So when are GPU prices finally gonna drop again?

So when are GPU prices finally gonna drop again?

I used to think 350$ was expensive for pic related but now if you want the best card on the market you pay like triple that.

I just want an 1080ti for like 400$ max like a few years back when you could get a 780 for that

>I just want an 1080ti for like 400$ max

Yeah and I want some thicc anime bitch to become real and pleasure my cock.

400$ was what you paid like 3 years ago for the best gpu on the market

now you easily pay 1000$+

That's what happens when you have both inflation in the economy and fucking Cryptocurrency miners drive the prices way up by buying as many cards as they can right off the bat.

Almost like inflation, technological progress (Making GPUs cost more to produce) and higer demand are a thing.

To be fair Miners don't use the 1080 or 1080 Ti since they're shit for mining.

When bitcoin crashes again prices should settle down a little bit.
But I wouldn't bet on it either, jews gonna jew. Hitler should have finished the fucking job.

$400 will get you a 1070 or Vega 56 at. If you want a 1080ti for $400 wait till Volta and buy a used one.

>I just want an 1080ti for like 400$ max like a few years back when you could get a 780 for that
Why are you lying?

Demand has been artificially inflated by cryptocurrency miners for a while now. GPU prices skyrocketed a few months ago as the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed.

They use the midrange cards such as the 1070, etc.

That's where most people seem to look for buying cards for gaming PCs when they want good performance without going all in on the best of the best.

The Gigabyte G1 970 wasn't even $400 new but now a new 1070 of the same type is around $500. Which is still pretty affordable for a card but yeah.

As suggests though, there is always the used market especially when the next Titan refresh shows up.

They know that retards tend to evaluate them higher the more expensive they are.
And there are way more retards than sufficiently researched people.

I bought my 780 for 350$

It depends on how long it takes OEMs to develop those mining-dedicated GPU cards and release them.

Definitely won't be this year though, maybe you'll get lucky on Cyber Monday in November.

For all we know we'll have to wait until next May just for them no announce it at a conference, then next summer for it to hit markets, then next Fall or Winter before their market presence actually starts affecting gayman GPUs.

Cryptocurrency isn't going anywhere.

>I want a 1080ti
You've been misinformed, Etherium mining hasn't really affected 1080ti prices.

1060s and 1070s are the most affected because they're great cost:performance-wise. With a 1080ti you're paying twice the price for 50% more performance. Unlike SLI for vidya, performance is additive with mining. There is no diminishing returns on performance, so mining cards are selected by their cost:performance ratio and nothing else. Even 1050ti (now $100 over MSRP) has had a higher price jump than the 1080ti (~$50 over MSRP).

>for up to $400
That was never going to happen anyway, unless you waited until it was obsolete.

Where's a good place to sell a 480 to miners for Vega bux?

Vega 56 isn't going to be bought up by mining niggers, right? The 64 had a horrible consumption which drives minegros away, the 56 should have the same thing

>tfw just got a rx 580 8gb for 250€

Move to europe fags

Of course it is. It's in between 1070 and 1080 in performance and in between 1060 and 1070 in price.

>400$ was what you paid like 3 years ago for the best gpu on the market
Titans were not $400

>muh performance
>muh price
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, miners don't give a shit about those two points. They only care about the power consumption.

meant for this fucking nigger

europe here

every rx580 is out of stock

"Cost" includes power consumption and "performance" doesn't exclusively mean GPU core clock speeds. Memory clock is more important. If performance didn't matter at all they would be buying all the 1050tis, but they aren't.

you're fucking retarded. the miners won't buy vega, you fat cunt

just check out the used market. there are a fuckload of cheap (or cheaper than new current gen gpu's anyway) 970s, 290s etc which are all still fine for modern gaming. an oc 970 is on par with a gtx 1060/rx 580 and a 290 is on par with an rx 470 and like 10% faster than a 1050 ti but around similar pricing

Nice reply. Yeah sure, take all the time you want to buy Vega. It'll be in stock forever and the price will never go up. The miners won't touch it at all.

>being this poor

Maybe 10 years ago lil john

go to a physical store, they can always order them

If price isn't an issue, you should just go out and buy a 1080ti like I did. Vega is literally only for poorfags.

>complains that it's as expensive as Nvidia
>it's literally only for poorfags!
why don't you make your mind up, you autistic jew

>Vega is literally only for poorfags.

it has the same msrp as the gtx 1080 ti but is like 35% slower on average whilst also consuming 35%+ more power on average. it's an absolute joke.

