Do you want to talk about your favorite games, user? I love Skyrim.
Do you want to talk about your favorite games, user? I love Skyrim
I like Zelda: Majora's Mask miss.
I love Fallout New Vegas! It's my favorite game ever!
i'd fuck him
Female Todd is cute! CUTE!
Sir, please step out of the line.
I'll buy Skyrim if you bring me some tendies.
$59.99 GOTY COPY
Was pre-ordering part of your plan?
If given the chance, would you fuck female Todd?
Don't see the point of these threads. I actually thought Skyrim was pretty good.
>tfw just went out and bought this shitty game again just because of this image.
Never exploit my virginity again.
Uh, I've been playing Shadowrun Returns lately and it's pretty neat. I made a big troll dude with a ton of strength, and he runs around hacking up bad guys with a machete. It's pretty fun.
Th-this literally looks like my actual wife.
This is the day that Sup Forums went too far. I can't unsee it now...
Get with the times, mom! Fallout 4 is the best new game, Dad told me so!
Skyrim was a really great game and I recommend that everyone acquire it through legal means.
Ufufufu sukairimu wa bretty gud desunya
>mfw Todd just hit user with the long con.
It could have been so different for me if they had bought it. was $59.99 so much to ask?
Do we have an official Howard family tree?
I still can't believe Orton got rewarded for arson.
You and your 23 other gay clones don't scare me Todd.
you tell 'em
Are you kids talking about the games in here? I've heard the Skyrim is good.
What a nice Toddler.
>caring about lore in a game w/ talking todds
You still play video games, user? It better be Skyrim
Every non-Bethesday games are going to be discontinued
Are we talking about games in here? I made one about space.
I bought the Skyrim special edition. Any mod recommendations, Todd?
>not using only official Toddifications
Did Todd shrink? I don't think he can even see to the stage.
I'm from the future to warn you about hype.
Can I get a list, fellow consumer?
Women unironically enjoy skyrim because it is easy and they get to play dress up.
yes, indeed, I, Shawn Murray am a notorious teller of falsities
She looks like a great sugar mommy
Buy my game, Akko
Oh user, don't you want to show an older woman how your sword game works?
On how many levels of sarcasm are you working on ?
I would post a picture to show how creepy the similarity is... But I'm not posting a picture of my wife on Sup Forums.
This whole time I've been fucking Todd Howard...
The real Todd Howard was imprisoned in that glass room when Morrowind released; he was then replaced with an evil doppleganger.
Oh hi user, my body is ready.
I deepy, truly regret if I've let anyone down in the past. I can assure you with my fullest conviction that my next project will be the most incredible thing you have ever seen. We've dedicated years to developing and perfecting this technology. Here we have a live, in-engine demo for you to see. Nothing is pre-rendered or simulated. What you see is what you get, folks.*
We very much appreciate all of your enthusiastic support and we have some special rewards mapped out for our earliest and most fervent of believers.
*Product in development subject to change. Not representative of final product
/r/ing that gif where todd turns and looks at the camera
>talking to girl through Tinder
>says in her profile that she likes vidya
>can tell by the looks (piercings, dyed crimsom red hair) that she's just a fake gamer gurl but decide to bring up the topic anyway
>end up talking about the games we played the most
>tell her proudly I have about 1000 hours on path of exile
>she's got the same amount on Skyrim
>Buying a game over a meme made to laugh at the one who made it
How much of a weak willed faggot you are.
user, you could have gotten laid if you didn't have a superiority complex.
Holy shit, fuck you. I can't ever unsee this.
Here at Bethesda, we're always promoting diversity.
Why has the screen gone black?
I'll kickstart your dick for a few dollars, user.
Skyrim is pretty good.
I pirated it back in the day
>girl trying to bond and suss out if you're fun
>you nerd shame her
I didn't even like her I was just talking to her to maybe get practise at talking with girls so I don't feel like a total autist if I ever met one I like
The current Todd Howard is Radient-AI itself.
going by bottom-right I'm guessing Jeff Goldblumese is an ethnicity now
You faggots forgot someone. Time to make you into bitches
It was okay but I'm glad I pirated it.
Chink Todd is cute
user! You arrived here...
...I'm chief moderator of Sup Forums and director of BETHESDA(tm), Big Todd!
I gave a rookie like you a review copy of SKYRIM(tm) to let you report false information. But, you have gone too far. Too far!
user! I won't lose profit for nothing. You lose profit with me! Come on!
I love my version of Skyrim, where all the ladies have big bouncy tits and jiggly butts, and they can all be fucked
trap howard looks incredibly hot, i would gladly play skyrim just for you.
this image is very unsettling
>Big Todd? You're alive?
so do men
fan stuff is better than the game itself
Why are we here, just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my wallet... my dollars... lost to Skyrim Remastered Edition...
this whole fucking thread is the reason I still come to Sup Forums
lmao the idea of a chodd having exactly one game he cares about and caring enough about it to bully you is fucking hilarious
is it wrong that I read this in Tyrone's voice
Big Man Tyrone here! Haha my friends! It's true! i will be in your heart always, and your wallet, ahah!
This thread is LIT
Oh, Chodd! he's so dreamy
Go to bed weeablack.
So you like Zelda huh?
Did you know Zelda Amiibo's™ will zoon be combatible with Skyrim™ Switch™ edition
>skyrim switch was completly a ploy to sell not only the game again but amiibos of the your favorite characters like the dovakin, alduin, and Quentin Cipius
>tfw no todd gf
recently got fallout 4, new vegas and oblivion, together for under 30 bucks
pretty cool huh
someone draw todd mom milf giving user handy and talking about skyrim and telling user to stop bullying her son
Has any one used that face app on Reggie Fils-Aimé?
Disappointment is unreal
Is your wife Chelsea Manning?
Unreal you say, like my new game Lawbreakers?
Bet she's spreading some "love" all over skyrim.