Shining thread

Does anyone here even remember the Shining series? Technically it's still alive but the last game was a PC only fighting game.

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Really? It's a big franchise in terms of amount games.

Shining Souls II on GBA was godly for an RPG, holy shit so much content. I wish modern games would emulate that shit.

>elements resists
>that leveling system
>those gears
>fucking enchanting gear
>secret passages/treasure

Oops meant PC port of a fighting game.
How's the first one?

Shining the Holy Ark is the best game.

speaking of the saturn I've been trying to use an emulator but so far nothing seem to work for getting the game to run

i think i played some random action rpg arcade game in akihabara that was part of the shining series. kinda like guantlet or something

i played the RPG games back on emulators. centaur guys and stuff. cool games

Just do it.


I played 1 and 2 in genesis. Good times, game was so good that i could stand the repetitive fucking music.


i picked up SF 1 and 2 a few months ago in a bag of sega tapes at my flea market

its too bad i can't use my CDX though because the power adapter for that thing is EXPENSIVE AS FUCK

shit compared to SS2

try looking through your local thrift stores/goodwill I've seen almost mint condition of whole consoles for sale for like 2025$

I've been interested in this for a while what's a good game to start with?
any in vita or psp?

Well there's Shining Hearts, Shining Blade, and Shining Ark, but they're not like the older games in the series. Shining itself goes across a wide range of genres, from dungeon crawler, to TRPG, to fighting, etc.
What is the genre you specifically want to play, or a general type of game you want? No racing or sports obviously.
Shining Force, the one in the OP, is a grid TRPG with extra RPG elements outside of combat such as towns and overworld maps.

yeah, but i like the CDX because its a fucking genesis and CD in one tiny box. also can double as a CD player if i have 6 AAs around

I wish they would get that hack cunt in charge of shining off the board and put somebody in charge who actually listens to people outside of fucking japan. I'm not even talking "OH BRING BACK FORCE". Nah, man. I mean bring back Shining as a whole since it used to cover a wide variety of RPG-ish genres. Force would just be one of the games that needs bringing back. If anything, simultaneously release 3 shining games: one tile-based SRPG, one action RPG that can be played with up to 4 (or more?) people simultaneously, and one adventure (or an adventure with minor RPG elements) game with both first-person and third-person segments. I know the latter was something Phantasy Star did more of, but goddamnit, Shining would be great to do this with as well, especially if you have both the medieval and the magic-tech of the Ancients.

Also, fire Tony Taka.

Wait wait, a fighting game?

Wow, my favorite genre really is dead. Do we really only have Nippon Ichi games and the occasional waifu emblem?

>No racing or sports obviously.
Damn, now I want a Shining game with these. Both have great potential based on both the different types of anthropomorphic tribes and classes found in the games.

Also, some independent games, but the quality of those are inconsistent.

Good starter is the one in the OP, Shining Force 1 (Genesis, although the GBA one wasn't awful). Decently accessible game. I love Shining in the Darkness but that's a /tg/ style game that requires heavy patience.
>dragonute player's vehicle only unlocks at the end of the game

i enjoyed exa and neo, despite it being an action rpg. it was the sequel to record of lodoss war i always wanted. i even shrugged it off initially since i was lookin for another tactical rpg.

Oops forgot it

>that chest

m8 he's still at it huh?

That's what he does user
They did have Shining Force Cross Exlesia in arcades for a while. It's not actually a Shining Force game but that's probably the one you meant.

lodoss had an MMO?

did it ever come to the west?

>Shining Force Cross Exlesia
yeah that was the one

it did, came out a few months ago. it's complete and utter shit tier though.

it's one of my favorite games ever.

Is that Hidari art? It's beautiful.
Same here user, my first RPG but still among my favorites. Wonderful melding of themes.

>that circus battle

One of my all time fav rpg's. I used to fall asleep to the elven theme from 2 when i was a kid.

Shining Force II was my shit
I used to play it in bed as a kid on my Sega Nomad when I was supposed to be sleeping

Post your face when that fucking cunt ass marionette Freeze 3's your anus for the very first time.

We all did.
Curious thing though, my next replay, I might actually use Vicars instead, since they get some pretty good rings and staff effects

Better version

Comfiest town theme ever right here

The soundtrack really made the game mesmerizing for me when i was a kid.

Have you tried any of the mods from sf central?

SF2 Milestone edition 12 man marathon is probably the best one out of them.


>tfw when Peter turns from a geeky bird into a glorious Phoenix

A great deal of the music was actually slightly redone versions of the music from Shining in the Darkness, the first Shining game (although chronologically it takes place way later, given that the son of Darksol and Mishaela appears).
One of the best bosses in the game. Loved that he was actually decently threatening and they decided to give him an endgame tier spell (since the Chaos Breaker can cast it) so close to the beginning.

>using Peter
fukin casul

I just realized when looking at it today that the Armed Skeleton is actually holding a minigun, and that's what his ranged attacks come out of. I always thought it was some little hole in the cybernetic parts.
It's also the same species as the Blackbone.

I love Shining Force 2. Played it to death as a kid.

The first game was pretty much my introduction to the SRPG genre, so I owe a lot to it. It feels hard to ever go back to though, even with nostalgia helping me. I just get bored with it too easily these days.

Shining Force was one of my first RPG's and is still one of my favorites.
I spilled more semen than you could ever imagine to Tao when I was growing up.

>tfw he's still fucking Peter though
Why was he such a douche?

>sugoi mizugi
Never found Anri's though.

what did he do that was so douchey? It's been like 18 years since I played SF2

I just used him because he could move really far every turn and he did a lot of damage and had a lot of health. Also it seemed like he was supposed to be one of the major characters

I might eventually though, some of those sound purdy gud.

All I know about this series is it had cute centaur girl units.

Nothing much, he was mostly just a smartass.
Pretty much an exposition critter as well, which was kinda annoying. Decent in a fight though, and no revival cost was solid.

That said, RIP based Lemon. I hope you eventually kicked Zeon in the cunt so hard he gave up.

Dawn is one of my faves. Fuck, I like a lot of Gaiden+FC characters.
This motherfucker right here, MVP every fight.

>picking Sheela over Karna or Sarah


it's a great series in general

>Technically it's still alive but the last game was a PC only fighting game.

Shining force feather?

Shining Force Feather was in 2009.
Blade Arcus from Shining was in 2014 with the PC port being from 2016. If we aren't counting ports, the newest Shining game is Shining Resonance, a PS3 title from 2014.

My nigger, I will always remember Shining Souls 2 for its great '90s anime' aesthetic. Pic related is still one of my favorite character designs ever despite the blatant edgelordery

I should really play SF2, 3 and G someday, SF1 still remains among my favorites, I have the Sega Smash Pack 2 disc with it on it still.
Domingo best unit.

best group

4 from Creed's
last spot is a toss up

Which game? I must remember this for when I play it.

Ah, the first time waifushit destroyed something I liked.

Golden Sun is the best thing to come out of the Shining series.

>Not Waluigi

>Sarah over Freyja
>Tyrin over Chaz
>Eric over Chester
>using Randolf
Last spot is BRGN Elric for me and i also use LUKE.

bird battles are shit, you are shit, hit the road pal and take a hike cause I ain't got no time for shitters

Play Feda on SNES if you want some more shinning force.

Usually its online and Blizzard's shitty crowd that kills games. waifushit revives it.

>mfw i could easily destroy your entire team with my 3rd most powerful birb

>not letting him fall to his death

shame really

>hating birbs


Fuck it all came rushing back.

I played it years later on Steam and I felt like I missed something wonderful in my youth. What a great game.