Do you think Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has been effectively memed to death?

Do you think Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite has been effectively memed to death?

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Are you stupid?

Of course not. A ton of people shitting on it now are going to buy it just like every other time. The real test is if it survives DBFZ which it almost certainly will, unless it's just objectively bad

The second I saw how it looked, I immediately lost interest. Then the roster leak happened, and then the absolute garbage voices in the constant trailers and reveals really killed any sort of interest

in its current state it just makes me sad.
but i'll get it anyway.

Oh no, how will [MULTIPLAYER GAME A] survive when [MULTIPLAYER GAME B] comes out 8 months after [MULTIPLAYER GAME A] came out?

I think Capcom fanboys like Maximilian are actually worried that the game might flop. Dude makes like a new vid every week saying why he's still hopefull for the game despite its flaws. I don't think he's a shill, but it does kinda feels like he's pushing the idea that MvC:I will still be a good game despite the lack of polish onto his viewers.

>just like every other time

UMvC3 sold a whopping 1.2m.

I assume OP is talking about the tournament scene, since most fighting games don't have thriving online months after release anyway.

I think Capcom players are certainly doing that, yeah.

I was talking about overall sales. Every video I've seen about has people shitting on it in the comments. I just wondering if all the hate will actually damage sales or not.

no, being an ugly rehash with no x-men killed it

>"Your favorite characters are just functions"

I'm still going to buy it, but that might be one of the worst PR lines of all time, especially since it's a crossover game. Like defending Xbone always online by saying everyone has access to the internet at all times, forever.

Max has individual opinions rather than brainless tribalism as most communities have.

Its pretty simple:

Cons: Disgusting artstyle, smaller cast, and particularly the loss of Xmen and Fantastic Four characters (Esp: Magneto and DOOM)

Pro: New mechanic that allows you to switch characters during combo stun and ultimates, allowing all 4 characters to actively be doing stuff at once.

>Day one on disc DLC for a game where 85% of the roster is recycled from previous game but with worse graphics, music, and voice acting

>2 of the new characters (gamora / Capt Marvel) are just frankensteined from missing chracters

>Broken infinite storms and surges.

Nothing can save this game. Not even free DLC and Gene from God Hand + X-men

Thanks doc


I'll get this on the ps4, but Why is this not on the switch? I mean, the switch doesn't have a current gen 2d fighter and judging how usf2 surpassed capcom's expections, it would make sense for capcom to put it on the switch.

>Third party support that isnt 2+ year old games
pick one.

The game's biggest issue is literally the functions meme. The game revolves around stones and tagging, from what I've played of it it barely feels like your character choice matters. You pick a stone and pick characters to use it, and abuse the tag function. Damage seems similar for most characters, playstyle is dictated by your stone, game feels very loose and not in a good way.

I still can't believe that Gene isn't in it.

But that's just from how early it is. After the game drops and people actually put time in, then the characters' personalities will actually come out.

Why would he be, SFV already flopped.

Why? It was clear from the first few bits of information about this game it was going to be 90% reused assets.

>don't even have 2d box art

Just how low is this budget bros?

Its hard when you love something for so long and it starts to turn for the worst.

Max obviously has a deep love for Capcom fighters, especially the VS series but I can respect him because he's not a shill. He is just a dedicated fan who, like most fans, is hoping for the best.

Aside from that, I'll be waiting for a price drop or the "ultimate" version of it because I'm not paying 70 bucks for an incomplete package.

DBZ and the new BB are picking up the slack and I feel Capcom needs this kick in the ass.
Reminder that Pokken out sold street fighter 5 for quite a while, and that injustice 2 is doing really well.
I wouldn't be suprised if we see a similar pattern with the new marvel once DBZ comes out. Not so much BBxTB since that has a niche audience but RWBY fans may eat it up and more games may be added, who knows.

I personally am looking forward to DBZ the most but I'm worried we won't get English voice overs for it. And I find a majority of the Japanese VAs to be very grating, especially goku.

