>final boss asks you to join them
>say yes
Final boss asks you to join them
>final boss is your dad
>offers you to reign the world by his side
>gives you your complementary succubus
>game over
>the last save point was like three hours ago
>accepts you
>get to watch your female party members get brutally raped
Breath of Fire IV thread then?
Best gorl
Also isn't fire emblem (the one where you have two families) basically this premise but with actually starting after you decide to be with the bad guys?
>ask final boss to join you
>says no
>since the final boss is a cute girl, you suck his blood and bind him powerless to your shadow, anyway
This girl really pulls this off right
Wish more games did that.
sounds like VN crap
Name 3 games that do this.
You desrve a kick in the balls.
>final boss is a cute girl
>marry her
No, it's actually a kickass game.
VN is only good for fap material
Of course, animated hentai is much better but VNs are the alternative since most with god tier fetishes don't get animated
>do questline that has you work for badguys
>badguy you work for asks you to join them at the end
>no dialogue choice that says yes
Isn't that the plot of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic an action RPG developed by notably not Japanese Arkane Studios?
I get it
He isn't saying that cause its a VN, he is saying it cause you think its a VN and don't know the game.
Well then, I was wrong
syke it was actually a VN dipshit
kill yourself
yeah the guy is either kidding or a dummy
>final boss is a cute girl
>animated hentai
But that shit is dumpster tier packed with reused animations and stock footage. It's always inferior to its source material.
Is it so bad to be wrong sometimes?
Nothing in my post even implied I'm 100% sure. You people need to chill the fuck down.
If the studio fucks it up yes, which I admit is most of the time.
But seeing something animated is still far better than skimming through badly written text and minor CG differences.
>asked if you want to save the world
>say no
>Game Over
It's current year user. Get with the times
Ignore the overreacting autist.
If by most of the time you mean literally 99 times out of 100 sure I guess.
>want to join the bad guys
>game wont let you
>forces you to resist and rebel against them
Im no bleeding heart you faggots, I want to be a member of the Syndicate/Empire/Corporate hit squad/evil alien invaders/Nazis for once.
>npc gives you two options, A or B
>choose B
>"i don't think that's a good idea"
>forced into picking option A
dragonquest does this so often why do they bother
Love stuff like that
>Choose B
>"Well okay, I'll stay here until you choose A!"
>final boss asks you to join them
>say yes
>get a game over
>final boss is the worst monogatari show
>you can just skip watching it during rewatches because it literally doesn't matter
But if you skip it you don't get tosee Karen. What's the point of monogatari if you don't watch the best girls arc?
>final boss asks you to join them
>say yes
>now you have to fight your friends that are decked out in the gear you gave them.
Fire Sisters are worst girls.
only watch shinobu and kaiki scenes in nise
>final boss offers to spare you
>say yes
>get dunked on
>final boss is you as a cute spooky girl and you save yourself from being eaten by a black ball of darkness
I can see why you don't like the fire sisters, but that is no reason to call them worse than Hanekawa.
What anime? Looks like one of the Monogatari ones.
>Final boss asks if you want to join him
>saying yes sends you back to an earlier stage
name that game, Sup Forums
>"do you want to save the world?"
>get slapped, "how about now?"
>get slapped, "how about now?"
>final boss offers you to join him
>deems you untrustworthy because you abandoned your friends and kills you
Murakami is literally the only good hentai animator left and thanks to fucking Pixy he can never work with Black Lilith again, so I doubt that will be for long
>you take over final boss friends until he has none left
>at some point you met him in the field while you're hanging around with his ex-friends
>You have 3000 troops fit for battle against their 400.
nothing feels better than ending warband game
this ougi is old and busted, ozen is the new hotness
Who's that slut?
>Post game boss is a cameo character from another game
>she joins you
She's uggo
aint that a kick
>choose B 100 times
>npc tells you to fuck off and the world is doomed
>join last boss
>otherworldy aliens swarm your world and you kill yourself because world is doomed
Radiata Stories was a shining diamond that everyone ignored.
Thanks shadowrun
I honestly didn't see that coming. I thought killing all dragons was a good idea myself.
>villains ask you to join them
>game doesn't let you
>just assumes you'll say no
Then don't fucking ask me.
Ozen shit
not OP, but I can say Streets of Rage.
>there are people who actually betrayed the best dad
>Have to choose between joining the villan or the good doctor
>Choose neither and kill them both, unlock third "secret" ending
>you accept the big bad
>then betray him and take his place
Streets of Rage was great.
What game does this?
Its from the second OP for Nisemonogatari
Neverwinter Nights 2
kind of related
>final boss doesn't offer you a place by his side, but the oppertunity to stand down and let him continue his plans
>but you have to die
>if you say yes he kills you and erects a statue of you
>Can't betray your friends and join the bad side
>Do so
>Fuck the bad guy over for ultimate profit
What games let me be a manipulative son of a bitch?
>bossfight is clearly morally ambiguous
>game lets you decide if you want to initiate or not
>can't actually walk away or decline the fight
>final boss asks you to join him
>say yes
>you merge with him and the last battle is against your former party
Games should do it more often.
what is jade empire
why would anyone say yes
It's more of a gimmick option that you take once just to see if it goes anywhere.
Your taste would be impeccable if not for your hate for Fire Sisters.
Ford Cruller was pure french fried awesome.
>Final Boss is (You)
>Game does this right at the beginning
>No save points yet
>Dumped to the title screen and have to repeat the intro
what game does this i need to know
>final mission of some rts
>enemy start rushing one minute from the beginning
>not using save states
Name 16 quadrillion games that do this.
>Final boss battle ends
>Dialogue, screen fades to black
>The final boss wasn't actually over
>Lose, try again
>"final" boss asks you to join them
>say yes
>he makes you fight some monsters until you change your mind
Custom Robo for gamecube
16 quadrillion japanese porn games
>he kills himself anyway
i just wanted to be your friend Zenos
drakengard 3?
>Game makes you join the bad guys
>The whole time it goes "NO THEY AREN'T BAD AT ALL TRUST ME!"
>Every time you say you don't trust them or want to help them they act like you're crazy
>They constantly do shady things that are obviously a set up
>Then they betray you
>"How could you do this!? I trusted you!"
Streets of Rage, step up son
>Boss asks if you want to lick their feet
>You say yes
>They step on you
source pls
This kinda reminds me of GUN