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>Nintendo isn't making them in limited quantities

wendy's starting the ebin twitter roast thing was the worst mistake to ever grace this planet

here we gooooo

Fuck off retard. Companies had been shooting shit with users for half a decade at least. Did you not see the nutragrain anime thing?


why is he wearing a dress

clifford btfo

I find it refreshing.

>nutragrain anime thing
Inquiring man needs to know
Explain further

i don't think he's even online right now my man you may have wasted your pic

GS can't do it right and just make the company look even more evil and dickish.

>"I don't like this thing Gamestop"
>"Heh shut the fuck up you faggot retard"

To hide all his guns

>not liking corporate entities having an actual human face for once
I hope this shit spreads company wide so corporate culture starts cooling down a little.

>actual human face

lmao look at this loser

I hope the guy running gamestop social media gets fired.

desu good on gamestop, Guys like Clifford who overreact about shit and than don't have the basic understanding about how company logistics work should be mocked.

>falling for the "we are like you so buy our shit!" marketing

>go to Gamestop around 2010-ish
>employee gets call from customer asking how much they give for Madden 09 and CoD:WAW
>employee laughs his ass off and says they give those out for free now

That's not how that went down at all.

>I know a lot of you don't like this thing, but here is the reason
>Fuck you gamestop, I hate you and your reason is a lie. Greedy fucks
>No fuck you retard, if we could do the thing well we would actually make more money. Your rant makes zero sense

Sure they're dicks but Clifford absolutely had it coming.

It only works if the company was previously seen in a fairly neutral or positive light by the general public or its customers, because then it just humanizes the company a bit. It doesn't work for a shitty company like GS that everyone hates.

t. Clifford

Go away, Clifford.

why's that, nerd?

Becauase he's actually two smaller children.

Was this supposed to be funny?

the company nutragrain had this little japanese style cartoon going for a bit.

It's the closest thing to a kimono he has.

>pre-order a arcade stick off amazon fucking months ago
>comes out today
>oh wait, ha ha! you thought you preordered it?! we gave your stick to another person, its now backordered for fucking months, fuck you!

fucking amazon.


Did you complain?

This guy is an asshole. I hope they cleaned that shit up.

fuck yes i did, pissed me off so bad and rep was trying to give me some bullshit how it was my fault for them not fulfilling the fucking order i placed months ago

Call their corporate number, raise hell, get free shit.

Nintendo fans lol

I remember when the 360 had just come out and my parents made me ask a GameStop employee if the 360 games worked on the original Xbox because they didn't believe me they didn't.

"Hah that's the stupidest question I've heard, no they don't."

"He said they don't."

Fucking GameStop. ;_;

t. Ronald

Hell, do a repeat of Ocean Marketing if you have to. Companies don't give a shit if one or two people get mad but they're terrified if it gets big on social media.


>twitter was the worst mistake to ever grace this planet


The nutragrain twitter account would photoshop it's bar onto animu pictures. To make it seem like the gril would holding it or eating it.

Are Switches still hard to get a hold of? I got mine ages ago.

I can't even imagine how retarded you'd have to be to shop at Gamestop/EB.

no i just gave the rep a terrible review, cancelled my order, and ordered it off newegg instead, cost extra having to pay for shipping and still feel swindled but atleast ill get the damn thing i wanted in a couple days

I just walked into a store and bought it, although to be fair I live in New Zealand and the chances of anything video game related here being sold out immediately are pretty low.

I'm fine with PR people throwing shade occasionally.

>there is people who still bother with physical copies

If you have any questions about Amazon let me know. I used to with them


>being proud of buying something you don't even actually own

Fucking destroyed how will Clifford ever recover.

is there a list of all MD5s for pepe images? asking for a friend

>Gamestop will never sell Battletoads

i actually like these bars, not every day because they are dry as shit, but with some fruit pieces on them like tomatos.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Fuck off Clifford

I essentially lived off those for a few months last year

Clifford just got sent to the shadow realm

You must have shat literal bricks once in a while didn't you?

>Nintendo does artificial scarcity
>But not Gamestop, that would be stupid

Literally leave this board and kill yourself you cancerous faggot.