The game plan for literally every character is to spam stones until you land a hit, combo, and in between use your tagging as efficiently as possible. There's probably going to be some overpowered tags that make all other characters unviable. I've played Spidey, Haggar, Ultron, X, Thanos, Morrigan, Arthur and Nova and every single one of them felt the same except Thanos.

It unironically has more depth than Homogenous Fighterz so far and more combo potential. Even the recent vids of the 128 combo featuring Goku is the same shit we've always abc-to wall bounce- to dragon rush to abc ending in a super that we've always seen. We better hope that DBFZ gets some depth in the new build otherwise people are going to jump shit once the honeymoon phase of a DBZ fighter is over.

> was going to be 90% reused assets.
>chun-li abomination.png
the game would be much prettier if this were true

must be why the vast majority of the capcom side are straight ripped out of MvC3, same animations and all.

>plays like Spider-man
You know how I know you're lying? The game has plenty of faults, you don''t need to make up bullshit.

Shitposting and Capcom's attempts at repeated pr suicide don't help it, but it's probably gonna do alright. Casuals/Marvel fans probably don't care or even take notice of the shitposting anyway.

Played it at a tournament a few days ago and split about it. Lot of stuff doesn't have a good feel to it and feels a bit janky, but I'm not used to Marvel movement so there's that. Also the character portraits look even worse than I expected, but the game looks decent in motion.
A lot of characters have really interesting options/concepts though, I think there's going to be a lot of crazy tech. Might even be a bit too crazy, but we'll see how it turns out.

The roster is terrible, the music has lost all of its personality, the graphics are KOF 14 tier bad, and the microtransactions are bullshit... but the game is really fun.

I am planning on buying it after reviews come out to see if it has content when it releases. I bought SFV on launch day and sold it 3 days after. The amount of single player content killed it for me. If MvC:I has plenty of single player content and the online netcode is good then I will get it around October. If it does not then I am just wait for DBFZ.

Also these toys are cancer.

They have also mentioned a day 1 graphics patch, so I'm cautiously optimistic about what that will do for the game.

Arthur doesn't want to play like MvC anymore. He wants to get a combo. Projectile spam is dead as fuck with stones to go around it. Hawkeye looked to want the same.

>I haven't played the game but will make my own opinion anyway

If you're going to reuse assets then at least have the decency to reuse all of them and not hide a bunch of shit behind an extra paywall. Can't wait til we see all the panther barrage, panther x, drill panther, etc. memes

Arthur could already do combos in 3 holmes. And if you want projectile spamming, then check out what Zero can do now. ;)
Again, wait for it to come out to see how characters actually play. Day -60 tech will get improved upon and playstyles will get varied.

I'm looking forward to the game but they kind of let themselves get memed to death with the stuff they pulled off, don't you think?

Why couldn't they put Nero in the game instead of Dante?

I doubt the game will have any meaningful single player content. That e3 story demo was mediocre and cringe worthy as hell. The promotional video for sponsers that leaked a couple of days ago shows that Capcom is going to try and push esports day fucking one.

True. If the game has zero single player content then I'm just gonna buy UMvC3 and Skullgirls with the money I would of spent on it. Capcom seems to be pushing esports a lot lately but they need to remember that not everyone is into that shit and that they just want to play people online.

How would you feel if MvC:I ends uo having a rootkit or something worse on it.

Arthur never wanted to close the gap, retard. The entire game is tag combos and tagging out mid hit with stone spam. Arthur will never want to zone, he'll want to get mid range and punish you trying to come in on him, at least that's how he felt to me.

>seriously defending this shit
I can tell you've never played it because just 10 minutes would tell you what I'm telling. Characters may have different combos but they'll all be doing similar damage unless unintentional broken shit gets discovered that does 100% and the opponent has no tag out option. Every game will feel the same, they may look different to a retard but playing it feels boring as fuck. I know I'm not alone because the lines to play it were way smaller than UMvC3's years ago and nobody stuck around to play more, they did one game and left.

I don't like Marvel's roster.

They would have to make him from scratch instead of recycling MvC3 Dante again. Capcom is the king of cutting corners and DLC for fighting games on day 0.

