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Fuck off, Duriel, I'm on my way to page 10.
No daddy! No!
thats a big chamber
>*kills you before the loading screen is finished*
>getting killed by anything
impossible. impossible. i can't use this yet.
>kill him ezpz
>this fucking happens
this guy as a minion based necromancer was horrible
Is there an OpenRCT equivalent for Diablo 2?
His dead body is impassible terrain
if you kill him right in from of the door he body blocks you can you can't go talk to the angel/complete act 2
The realization you now have to go back through arcane, tal rasha, and beat baal all over again because you killed him in the wrong location, and you weren't getting rushed or doing a farm run but actually just trying to clear the act...
>Act 2 as a minion based Necromancer was horrible
Fixed that for you.
Why does D2 manage to look much better than path of exile?
It has art design.
Prerendered Sprites vs low poly 3D
just grab a teleport neck like a non-retard, you retard
I think D2 looks better than any action-rpg ever made, still.
Doesn't always work if you play solo.
Can't reset the map unless you have access to another difficulty or are playing online.
Maggot Lair is fucking crap as well.
>Mfw faggot lair as summo necro
This is why you play this game with friends
Someone have link to maphack reveal?
I want to get back into Diablo 2
A better question is why D2 is much more FUN than path of exile?
just unsummon skeltals and let the spearman clear the place, doesn't take more than 5-10 min
It doesn't though.
It does though.
My brothers will not have died in vain
I feel like the camera in Path of Exile is too close and too high up.
D2 strikes the perfect isometric perspective.
>release game
>fuck everything up
>make up a story that makes absolutely zero sense
>design cartoony vilains
>bring back old characters for nostalgia and fail while doing it
>make adria cast a spell on a blackstone that she doesn't even exist in her dimension, and in fact, is not constructed at all
>dumb down mechanics because the game is for babies
>nerf game cause too hard for baby nephalums
>nerf what's left of mechanics because too good for nerfed content
>tell everyone rmah is what players wanted and you know it cause you made research
>remove rmah because it turns out to be failed experiment
>lose control over everything
>call the original creator who things right 10 years before a fucking loser
>get kicked out from the studio
>leave the gaming industry because you can't do shit with your reputation
>become a fantasy writer
I hope he has enough time to think about how much of an arrogant person he is.
I wonder what they will do with Diablo IV?
Do you think we will fight Diablo again? Despite the fact that he was supposed to be permanently defeated twice already?
it's beyond salvation
I hope they won't do it. Better give us D2 remastered
I've been hearing rumors about a Diablo 2 remaster, but I feel like there are too many sprites to make it worth it. There's not really a competitive scene for it anyway.
>Current writer, former game designer
Holy shit, how bad do you have to be to no longer work in the industry after working at fucking Blizzard?
That's some nice, clean painting on his 40k figures though
diablo 2 remaster WHEN
Fuck that loser.
Is Diablo 3 playable?
Don't think so but it has the best mod ever made for any game. Median. Newest release is Median 2017. He is making an even better version called Median Sigma.
they just did it for starcraft, why not diablo
besides, there will be something done with d2, the question is what and when
it is playable up to the point when you realise how the mechanics work. The game doesn't reward you, just throws random items at you with random stats, your builds don't matter because the whole dmg depends on your weapon damage, you don't get to put points into skills or attributes. Attributes are distributed by the game on every lvl up for you. Let's say, you want to build more dmg for your barb. You have to get high dmg weapon and hope all your items have +str attributes.
Art consistency.
D2 is authentic on everything it tried and that specific art style fits perfectly the amount of pixels the screen will display.
In path of exile the story is irrelevant, the art style is generic and its just a replacement for d2 gameplay because everything else its lacking.
To this day I cannot believe blizzard got away with Diablo 3. All those years it took to develop, and what we fucking got. A total disgrace.
I hated the way they brought back Adria and made her some stupid "just as planned" villain working for Diablo somehow.
Why would they think it was a good choice? lol
anyone wanna fire up Median XL 2017 with me?
Seems interesting. Sell me on it.
Haha ebin meme.
remember a while back when there was an annihilus mafia forcing diablo clone spawns with IRC channels or some bullshit, killing him and taking anni with their bots and then quickly crashing the server so nobody else could get an anni?
Look at the .doc.
Also, 2017 is even MORE expanded. They increased the areas of the game from 136 to 255. The game has dozens of "uberquests" and "uber bosses". However, before they used a new core, they were limited by the game's assets to 136. Not anymore.I think they are going to capitalize on this as time goes on.
Not only that, every skill tree for every class is completely revamped. Everything about the game is. It is a full conversion.
Here's the .doc I mentioned that is REQUIRED to know how to do the dozens of new quests (ubers, bosses, summon quests, level quests...)....There's also new enemy types (they literally just made their own), hundreds of new runewords...docs.median-xl.com
Why is he in the chamber and not the pit before it, isn't the door locked until you kill him?
Because Path of Exile isn't fun.
Path of Exile is basically all of the most autistic parts of D2 (skill trees, optimizing, etc.) cranked up to 1000000%.
Would totally play it but then I looked at the multiplayer list. Looks like most are based in US, eh? Could britbong still play with playable ping?
Oh absolutely. There's servers all over the world (last I checked). There was on in Germany and I think one in Britain.
You should get D2SE to easily swap between vanilla and the mod. It might be a pain to get things started, it might not.
Also, even if you play on the New Jersey (US) server, the ping should be fine. I got decent ping in Germany. I'm a burger.
Further, even if the ping is shitty, it doesn't really break or ruin anything. Kind of minor.
Thanks, I would try it out tomorrow. I've been itching to play D2 for a while anyway and new content sounds amazing.
>new content sounds amazing
Oh you have no idea...
My acc is repressed_urges (i know its fucking stupid). Feel free to add.
One last thing, this can run on cracked version of D2, right?
no, nobody remembers that because it wasn't important and you're autistic
Should be able to? The online is private, called The Sin War. Don't see why it wouldn't.
Also, confirmed. Tons of servers all over the US, Germany (Nuremberg, Frankfort), the Czech Republic, and even a couple in Singapore and brownpeopleland.
>mfw blood raven is the d1 rogue and the guy at the end of the arcane sanctuary is the sorcerer
It's nice that it took you less than 17 years to figure that out sempai
it took me even longer to realize alucard is dracula backwards
dunno why people want a d2 remaster, d2 is fine as it is and still fun, and nu-blizzard graphics will just be worse
>MFW Diablo RoS is better than all of D2.
I lied by the way. Not Singapore. Vietnam.
And one in Canada.
>In path of exile the story is irrelevant
PoE has a pretty nice story though, or maybe you'd call it history.