Gamestop is ran by some serious jew power.
They charge high, but buy low.
Thus is the way of the E-jew

yeah it wasn't fun

>it's another 'social media intern writes some snarky bullshit then shills it on Sup Forums in hopes his boss will promote him' episode

Following in Wendys footsteps, huh?


Despite the memes, did you know it's actually pretty fun and very challenging?

Rare replay got you covered
You shits need to get more creative with your prank calls
Shout out to the dude who did shout outs and social media shilling for a whole 10 minutes the one day though, honestly impressed you didn't get bored or run out of shit to say

Why did you not learn to cook and just make some rice/bean/veggies.

T. Clifford.

Yeah man, I used an emulator.
It's just not the same as a good ol Nintendo controller though


>go into gamestop
>automatic door is very wide, opens vertically and extremely fast
>be confused for a second then pick out my game
>van drives in, the door opens for it with no damage
>driver yells allahu ackbar and stabs a few people before driving off
>finish purchasing my game and go home
>start up game
>it's in french
Fucking Gamestop

>a store that lives from buying and sellings buy at low price and sells at an average price

Geez user have you never played a game where the MC buys stuff from one city or a random NPC and then sells it for a higher one?

Having a disc doesn't give you licensing rights moron

>mfw my town's gamestop has this as one of the reviews that shows when you google it


>yanks can't handle the banter
Fuck off ya cunt.

Fucking spaghetti. lol

Videogame nerds have got a real thing about hygiene.

lmao i dont actually play video games you retard i just like to meme about them

>buy game from PSN
>can't sell it ever
>buy game from xbox store
>can't sell it ever
>buy game from steam store
>can't sell it after 2 hours
How's owning your game working for you faggot

>the absolute state of clifford

You think he took that picture you stupid fuck?

>faceless corporations hires minimum wage teenagers to manipulate other teenagers into buying their products

>tfw never traded a single thing into Gamestop
>tfw family account once net me Xenoblade for $20
>tfw nobody orders from my store so I can always get my LEs without issue Day 1
>tfw they always got some rare hidden gem shit shoved in their PS3/360/Wii section severely underpriced
Gamestop's pretty alright for a scumbag Jew company, I might actuallly miss them when they innevitably bankrupt themselves. Amazon's alright, but I don't like not being able to use Paypal and I'm not keen to the monthly service fee for Prime when I don't really buy a lot of stuff in the first place.


>Trying to buy Dawn of War when it first came out
>go to Gamestop to find it
>they don't have it
>ask person at desk
>"we'll have it in next week."
>wait a week
>go back in
>the gamestop got robbed
>Start looking for clues
>Find the Cashier's ID
>it's a fake
>all signs point at the cashier
>look around for DoW a bit
>finally find one
>open it and look for the CD key
>there isn't one
>go into a rampage and start hunting down the cashier
>run into the road
>get hit by a car
>end up in the hospital
>guy in the bed next to me tells me to give up on my dreams
>I do

Depression does that to ya.
>tfw 3 weeks without showering or wiping after peeing or using deodorant or changing undies

Get an anime girlfriend and start showering to stay clean for her.

>Jam a hundred fat people into a poorly ventilated room in the middle of summer for 12 hours
>Wonder why it stinks in there

Mysteries of the world.

>wiping after peeing

>tfw applied to Gamestop
G..guys did I make a bad decision? I just need something to occupy my time.

Are you actually retarded? Retailers won't do artificial scarcity when the product in question are also being sold in a bunch of other stores. Unlike Nintendo, they only profit from the Switch units sold from their own store. If it becomes unavailable there, people will simply buy it elsewhere if they can find it. Gamestop wouldn't benifit from this "strategy" in the slightest. Try to think for half a second before you vomit shit next time.

I'm starting to think that all stereotypes exist for a good reason

>wiping after peeing

Girl or post-op trans?

>wiping after peeing
What did she mean by this?

No, it's just that some people fail to understand that when you play something like a fighting game for a long time, you WILL SWEAT. It's going to happen.

Shut up Clifford