>playstation-exclusive content is a costume for fucking carol
well they certainly know their audience

>promotional video for sponsers that leaked
That video was awful and does not bode well if 5 is to go by
That fact that anyone that was not a pro player still stuck with 5 after that is baffling

>If the game has zero single player content then I'm just gonna buy UMvC3
So you are going to buy another game with almost zero single player content?

The beauty of team games are characters can play how you want with assists. Arthur can open people up with instant overhead S or zone all day. Just depends on the other characters.
You are still just talking about how little you have played of a game that hasn't even dropped yet. Characters will get fleshed out in how to approach neutral. I get you want to be mad and want everyone else to be mad, but relax dawg. If you don't see styles evolving a month after release then start talking.

It sucks that marvel won't let Capcom delay it to give it more time in the oven.

>all these people saying yeah this is shit but I'm gonna get it anyway

People started calling capcom fans Capcbros for a reason.

i think Capcom is using this as a beta test of sorts. it's coming out too late in the year to get incorporated into the CPT, so they get a few months of real testing and seeing if anything needs serious adjusting. don't know why they aren't doing an actual beta test for it like SFV got, but probably since they aren't handling the netcode in the same vein, then they feel like skipping it.

You do realize there are no assists, right? Do you even know how the tag function works? It's a button that let's you swap whenever you want, and you're going to use it to extend combos and spend bars to bring your second character in while your first is being comboed. The only synergy you will have is stone abuse and potential broken damage or tag setups. Like how fucking retarded are you, it's clear you've never touched the game. There isn't even an S on this game's button layout. Are Capcom shills real?

>A ton of people shitting on it now are going to buy it just like every other time.
People had more hope for SFV and look how that turned out? The game bombed. Infinite is seen as a joke. It's going to flop too.

But you only get one chance to impress people.

Sounds like your typical capcom release.


They weren't in MvC3 but it's not like Venom and Thanos are new to the series either. 9 new characters.

Capcbro sounds like such a stupid forced term. I refuse to believe you couldn't do better.

There's a good chance. It looks like shit, in a year where two great looking fighters and one decent looking one just launched. The MCU's success hasn't even translated to the comics, and marketing had been sparse. No X-Men is a big problem, and the Capcom side is weak as fuck. The story mode was laughable in the demo, and that's seemingly the only real single player content.

The gameplay impressions are split, but even if it turns out great I don't see that saving it. For a game with so little shelf appeal it would need to have the best gameplay of all time.

>can't even tell when people are talking about 3
Like I get it, people are looking forward to this game and that upsets you, but calm down.
Arthur can still do either in MvCi as well especially with how well he takes advantage of dud jumps. There's a decent chance that zoning will only apply to get close pressure offense started, but that likely depends on team make up. Again, wait for the game to actually drop.

Yeah I don't know what he means, I see capcbro used more often.

>No Phoenix Wright
that was my favorite character play as

Filter, dummies.

Okay that figures. I could have sworn I saw people saying cuckoo not too long ago, but now it's filtered to cuck.

Surprised it took so long though.

>capcbro is filtered
>cuck isn't
Now I look even more stupid.

A little disingenuous there, friendo. MvC 3 vanilla sold 2.4 million total plus the 1.2 million for UMvC3. Also not counting Vita and Steam sales. Pribably closer to 4-5 million. Good, not earth shattering.

You have to be pretending to be a shill. You're just ignoring what I'm saying from my experience without bringing anything other than saying I'm making shit up, then when you're proven wrong you switch the subject. I bet I've played more MvC3 than you as well. This game is lazy shit and feels untested, I bet within a few days a broken discovery is made and the game dies, and everyone who makes the mistake of buying it feels what I felt trying it out and drops it in under a month.

pure delusion

All you have done is complain about a lack of character diversity in a game that isn't even out. You're right that I've only played the demo, so you have probably touched this game more than me. However, you are crazy to think that characters will not be developed beyond how little you have played them. But here you go, please tell me that characters can't zone:

Here's a doc concerning the latest build if anyone wants to look. Covers system mechanics and a decent number of the roster.