People paid for this shit

>people paid for this shit

I liked the original Starcraft a lot and a HD update is fine by me. I'd be a Diablo 2 HD remake too. I haven't bought a Blizzard product since WotLK either.

That looks pretty cool. What's wrong with it?

I wanted a widescreen solution for movies and game, who gives a shit about the hd update? They changed artstyle, dialogues and the portraits, no one with a self respect will replay that hd garbage.

15$ texture pack for 20 year old game

Did they improve crab snippers ?

I'll pay a lot for this.

What the goddamn fuck is with that hive? Did Alienware create that?
What the fuck is with that command center? Did some bronze age warlord decide to bling it up?

Those are the pre-order skins and even if you did pre-order, you can turn them off.

>These colors, shitty glow and flares, flares everywhere

jesus christ, please tell me this is some fanart and not a real "remaster"

I think these are buyable cosmetic skins.

>le everything le blizzard makes is le bad
>sucking slav and jap micrococks all day long
Why do I even visit this board anymore?

Lel.. the zerg hive looks like lava from hearthstone board-art.

for arguably the best RTS ever created

Prepurchase bonuses. You also got some Starr aft 2 portraits and I think a Co op mission.

Dreadlord on the bottom looks absolutely terrible. Whoever made that should go back to art school

the preorder HQ skins are worse than the rest of the remade graphics. The nexus flickers like crazy when you produce probes, completely unusable and nasty looking

>preorder the game to get unique Char themed Zerg hive skin
>wow wtf why is lava planet themed building skin has lava on it wtf

>play SC
>missions on Char
>Zerg hives look normal
>not on fucking fire

I know the details won't be really visible in top-down perspective but holy lel can you see the difference in talent.
>original lich looks arrogant and kingly, has a hip sway
>new lich looks slouched and lost
>original dread lord looks like dracula
>new dread lord looks like satan in corset
>old death knight is young
>new death knight is a grandpa
Crypt Lord is as cute as ever though, too bad he's the worst hero

>play ancient game
>lava is a static texture of red on black rocks
>implying that's lava
>implying Char is lava planet at all and it's not just rocks painted red

>make a (((((hd remake)))))
>it looks shittier than the original

Kek. Hopefully some of the other features are god though. I'd play ranked if it wasn't such a bitch to get into 1v1 BW

>ancient game
Not an argument. Zerg hives on Char and on Aiur are identical. If the ones on Char were somehow special there would be some indication, like a change in color. Zerg buildings are fleshy and aren't made of fucking lava.

>pre ordering
ha ha you dumb fuckers never learn

I'd pay if it was a D2 remake. Neo Blizzard can't make good new games anyway.

>Not an argument.
Except it is because the game had one texture for all buildings. Just like with all old games, you had to make your imagination work to add finishing touches to everything. If you don't know how to do that then you're clearly not old enough to post on Sup Forums.

I can't wait to see all those loudmouths singing praises to D2, which they most likely never even played, to get BTFO when (if) the remake comes out with the same outdated gameplay and systems.

>I'd be a Diablo 2 HD remake too.


Except if the Char hives were somehow special compared to all other hives, they would've just made another sprite for it, like the infected Terran Command Center. If you don't know that then you're clearly not old enough to post on Sup Forums.

> Did Alienware create that?

I want a Diablo 1 remaster. Trying to play D1 gives me nothing but technical problems and I really dug the slower pace and thick atmosphere. I'm sure the remaster will shit all over it with nublizz juice though.

>no argument
Yeah, we're done here, kid. Enjoy your final word so it would make you feel like you won another argument.

But zerg buildings are bio-mass

How the hell could biomass contain lava

Do NOT use Kat to shitpost, you fucking faggot! You hear me?

it looks like 2nd rate games released in the early 2000's. The colours are all shiny and don't fit with the overall pallete.

I would know. I played my fair share of shit early 00's games.

Time for some TRUE and HONEST game discussion.
If I've never played Broodwar online before, is it still fun to get into?

>hmm this game actually looks grim, not like our current cartoony artstyle our fans like so much


>will be shit
>Nu-femdiversityBlizzard taking care of the best rts
>mfw some random faggots preordered it

it's already out you moron

As a SC2 player who did play BW as a kid I would say no. The skill gap is crazy. Non-remake is free so play the game and then if you really want to put in the time sink get the remastered.

oh hey that's looks pretty neaHITLER WAS RIGHT

I hope it is not. Blizzard didnĀ“t anounce a shit about MUHH GORILLION PLAYURS so it will be even a better joke.

Should I get this or StarCraft 2?

Brood War is infinitely better.

>copy in Anub's model from Heroes and a bunch of high-school level 3D work

Kill yourself. 3 was the death of the series and if they wanted to remake the last proper WC game, it would be Battlechest.

crack when?

who the fuck preorders for the skins
i bought this to play motherFUCKING BROODWAR
you and your cosmetics bullshit can stay in DOTA/CSGO/LOL/OW

The game became so well balanced they couldn't change the units anymore and had to balance the maps

>tried playing DBZ All Sagas
>had huge nostolgia trip
>had no idea what I was doing and the map was bugged as fuck
I hope some fans out there makes new versions for the remaster
Also looking forward to playing sunken defense again


15 bucks to play a decently balanced rts with proper matchmaking and widescreen support

you will certainly not get a better bang for your buck in today's trashpile of a PC market

>Diablo 1 remaster
This. I was playing Diabo 1 in a VM and even with it working as it should I hate having 5 options in the option menu.

I'll only agree with you because it spawned the evil genre that is today

technically there shouldnt be any issues with skill difference because they apparently IS matchmaking
but finding starcraft fun is quite difficult for a lot of people. to most, it feels like a chore. you have to enjoy the game more mechanically more than as an RTS

ewww it looks like something you'd see airbrushed onto the side of a van

You keep forgetting that it uses modern blizzard matchmaking too.

Blizzdrones are like that. Add cucked gamers to the equation and you have a good business.

Where is the creep if that's a legitimate photo?

>15$ texture pack for 20 year old game
I don't know man, they added higher resolution support and all the old maps are supposed to still work on this version so the modding community doesn't have to work from scratch.
