Your MBTI type

>your MBTI type
>your favorite vidya
For me, it's ISTP and Hotline Miami.

>Ace Attorney series
I don't really have a favorite though, but I enjoyed them a lot more than I should have

INFJ Warband or Stalker, can't decide

>New Vegas or Metal Gear Rising

>tfw too intelligent
>tfw INTP but mentally retarded

I shower everyday but I don't usually go outside

what's your favorite VIDEO GAME?

Ghost Trick

>so you're dying alone
breddy aggurade(((


>Really looking forward to Sonic Mania today

I wish more INFPs had better control over their emotions so we don't get portrayed as literally babbies.

I care, but I also don't care.

>always on the fence
>depending on when test was taken either get INTJ or ENTJ
>favorite vidya is Diablo 2 or FFT

Recently? SMT Strange Journey, I mean it was my first SMT game and I played it 4 months ago but I've been listening to the soundtrack everyday since.

Also what's the difference with A/T?

Fits really well in retrospect.


Also I've literally never cried about dead celebrities.


>favorite game Chrono Trigger

i shower everyday though if anything my roommates get mad because im in there to long.

I'm not smart at all either im definitely a fucking retarded

>tfw INTP but dumb as a rock

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

>definitely a fucking retarded

lol see what I mean

I like the STALKER games, heavily-modded Skyrim, and the original Battlefront. Can't pick a favourite game.

Shovel Knight

ISTP here and New Vegas too


Kingdom Hearts

>Fuck King of Shit Mountain
>those Teen Girl Squads

Props to whoever made this, I love it. I got the shitty artist a long time ago and got one of the green people the last time I took it; i'm retarded but also not social enough to major in BUSINESS, so it checks out.

Dark Souls. Any of them, really


WoW (pre-cata)

>Dragon's Dogma

>have INTJ friend
>he's always going on about Sup Forums / Sup Forums echochamber shit
>be INTP
>make up needlessly careful explanation of things all the time
this is probably accurate


>kirby super star

Wild Arms 3

Seeing as most of my friends are INTP you'd probably be into Space Engineers or Terraria or some other shit like that.

ISTP myself though. I'm not sure if I have favorites but I play mostly Crusader Kings 2 and Killing Floor.

goof troop

congrats for being objectively best personality in MBTI

>pic related

I can't choose a single favorite one so l'll choose one of my recent favs

>MBTI type
Fuck off with your horoscope tier pseudoscience


INFP and REmake

>DMC, 3>1>4

>Sonic 3&K


>so you're dying alone
im ok with this

INFP, Shadow of the Colosssus.

ENTP and favorite would be Fallout 1 or BG2
And come to think of it, I killed a bird when I was like 8 and didn't really feel bad about it.

Rename this in "Now go fuck your mother already.jpg"

intp. nocturne

>Calls Jung pseudoscience tier
>Posts Freud

Haha what a story, user.

Golden Sun

CS:GO and Dark Souls

>Guilty Gear Xrd

Crash Team Racing

INTP-T and Silent Hill 2 as most favorite, gta SA and Arkham series as most replayable. Also Isaac.

>misspelling the name of the unabomber

kurwa mać americans

>jet set radio
It's funny the op image has me down for "MY OWN CLONE", since I frequently think a female version of myself would be the best girlfriend.
She'd be as useless and fucked up as me and we'd have the same fetish.

Wasn't this whole theory shat on a few years ago? Thought it was Big 6 or somthing like that as the leading "Personality Test"

>Max Payne

Fuck you all, I'm allways right, and you are all dumb.

Now suck my dick

Intj and dmc4 probably.


I value my personal hygiene. But I am lazy, really fucking lazy. I don't have a single game that I like above all others. I wish I could just play vidya and be autistic about it. All while eating like shit, smoking, drinking and not gaining a pound or having a heart attack.

>teen girl squad
There was a new sbemail released yesterday on youtube


>Final Fantasy Tactics or New Vegas

>Resident Evil 4

>Don't think I have one. DotA is the one that I played for the longest time I guess. Prolly DotA for multiplayer and Age of Mythology or w/e for singleplayer.

>Dark Souls

Never considered myself intelligent though. Academic failure my entire life.

fuck me that's actually true

I have had too many crushes on ESFP. Good thing I have cut myself off to any sort of relationships.


Vagrant Story

What do you classify the kind of person who knows how to answer an MBTI test to get any combination of results?

>le radical centrist

>Dorf Fort/Starcraft 1 Multiplayer

Someone please kill me

You guys ready?

God Tier

Good Tier

Average Tier

Trash Tier

Hollow Knight


Send help

Xenoblade X


Monster Hunter series

>probably huge potential for intellectual achievement and success but lazy as absolute shit or has ADHD
>compensates for this insecurity with high skill-ceiling video games that bring no practical reward

That sucks, dude

Also, while Jung had quite a lot of good ideas just like Freud the classification of those types wasn't one of them

INFP and Cancer, love me some Dwarf Fortress.

>people actually believe in this pseudo intellectual hogwash

it's not pseudo science it's just iffy science

Victoria 2


what does it mean?

>Dota 2 and grand strategy games
makes sense

Paper Mario 64

>Can go several hours without being noticed
That actually hurt more than it should've.

It's about as scientifical as creationism

>Dragon Quest V

Let me skip all the bullshit and diagnose the personality type of everyone who participates in these threads:

I-it's a b-bullshit test anyway f-ffag!

Deus Ex

Played the shit out of Parappa when I was younger though

Having posted in this thread myself, I agree 100%.


anyway, don't get me wrong, i don't care for the mbti, i'm just correcting you based on the actuality of how the mbti is developed. it uses a survey, the results of which can be statistically analysed. this means it abides by the scientific method. however, the survey is not sound and the constructs it measures are not based on any other research, afaik. whether you like it or not, it is scientific, it's just poorly conducted.

Nick Cage is the most underrated actor in American Cinema

Terraria, minecraft, indie games generally.

Silent Hill 2

>The World Ends With You
I don't shower every day, but I always shower befroe I go outside. I don't like the idea of smelling like shit and having people notivce.

It changes every time I take the test. I've gotten ISFJ, ISTP, and now I just got ISTJ.

Favorite games would have to be Dark Souls 1 and Pokemon. Civ 5 is up there too.

I guess it must not be severe changes since I always end up with "I S _ _"

>Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri



Christ, that actually hit pretty close to home

Dota 2

I shower every day because I don't want my sheets to smell too bad since I sleep too long.

>Paper Mario: TTYD