, 2007, or something. It's newer than Fallout 3 and Fable 2, for fuck's sake!
DA:O was an okay game
It is a master piece only if you never played Pre 2008 RPGs, (Baldurs Gate, Arcanum, Planescape, Mask of the Betrayer) and compare it to the shitty rpgs to come, DA2 for example.
For us grognards DA:O was a good game but it did not superseeded the old classics, but it was a nice touch that RPG's were coming back, mind you this was before kickstarter.
But boy DA2 was a dissapointment, I even fonud ME2 to be dumbed down tbqh. Maybe I'm a grumphy old fag who likes to read blocks of text when playing rpgs but I don't know.
To me DA:O is the last pre kickstarter era proper RPG.
Bioware has always been shit when ever it came to make something that was 3D, it just became more and more apparent as the years went by and technology improved
Playing Baldur's gate for the first time was a joy. That was the type of Bioware I enjoyed.
I tried to play and enjoy games like Baldur's Gate and Arcanum, I really did. I'm fucking thirsty for good RPG experiences.
Still I couldn't enjoy it, they feel way too old gameplaywise to me and I wish they didn't.
Just so you don't get called out by someone salty in the future, the word you want is "superceded". Also, I agree with you, DA:O was good because it encouraged people to explore the game's lore to make moral choices, instead of everything being obviously black and white. It was a 3D DnD campaign, and it's got great replay value. It didn't break new ground beyond its tactics system, but it has a preservation value above almost every other game of its type.
dorian is actually a decent character
he's gay and has daddy issues though. still, hes cool.
Give a warrior the spirit warrior spec and you end up with the most absolutely broken character ever. Attacks ignore armor, insanely high physical and magical evasion, powerful magic attacks that scale with strength. Bioware did not think this class through.
That's similar to Arcane Warrior + Battlemage. Massive armor + 100 Mental and Physical resistance + 75% spell resistance + bullshit insane AoE damage.
It's how I was playing Fallout for the first time. Honestly, the only thing I can say is play them for a couple of hours and you'll get into the groove of them.
>he's gay and has daddy issues though
Because you can be gay WITHOUT daddy issues? news to me.
What did Krusty mean by this?