>Even GT cards are overpriced right now
>Buttcoins just hit $4000
Bubble burst fucking when.


>400$ max like a few years back when you could get a 780 for that
>few years back

you could get a 780 for like $150-$200 a few years back

>same msrp as the gtx 1080 ti
Why are you making shit up? kek

Vega sold out in seconds. And these are the worst versions, they're blowers.

>complains that it's as expensive as Nvidia
Oh, so you can't read. The only price comparison made to nvidia prior to your post is that it's cheaper than a 1070.

GPUs aren't used for bitcoin mining anymore

Plump Real is exactly the kind of onahole he needs.

$699 for the one that is displayed in that previous screenshot with 30% less performance.

Mate, it's Ethereum that's 'causing the crash. People don't mine Bitcoins with Graphics Cards.

Then explain why GPUs prices suddenly skyrocketed in the last few months?

nah, you just said that
stop backpedaling, shill


For context for everyone
>Turbo mode adds +40w to usage and only gives about 3% more power
>Balanced on the other hand does similar with wattage but 30%ish more power than power saving

Ti is (without inflation) ~£660
The shown Vega is liquid cooled edition and isn't available outside of a bundle with games and a freesync monitor, about £600
The air cooled equivalent Vega is only about £420ish

It's not "35%", it's about 10% for the liquid cooled, so it's an estimate it's about 25-30% slower, but also 30% cheaper than a Ti

The only reason to be concerned with a Vega is if you already have a Freesync monitor or don't already have a Gsync one.

The 1070 is 50 bucks cheaper than the cheapest Vega tho when it comes to msrp

retard thinks that "high" end shit of yesterday should be the standard for high end shit of today. that user is entitled

Why the fuck is Sup Forums (and some retarded reviewers) comparing Vega to 1080Ti? It was never meant to compete with that.

You said it yourself, retards

Just hope vega elevates the pressure on rx 580s.

Because it's the best AMD has and the best Nvidia has.
Even Logical Increments compares everything to the Pascal Titan X (which the 1080 Ti gets roughly 100% power relative to).
Vega does compete, least of all on price, because AMD isn't going to release anything for that price bracket and still does a decent job.

As the reviewer in the video that anons are posting screencaps of said (who by the way did a rush job due to a badly timed vacation), Vega is likely to get a lot stronger over time because it's all new tech that in theory works exceptionally well for Vulkan, even bringing the 580 in for comparisons - but if you're talking whether to get it now over a Ti, there won't be any improvement for a couple of years at the very least.

It *MIGHT* be stronger than a Ti someday while still being cheaper, but that's a "wait for X" scenario and it really comes down to how desperate you are to upgrade.

Do you know understand what "prior to" means? You're only proving the point that you can't read.
Here's your last (You), I highly recommend you spend it on an English course.

Nvidia cards aren't being sold at MSRP, so that's not really relevant right now.

Etherium mining. It's a different type of coin with a different hashing method that benefits more from GPUs than CPUs. Bitcoin was like that a while back but they aren't anymore.

The msrp of the air cooled Vega 64 is £559. The March price cut of the gtx 1080 non-ti brought the price down to £469 for the cheapest gtx 1080 back at the time of the price cut. The gtx 1080 ti at the time was selling for about £679 at its cheapest. There is no logical reason to buy the Vega 64 as it costs way more than the gtx 1080 whilst using significantly more power and performing worse on average and the 1080 ti is only £100 more (or slightly cheaper if you look at the Vega liquid standalone launch cards) for 30%+ more performance and much less power usage.

Vega 64 is DOA and the only option which looks even remotely interesting is Vega 56 but even then it has the exact same performance as the gtx 1070 on average across 25 new games (source: HUB) but costs ~£30-£60 more whilst again using more power than the competition.

>more expensive than 1080Ti
>worse performance than 1060
Blunder of the fucking century. Why do we like this shit company again?


Because it has the exact same msrp

Is AMD just cashing on on miners now until Navi? I mean VEGA is literally just dieshrink of the Fury.

Mining doesn't rely on the GPU cores like vidya does. If they were cashing in on the miners, they'd introduce cards with lower-end cores but with higher-end memory. That way, both the miners and manufacturers would be wasting less of their money on aspects of the cards which are very underutilized.